super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 334 I Just Knocked Them Out

Chapter 334 I Just Knocked Them Out

When Xia Xue heard it, she was startled and asked subconsciously, "Husband, what are you talking about? Are you talking about the recent case of human traffickers?"

"Exactly!" Chen Zheng smiled: "The person behind the scenes of the human trafficker group has been revealed, come and take a look."


Xia Xue's face was overjoyed. With Chen Zheng's action, the human trafficker group could definitely be found. Chen Zheng would never lie to her. She quickly called a few police officers and ran outside, but just as she ran out of the police gate, she saw A middle-aged man walked in, none other than Jin Zhongyuan. When he saw Xia Xue, he hurriedly asked, "Xiaoxue, you are in such a hurry, where are you going?"

"I..." Xia Xue hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I'm going out to perform a mission."

"Hehe, then go quickly."


Xia Xue nodded, quickly jumped into the car with her people, and drove towards the central business district. As soon as Xia Xue left, the old police officer behind him couldn't help saying: "Director Jin, we just received someone Call the police and say that the big boss of the human trafficker was found at the charity conference, aren't we going to let Xia Xue execute it?"

"Haha..." Jin Zhongyuan smiled: "Needless to say, Xia Xue already knew about it a long time ago. Seeing how fast she ran, she just wanted to keep us from knowing, so that there would be one less competitor. Xiaoxue Am I not clear about my little thoughts? Haha..."

"So that's the case……"

And in a charity meeting.

Everyone chased Wu Guanxi to beat them, and those children who ran over from the mountains simply picked up books and threw them on Wu Guanxi: "Bad uncle, we don't care about your donation, your money is stinky, it is stained The blood of an innocent girl, bad uncle, you should go to jail!"

All the children chased Wu Guanxi angrily and started fighting.

But Wu Guanxi's face was livid, and as soon as he ran forward, he saw a reporter rushing out, holding up the camera and staring at him, asking Wu Guanxi one by one why he did this, harming innocent women, are you really determined?Wu Guanxi's face was pale, and he wanted to run away, but he saw the group of angry men and women running up behind him, and then they started fighting at him: "You bastard, are you still human? Why do you want to kill innocent girls in Huaxia?"

"kill him!"

There was a cry in the crowd, and a middle-aged woman came out of the crowd. It was none other than Wang Ting's aunt, she squeezed through the crowd, and then took off her underwear through her skirt. , and then pressed it into Wu Guanxi's mouth, cursing: "Don't you really want to play with younger and more beautiful women? Eat my old lady's underwear!"


Wu Guanxi's face was furious.

**** slapped her up: "My old lady's food, you can eat it honestly! Dead beast!"

"You..." Wu Guanxi became angry, and rushed forward, squeezed out of the crowd, and then ran out, but a police car stopped, Xia Xue and several of her men jumped out of the car, they As soon as they arrived, the man and woman behind him ran out, and said, "People's police, you are well on your way. This Wu Guanxi is a beast. He abducts and sells innocent Chinese girls. He is the man behind the scenes of the human traffickers!"

"It really is you!" Xia Xue's eyes flashed a hint of sarcasm: "Wu Guanxi, do you think you can run past the first day of junior high school, and also the fifteenth day? Go up and catch him!"


Those few policemen rushed up and caught Wu Guanxi. As soon as Wu Guanxi struggled, he was punched and kicked immediately, and finally he was beaten to the ground.

"What are you doing!" I saw Wu Guanxi's old butler rushing out with a dozen bodyguards, rushing towards Xia Xue and the others. These men looked very vicious at first glance, they were not ordinary people, and they rushed out very quickly. The speed escaped, and then pre-emptively launched a confrontation with the police officers brought by Xia Xue. Before the four police officers had time to draw their guns, they were subdued on the ground, and Xia Xue fought against the two bodyguards. She didn't lose the wind at all, on the contrary, she quickly put the two bodyguards on the ground, took out a gun from her waist, and said with a cold face: "Stop immediately, if not, I will shoot!"


A stern light flashed in the old housekeeper's eyes, and he said: "Xia Xue, you have repeatedly troubled my young master, do you still have our Wu family in your eyes? It seems that you want to directly offend our Wu family." !"

"I don't care about your Wu family, I only know that this Wu Guanxi committed a crime, and I will take him back!" Xia Xue said coldly.

"That video is fake!" The old butler said firmly.

"Fake? With so many people watching, you actually say it's fake?" Chen Zheng sneered, and he walked out of the crowd, holding the phone in his hand, and handing it to Xia Xue: "Officer Xia ,You can have a look."

Xia Xue took the phone, turned on the video, and her face became cold: "Wu Guanxi, you are dead, I tell you, you will be infamous forever! Someone, arrest him!"

"Old butler..." Wu Guanxi looked at the old butler with a pale face.

A trace of killing intent flashed in the old butler's eyes, he waved his hand: "Go up and kill them!"

"You dare to attack the police?" Xia Xue is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She walked up and kicked the old housekeeper over with one kick, while the other dozen or so bodyguards had murderous looks in their eyes, so they came up directly and fought with the police. Xia Xue launched a confrontation. These are people who have practiced. Even Xia Xue, it is difficult to fight against so many people. She took a step back and said to Chen Zheng: "Husband, you go up!"

"to make!"

Chen Zheng clapped his hands, his figure flashed, he had already slipped into the crowd, and launched a blow. Amidst the crackling sound, one bodyguard after another was directly knocked down on the ground. These bodyguards were beaten to the ground, some passed out, some vomited blood, more than a dozen bodyguards were all dealt with by Chen Zheng in less than a moment.


Everyone stared blankly at all this: "Isn't this too fast?"

"Wife, you can catch them all back, there is no need to send them to the hospital, they are just stunned by me, they can't die!" Chen Zheng smiled, and the eyes of everyone around him were full of madness: Mom Yes, can you make people live?You directly broke their hands and feet, beat them into cripples, and even said that you just stunned them?Can you make people live?
With a smile in Xia Xue's eyes and a wave of her hand, those police officers all took action, grabbed Wu Guanxi and the old housekeeper into the car, and then drove towards the police station.

But Chen Zheng didn't follow. He greeted Xia Xue and went to find Wang Ting, but he didn't find that behind him, Wu Guanxi was holding a mobile phone in his hand and kept pressing...

The police car left quickly, but at this moment, a BMW drove over, and an old man got out of the car. It was Wu Xianguang. Seeing everyone gathered around the gate, he hurried up and laughed. He said: "What's the situation? Is my grandson Wu Guanxi the one who donated the most money? Have you awarded him a certificate of honor? He is a philanthropist, and his morals are very noble!"

"Wu Guanxi is your grandson?" Brother Dan asked firmly.

"Yes? What's the situation?" Wu Xianguang looked puzzled.

"Wu Guanxi is a beast! He sold Chinese girls to Africa!"

"What!" Wu Xianguang's face changed drastically...

(End of this chapter)

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