super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 320 I Already Have Someone Else

Chapter 320 I Already Have Someone Else
"Oh? So Wu Guanxi forced Pan Junjun to put pressure on Jin Zhongyuan, and then demoted my wife?" Chen Zheng asked.

"Exactly!" Tiangong nodded.

"Are you with Pan Junjun?" Chen Zheng asked.

"Exactly, he's in the hotel, and I'm watching him!"

"Send me your address." Chen Zheng said, then hung up the phone and looked towards Wu Guan downstairs.

Wu Guanwang knelt there on one foot, raised his head, and took out a rose in his hand as if playing tricks, and said sincerely: "Xu Ying, I really love you, please, give me a chance, let me Love you well."

The whole girls' dormitory building fell silent, everyone looked at Xu Ying and Wu Guanwang.

Xu Ying stood there with a very calm face. She began to look for something in the crowd. Suddenly, she saw Chen Zheng. She nodded, and her eyes became firmer. When she looked at Wu Guanwang again, she said : "I'm sorry, Wu Guanwang, you are a good person, but I already have someone else!"


The whole dormitory building was boiling, and all the nympho looked at Xu Ying with hatred: "Is she stupid? The male god of the School of Economics and Management, she refused like this? Wu Guanwang is rich and handsome. , talented, talented, and he is the son of Shanda Group, if anyone becomes his girlfriend, she will definitely fly on a branch and become a phoenix!"

"Xu Ying is stupid, such a good male god, she refused!"


Everyone let out a burst of emotion.

Seeing Xu Ying glanced affectionately at Chen Zheng in the crowd, her gaze became firmer, and she said, "Wu Guanwang, you are a good person, but you are not suitable for me. I already have someone else. Go back, and I want to go back too." rest!"

Said a word, and then left without leaving any room.

Only a group of nympho critics were left there, and Wu Guanwang knelt there, staring blankly.

Chen Zheng glanced at Wu Guanwang, shrugged his shoulders, then jumped into the car and drove towards Tianlong Hotel, ready to see Pan Junjun.The BMW drove forward at a steady pace, and half an hour later, it arrived at the Tianlong Hotel.When the car stopped, Tian Gong came out from the nearby KFC and said to Chen Zheng, "Master, Pan Junjun is still in the hotel."


Chen Zheng nodded, and walked in with Tiangong. In the hotel restaurant on the second floor, an old man was sitting in the couple booth. This old man was tall and ruddy, and it was none other than Pan Junjun, Jin Zhongyuan's boss. .

Chen Zheng and Tian Gong walked in and sat in the corner.

Tiangong said: "I'm really surprised, what is this old man doing here? He's been sitting here since nine o'clock, Master, why don't we go up and talk to him?"

However, Chen Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you'll know what's going on in a while. An old man, he hasn't come home so late. Needless to say, he probably came to play with women!"

Then, Chen Zheng ordered two steaks.

After eating for a while, I saw a beautifully dressed woman walk in, came directly to Pan Junjun, and sat down.

Tian Gong moved: "Master, you are right. This old man is in a high position. He hasn't gone back to rest at such a late hour. He really wants to find a woman!"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Master, do you want me to go up and expose him?" Tian Gong asked.

Chen Zheng shook his head: "No need, we wait for them to start and just shoot it. This is a good handle!"

Tiangong's eyes lit up: "Master, you really are the one who thinks well! As long as you have Pan Junjun's handle, you won't be afraid of him messing around!"

"Stinky bastard, it's been so long since you came here? Do you know you want to kill me?" Pan Junjun cursed, then winked, the two walked out of the restaurant on the second floor, walked into the elevator, went straight to the eighth floor, walked After entering a wing room and closing the door, Pan Junjun hugged the woman and cursed: "You stinky bastard, you miss me!"

"Why do you miss me?" The woman pretended to be innocent.

"Because you look exactly like my granddaughter!" Pan Junjun cursed, stretched out his hand, and pinched the woman's nipples.

The woman giggled, and then called out very respectfully: "Grandpa, take it easy..."

When Pan Junjun heard this, he became so animalistic that he threw the woman on the bed, jumped on her, and scolded, "I'll kill you today!"

"Grandpa, don't..." The woman said respectfully: "If Dad finds out that you are messing with me, he will kill me. I don't want to mess up family ethics!"

"Ha ha……"

Pan Junjun laughed, rushed forward, pressed the woman under him, and then started to do it, but he didn't notice that outside the window, a man was flying in mid-air, holding a camera in his hand, and took pictures of everything in the room .

It was Chen Zheng.

Hearing Pan Junjun and the woman calling each other grandpa and granddaughter, Chen Zheng wanted to throw up, and cursed: "Pervert!"

"Who?" Pan Junjun was startled suddenly, looked up, but saw nothing, he stopped, rubbed his sore temples, but the woman in his arms was not happy, and continued to provoke Pan Junjun, while Pan Junjun was He wanted to turn over, but the phone rang. He saw that it was Wu Guanxi calling.

He quickly stopped the woman, and then answered the phone seriously.

Wu Guanxi's voice sounded: "Old Pan, you can't do it. Didn't I tell you to put pressure on Xia Xue to demote her? Why is she even more arrogant? Now she comes to me to arrest me by name!"

Pan Junjun frowned: "She really ran to catch you?"

"That's right, if my dad hadn't come forward, I would have been caught long ago! Damn it, didn't I tell you to kill her?"

"Don't worry, I was lenient with her before, and I will kill her when I go back, and I will definitely make her unable to turn around!" Pan Junjun said fiercely.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news!"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Guanxi said something, and then hung up the phone.

And Pan Junjun put down the phone, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes: "Xia Xue, you three-eighth, you really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

Chen Zheng outside the window smiled coldly, he performed the flying technique, landed, and saw Tian Gong walking out: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Everything has been done, let's go back." Chen Zheng said, then jumped into the car with Tiangong and drove towards the Science City. Pan Junjun and the woman were called grandpa and granddaughter, so he couldn't help cursing: "This kind of rubbish is really a moth!"

Chen Zhenggang wanted to say something, but at this moment, the phone rang hastily, and it was from Xu Ying.

As soon as Chen Zheng answered the phone, Xu Ying's panicked voice sounded: "Brother Chen, where are you? I'm in trouble... It's Wu Guanwang, he wants me to agree to his courtship, if not, he will jump off the building... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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