super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 327 Try My Power

Chapter 327 Try My Power
Chen Zheng jumped into the BMW, hummed, and drove towards the Science City. He was going back, but the woman Hongyan held the listening device in her hand, and her eyes were full of murderous looks. She looked around, not knowing anything. Without saying anything, she quickly ran into the woods. After passing through the woods, she came to the girls' dormitory. Although the door of the dormitory was closed, it was not difficult at all for a mercenary and killer like her.

She took out two mechanical gloves from her backpack, then climbed upstairs along the drain pipe, and then walked towards room 308 on the third floor.

Xu Ying sat alone in the dormitory, playing with the computer.

All her roommates have already run out, some are looking for girlfriends, some are going on a date, Xu Ying is the only one sitting there in a dormitory in Nuo University.

clap clap!

There was a knock on the door, Xu Ying went to open the door, when she saw Hongyan, her expression changed, and she closed the door subconsciously, but was pushed away by Hongyan, Hongyan came in, and glanced at the whole dormitory , and then said: "Xu Ying, I was ordered by your father to protect you!"

"My dad?"

There was doubt in Xu Ying's eyes.

Her father lives in a small town far away. She is a child who came out of the small town. Through her own efforts, she was admitted to the famous Donghai University in the country. As for sending someone over to protect her?And most importantly, why come to protect her?

"That's right, it's your father!" Hong Yan nodded, "But it's not Xu Yin!"

"Not Xu Yin? is this possible?" Xu Ying exclaimed, looking closely at Hong Yan. Xu Yin was her father, but Hong Yan actually said no?Then her father is someone else?

"Your father is the boss of the famous overseas Red Hand Party. This Red Hand Party is equivalent to the first brother of the entire mercenary. It is a very mysterious organization. For decades, it has taken on many tasks, or protected the most powerful People, or to save the leader of a certain country, 90.00% of the world's mercenaries are from the Red Hand Party, they are distributed throughout the world, and they are all dominated and controlled by your father!" Hongyan said.


Xu Ying froze, isn't her father Xu Yin?How did it become the existence of the Red Hand Party?

"Your father is not Xu Yin, but Xu Xing. He is Xu Yin's fellow villager. He is the leader of the Red Hand Party and has many enemies, so he sent you to Xu Yin's home for Xu Yin to raise and train you!" Seriously said: "Now, something happened to your biological father, and some enemies started hunting him down. For your safety, he sent me to protect you!"


Xu Ying was too sad to accept it for a while.

Before that, she was just an ordinary little girl, how could she become the daughter of the Red Hand Party in the blink of an eye?And her biological father was actually hunted down?

She was all nervous.

"It doesn't matter if you find it hard to believe, my mission is to protect you." Hongyan said calmly.

Xu Ying shook her head and said, "I'd better call Brother Chen and ask his opinion before saying..."

"Don't do this..." Hongyan wanted to stop Xu Ying, but then she moved, thinking that Chen Zheng is the terrifying ancient killer. It would be a good thing if he came to protect Xu Ying. The listening device on Yan's chest was discovered by Chen Zheng, which shows that Chen Zheng has this ability.

Thinking of this, Hongyan nodded: "Then Cheng, you should call, it's best to ask him over, I have something to discuss with him!"

Xu Ying looked at Hongyan suspiciously, and finally dialed Chen Zheng's cell phone. As soon as the call was connected, Xu Ying said, "Brother Chen, are you free? Come here... That Hongyan said I belonged to the Red Hand Party Daughter...someone is coming to hunt me down...she is here to protect me..."

"Is it?"

Chen Zhengzheng was driving back, and when he heard Xu Ying's words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, red hands?What exists?

But thinking that Hongyan was on Xu Ying's side, he hurriedly said, "Wait for me, I'll go back and find you now."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Zheng drove towards Tunghai University. On the way, he called Tiangong and asked directly, "Xiaogong, what is the Red Hand Party?"

"Red Hand Party?" Tiangong was startled when he heard the word Red Hand Party, and quickly said: "Master, the Red Hand Party is the largest mercenary organization in the world. Looking at the whole world, all mercenaries are based on In the hands of the Red Hand Party, this is an organization that even the Satanic organization in the United States will be afraid of when they see it!"

"Is it?"

A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, he never thought that Hongyan was a member of the Red Hand Party?So Xu Ying is the daughter of the Red Hand Party?

This is interesting!

