super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 306 Stop violence with violence!

Chapter 306 Stop violence with violence!

"I want you all to die!" Chen Zheng said between his teeth, and then rushed towards the two African blacks with a swipe. His speed was very fast, and he had already reached the two African blacks with a swipe. In front of him, he stretched out his hand and pinched the necks of the two black Africans alive.

The faces of the two black Africans changed greatly, and it was only at this moment that they realized Chen Zheng in front of them.

Just now Chen Zheng was standing beside the river bank, the distance was very far, and the African blacks couldn't see clearly, but Chen Zhengyi came up very fast, almost in front of him in a flash, so the two African blacks had no way of noticing Chen Zheng's appearance .

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, pinching the necks of the two black Africans and hanging them alive.

The faces of the two black Africans changed drastically, and they raised their thighs and kicked Chen Zheng.

To be honest, the two African black cows are tall and big, with strong explosive power, but in terms of speed, in Chen Zheng's eyes, they are undoubtedly as slow as a snail. , Such a collision completely knocked the minds of the two African blacks into a dizzy state. As soon as Chen Zheng let go, the two African blacks fell heavily to the ground.


The girl ran forward, stumbled and fell to the ground. She turned her head and looked at Chen Zheng and the two African blacks in horror.

Hearing the girl's cry of pain, Chen Zheng raised his foot and stomped hard on the waists of the two African blacks. This kick completely kicked the two of them so that they could no longer get up again. The two African black faces were angry, and they yelled at Chen Zheng, cursing some incomprehensible African languages.

But Chen Zheng said something.

When the two black Africans heard Chen Zheng's words, their faces changed drastically: "Fuck, do you mother tongue..."

Chen Zheng ruthlessly kicked the African black's crotch on the left, and just one kick made the African black scream like a pig. This kick completely disabled the African black. A blood-red, thick yellow, and pale liquid flowed out from the corner of Africa Black's trousers. Africa Black hugged his crotch and fell to the ground struggling in pain.And the African black man next to him saw Chen Zheng being so cruel, his expression changed, and he said in blunt Chinese: "Brother...don't hit me...the you..."

Chen Zheng stepped on the African black's crotch fiercely with one foot, and kicked the African black boy to death. Such a blow took [-]% of Chen Zheng's strength, even if it was a diamond, it would explode. Not to mention African Black's younger brother, African Black fell to the ground, struggling in pain, his eyes full of horror.


Chen Zheng snorted coldly, raised his leg and stomped hard on Africa Hei's thigh, breaking the opponent's thigh with a snap, causing Africa Hei to fall to the ground in pain, struggling continuously, screaming There was a burst of screams of slaughtering pigs.

"Are you in great pain? Then, I will send you to the west!"

Chen Zheng slammed down his fist, and with a muffled bang, this fist hit the African Hei's chest, shattering the opponent's heart alive, and African Hei's pitch-black face emerged. With a pale expression, the pair of bull's-eye eyes first expanded rapidly, then the pupils kept diverging, and finally lost focus and became messy. When the last breath was exhausted, the African black died in pain.


The girl behind her was pale and stepped back firmly.


The remaining black African screamed in pain and kept crawling back, screaming desperately.

Chen Zheng walked up, stepped on the African black's thigh fiercely, and broke his thigh with just one blow. He pinched the African black's arm with his backhand, With a forceful pull, there was a crisp bone cracking sound, and the African black's arm was snapped alive.


Africa Hei took out a pistol from the ground and shot at Chen Zheng desperately.

boom! boom! boom!
There were bursts of gunshots, and Chen Zheng quickly dodged away, then squeezed the wrench, crushed African Hei's wrist, took the pistol from the opponent's hand, and shot African Hei in the head, with a bang , This shot knocked the African black alive.


The girl behind her was pale and screamed desperately.

Chen Zheng walked up, pressed the girl's shoulder tightly, and said, "Stay here for me, don't go anywhere!"

The girl was panicked just now, but after hearing Chen Zheng's words, she quickly calmed down and sat there blankly.

"very good……"

Chen Zheng smiled, his figure flashed, and he fled towards the inside of the cruise ship. He began a brutal killing. Anyone in the warehouse and cabin, no matter if they were black Africans or Chinese, as long as they were perpetrators, they would all die!Chen Zheng's shots were very ruthless, there was almost no leeway, and he killed the opponent with a single blow. Whether it was a hand tear or a headshot, every blow was so ruthless.

Soon, [-]% to [-]% of the people on the cruise ship died.

And in a VIP room.

On a huge screen, there was a very exciting video. I saw a Chinese man and an African man each hugging a Chinese woman in a male competition. The Chinese man laughed: "Jack, I The Chinese women I provided for you are getting younger and younger. They are very sought-after here. There are 3000 million more Chinese men than women, but I gave them to you. Tell me yourself, should you mention it? price increase?"

The African man laughed loudly: "Boss Wu, of course we have to raise the price, and an extra $[-] will be added for a woman!"

"That's good!" the Huaxia man smiled.

When the video played here, it stopped suddenly. In the room, an African man stood up from the embrace of two Chinese sisters. He was the one who stopped the video. He was the African man in the video. It's Jack, the captain of the ship.

Jack clearly heard the sound of fighting from outside. He glanced back at the two Huaxia sisters, stretched out his hand and slapped the two women's buttocks fiercely, then took out his pistol and walked outside, but when he just opened the door , I saw a man come in, a fist hit Jack's head heavily, and Jack was shot in the head with one blow.

He is none other than Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng killed the last captain. Looking at the video on the screen, a murderous look flashed in his eyes. The Chinese man in the video was none other than Wu Guanxi!

B hoo!
B hoo!
B hoo!
A burst of sirens sounded, and more than a dozen police cars drove into the hill.And Chen Zheng heard the alarm, and then went out, saw a middle-aged man jumped out of the police car, and said directly: "Hello, I am Suning from the Criminal Police Brigade of Tianhe District. Groups of populations, is that so?"

Chen Zheng frowned, "Where's Xia Xue?"

"She didn't come today, she asked me to come on purpose..."


(End of this chapter)

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