Chen Zheng stepped on the accelerator, the BMW ran out, and drove towards Tunghai University. After a while, he arrived at Tunghai University. Because it was too late, the school gate was closed, so Chen Zheng had to stop by the oak tree outside the school gate, and then walked in. Soon he came to the girls' dormitory, he stood down, and said with a lazy smile: "Honey, do you want to play a sneak attack with me?"


A burst of exclamation sounded, and a woman escaped from the woods and rushed towards Chen Zheng. It is coming.

"It's very fast."

Chen Zheng smiled, grabbed these two marbles with his hand, he didn't stop, knowing that Hongyan had already come up and attacked him, he quickly avoided sideways, and then hugged Hongyan He touched his thigh decisively, from his calf to his ankle, and finally said, "I'll go, your ass is not bad, it's full of elasticity!"


Hongyan originally wanted to sneak attack Chen Zheng, and wanted to give Chen Zheng a bad start, but what made her angry was that she was hugged by Chen Zheng again, and then took advantage of her.

This made her very angry.

She took out a silver-white pistol with her backhand, and then slammed the handle of the gun on Chen Zheng's head.

Chen Zheng held the gun with his backhand, and then held the gun that Hongyan knocked up, and then pressed his hand, and pushed Hongyan down. He held Hongyan's arm with his backhand, and held it tightly. Hongyan couldn't move.

Hongyan struggled.

"Don't move around, if not, I'm rude!" Chen Zheng shouted.

"You who kill a thousand swords, I will kill you!" Hongyan's face became angry.

As soon as Chen Zhengshou exercised his strength, he slapped Hongyan's buttocks heavily, and there was a clear and clear sound. Hongyan was slapped, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to struggle anymore, for fear After a little struggle, he was beaten again by Chen Zheng.

"By the way, that's it..." Chen Zheng smiled, and with a light pull of his hand, he hugged Hongyan back, and smiled happily: "I said my wife, you are staying here so late, are you waiting for me?"

"Stinky bastard!"

Hongyan drank a few words, then backed out.

However, Chen Zheng took the opportunity to touch Hongyan's arm again, then put it under his nose and smelled it, feeling very excited: "I'll go, isn't this too fragrant?"

"You!" A murderous look flashed in Hongyan's eyes.

"Honey, I just did a warm-up run with you, it's a little hot..." Chen Zheng said, and then quickly took off his shirt. Suddenly, a smell of sweat splashed towards Hongyan, causing Hongyan to frown , I hated Chen Zheng even more in my heart.

She felt that Chen Zheng was simply a stinky man.

Thinking of being hugged by this stinky man just now, Hongyan's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she wished she could kill Chen Zheng immediately, so as to relieve her hatred!

"You are simply a stinky man!" Hong Yan cursed.

"Smelly man? I'm a stinky man, so why did you come here to look for me?" Chen Zhengle grinned.

"You!" Hongyan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her body, and then called out to the girls' dormitory. After a while, she saw a woman running over quickly. It was none other than Xu Ying, from a distance, when she saw Chen Zheng, she cheered, ran up, and threw herself into Chen Zheng's arms.


"Brother Chen, I miss you to death!"

"We just separated. Within an hour, you missed me?" Chen Zheng knocked on Xu Ying's head, but Xu Ying hugged him forcefully, closed her eyes and said, "Brother Chen, hold me tight!" I."


Chen Zheng hesitated for a moment, finally sighed, and hugged Xu Ying.

To be honest, he really didn't want to play with Xu Ying.

He now has three emotional debts, namely Liu Li, Wang Ting and Xia Xue. He doesn't want to be a flirt anymore, and Xu Ying obviously wants to play with him, which he can't afford. On the contrary, he But they are willing to have sex with a woman like Hong Yan. The two of them go to the hotel and open a room, and then leave at dawn.

This is what he is after.

As for Xu Ying, he really can't give her anything, so he doesn't want to fall in love with Xu Ying too much.

Xu Ying hugged Chen Zheng tightly, and didn't know what Chen Zheng was thinking. She lifted her small head from Chen Zheng's arms, and then said with a smile: "Brother Chen, Hongyan said that I am the daughter of Xu Xing from the Red Hand Party. Said someone was going to kill me and asked you to protect me."

"How is this possible?" Chen Zheng looked at Hongyan who was on the side, whistled, and said with a smile, "I mean wife, are you sure it's true?"

A trace of anger flashed in Hongyan's eyes.

The resistance she showed when she saw Chen Zheng hugging Xu Ying just now, she knew that Chen Zheng didn't want to have too much interaction with Xu Ying, she felt that Chen Zheng was a good man, and she knew that Chen Zheng didn't want to harm Xu Ying, but in the blink of an eye, she Seeing Chen Zheng's two-colored eyes, staring at her fiercely, and even blew a whistle, this made her very angry, and the goodwill that had just surged up just now disappeared like this.

"You are simply a pervert!" Hong Yan cursed.

"I'm not only a wolf, I'm also a cow, do you want to try my power?" Chen Zheng smiled lazily.


Hongyan wished she could slap Chen Zheng on the face, she had never seen a guy as lewd as Chen Zheng, she was so mad at her.

Xu Ying leaned in Chen Zheng's arms, and looked at Hongyan with a smile, and she didn't forget to urge Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, feel free to tune her up, she's so unreasonable, she called me a red hand gangster as soon as she came here daughter!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zhengle grinned, and hooked his fingers towards Hongyan.

"You!" Hongyan was very angry, she glanced at Xu Ying, and then said to Chen Zheng: "I believe you are very clear, she is the daughter of the Red Hand Party Xu Xing, and now there are enemies who want to hunt down Xu Xing, it is very I'll be here soon to arrest Xu Ying, for Xu Ying's safety, I have one thing to ask you now!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng smiled.

"Help me protect Xu Ying." Hong Yan said.

"This? Of course, but what's the benefit?" Chen Zheng smiled: "There is no benefit, I won't help you, unless you promise me to go to the hotel with me and have sex!"

"You!" Hongyan was furious. She had never seen such a lustful man, he was like a beast, but after glancing at Xu Ying, she still chose to swallow her anger, and finally said: "The benefit is to give you 1000 million!"

"Who came here to hunt down Xu Ying?" Chen Zheng asked the key point.

"It's some foreign organization." Hongyan didn't want to say more.

"What foreign organization?" Chen Zheng asked.

"This..." Hongyan didn't want to say it at first, but thinking that Chen is the ancient assassin, she still said seriously: "The Satan organization in the United States, the Roosevelt assassin group in Europe, and the evil organization in North Africa."

"Oh? They are all very important organizations." Chen Zheng nodded, and asked again: "Then why did you find me?"

"One, because you are the most familiar with Xu Ying, and two, because you seem to be harmless to Xu Ying..." After Hongyan finished speaking, Chen Zheng nodded, expressing his agreement. He really doesn't want to have too much trouble with Xu Ying now. However, Xu Ying in his arms waved her pink arms, expressing her dissatisfaction: "What is harmless? Please speak clearly!"

Hongyan smiled, but said again: "The third and most important point is that you are an ancient killer!"

"What? You know all this?" Chen Zheng couldn't help but glared at Hongyan.

"Of course I know!" Hong Yan was a little proud.

Chen Zheng smiled, and hit the snake with a stick: "You value me so much, let's go directly to the hotel!"

"You!" Hongyan held back the murderous anger, she took out a contract from her backpack, and handed it to Chen Zheng: "Look at it now, if you agree, sign it, once the contract takes effect, you have to follow me Protect Xu Ying!"

"Let me consider……"

Chen Zheng hurriedly opened the contract and read it carefully. After a while, he exclaimed: "I'll go, it says on it, you can call me anytime you need it, and I will show up immediately when I receive a call?"

"Of course, you are an ancient killer. If there is any danger, I will of course be the first to look for you!" Hongyan smiled.

"Also, if Xu Ying is in danger, I want to be by your side 24 hours a day?" Chen Zheng looked at Hong Yan seriously: "Won't that become a couple's bodyguard?"

"You..." Hongyan originally wanted to scold Chen Zheng, but she thought that Chen Zheng was the ancient killer and needed him to accompany and protect Xu Ying 24 hours a day, so she held back.

"This bodyguard contract will really allow me to be your couple's bodyguard!" Chen Zheng flicked through the contract again, and after reading it for a long time, he asked suspiciously: "By the way, you asked me to be your 24-hour couple Bodyguards, we have protected Xu Ying together, why didn't you write on it whether you are a pure virgin or not?"


Hongyan stared at Chen Zheng angrily.

Chen Zheng smiled again: "Forget it, anyway, I'm your couple's bodyguard. If you don't write it, don't write it. Anyway, if I have time, I'll go through the list with you and find out whether you are a pure virgin or not."


At that moment, Hongyan couldn't bear it anymore, she was extremely angry...

(PS: The style will be like this in the future, if you like it, join the group: 526732122)

(End of this chapter)

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