super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 338 The cold old man, the ancestor of the Wu family

Chapter 338 The cold old man, the ancestor of the Wu family

Chen Zheng was startled suddenly, he clearly saw that the man kneeling on the ground was none other than his master, the old man who had lived for 200 years.The old man knelt there, unable to move, his face pale and bloodless.

"what's going on?"

All the people around gathered around.

They all looked at the old man kneeling on the ground very puzzled.

"Why is he kneeling here? Couldn't it be Alzheimer's disease? It's as motionless as a ****!" A young man laughed, and the middle-aged aunt next to him hurriedly said: "Go call someone over, this There seems to be something wrong with the old man."

"Old man, is there anything I can do for you?"

A woman came up and pushed the old man.


A wave of spiritual energy surged from the old man's body and sent the woman flying. The woman fell to the ground, vomited blood, and passed out directly.


Everyone's face changed drastically, and they didn't know what was going on.

But Chen Zheng could see clearly that it was the old man next to the old man who shot. The old man's face was pale, skinny, and his face was like an eagle's claws. The claw-like palm pinched the old man's shoulder tightly.

But no one saw the existence of the old man.

And this old man is standing next to the old man, he is invisible!
Yes, stealth!

Chen Zheng used the spiritual breath in his dantian, transformed by that piece of spiritual jade, and acted on his eyes. He could clearly see the existence of this old man.

But no one else found out.

"You all retreat..." I saw two security guards running towards this side, pushing away the crowd, and walking towards the old man. They wanted to help the old man up, but a strong spirit surged up, bang bang After a few sounds, the security guards were all thrown out, and passed out directly.

At this point, no one dared to step forward.


Everyone stood there, looking at the old man with horror on their faces, but they didn't leave because they wanted to see what kind of existence this old man was.

Chen Zheng was standing in the crowd, he didn't dare to go out.

He felt very strange.

He just separated from the old man, why did the old man come here?Isn't the old man studying the pattern technique?Why did you come here?Wait, Chen Zheng suddenly thought of something.

He remembered that something was wrong with the old man when he left.

At that time, the old man knelt down in front of the image!
At that time, Chen Zheng felt that the old man was stupid, wasn't it just a pattern exercise?Why is old man Mao kneeling there?

Thinking about it now, the old man was the same as now, not because he wanted to kneel, but because he was pressed to the ground.

It was this old man who pressed the old man to the ground.

"Then who is this old man?" Chen Zheng looked at the old man closely, and found that the old man had a characteristic, that is, his eyes were blank, he stood there motionless, and did not look around, as if the old man couldn't see Situation around.

The old man is blind?
"Where is he?" A cold voice sounded, and the old man firmly pressed the old man's shoulder.

where is he?

Could it be that this cold old man is looking for someone?Who is he looking for?

"I don't know..." the old man said.

The old man picked up the ghost claw, hit it hard, and hit the old man's back hard. With a bang, the old man opened his mouth and vomited blood, and fell to the ground, but was picked up by the old man again, and pressed alive on the ground.


Everyone's face changed greatly.

Where did they see such a strange scene?
The old man fell to his knees, opened his mouth to vomit blood for no reason, and was lifted alive.

"What's the situation? It's too weird, call the police directly!"

Everyone took out their mobile phones and called the police.

And Chen Zheng saw very clearly that the old man was pressed to death by the cold old man. This cold old man was very terrifying, even the old man who had lived for 200 years was no match for him.

Chen Zheng hurriedly used the see-through eye technique to look towards the cold old man.

His face sank.

This gloomy old man turned out to be an existence that lived for 500 years!


A cold voice sounded, and the cold old man let out a low growl, and then flew towards Chen Zheng.

The cold old man felt Chen Zheng's aura!
It turned out that the cold old man came to look for Chen Zheng!

Just now, when Chen Zheng was running the fluctuation of spiritual energy, he was discovered by the cold old man, so the cold old man flew over directly.

Chen Zheng was very nervous. He subconsciously rolled forward and quickly avoided it. At the same time, he used the aura in his body to act on him through the spiritualization of the Princess Jade, causing his aura to disappear instantly. .

This is what sets him apart from other ancient killers.

He runs the spiritual breath in his body, and through the spiritualization of the princess jade, he can make himself hidden.

Invisibility is stronger than invisibility!

Invisibility is invisible to ordinary people, but ancient killers can feel it.

The hidden breath is that even the ancient killer can't feel it.

Chen Zheng rolled around a few times, then stood up, and saw several men and women were hit by the cold old man, they all flew out, fell to the ground, vomited blood, and died immediately.

Chen Zheng is safe and sound.

He looked closely at the cold old man.

The cold old man could no longer feel any fluctuations in breath, he froze there, feeling something.

"Sure enough, they came to look for me!"

Chen Zheng thoroughly confirmed that this gloomy old man came to look for him, and the old man was forced to bring this gloomy old man here.

But what is the relationship between this cold old man and the old man?Why did you come to find him, Chen Zheng?

The gloomy old man couldn't find Chen Zheng, his figure flashed, and he came back behind the old man. He lifted the ghost claw, and slapped the old man's head hard.

The old man spat out blood.

"Tell me immediately, where is the person who killed my offspring?" the cold old man asked coldly.


Wait, is it Wu Guanxi?
Chen Zheng was startled: So this cold old man is Wu Guanxi's ancestor?

After thinking about it, Chen Zheng suddenly realized that if it is true, this cold old man is the ancestor of the Wu family, and the old man is the guardian of the Wu family, then the cold old man is the old man's master.

The old man lived 200 years.

The cold old man lived for 500 years.

So, the old man should be brought into practice by the cold old man?

Chen Zheng couldn't help but feel even more nervous about the terrifying power of the cold old man. The 200-year-old man is a terrifying existence. Isn't the 500-year-old man a devastating existence?Chen Zheng couldn't beat the old man at all, he could only outsmart him. Now, the 500-year-old cold old man appeared, Chen Zheng absolutely couldn't fight against this cold old man.

"He was clearly here just now..."

The old man spoke, looked towards the crowd, and soon saw Chen Zheng.

There was a flash of surprise in the old man's eyes, Chen Zheng was clearly in the crowd opposite, why didn't the cold old man notice it?

"I can't feel his breath!" the gloomy old man said coldly.


The old man's face was surprised, he quickly used his spiritual sense to probe towards Chen Zheng, but was shocked suddenly, even he couldn't feel the fluctuation of Chen Zheng's breath.

In fact, Chen Zheng had no spiritual fluctuations at all.

How is this possible?Chen is the ancient killer, how could there be no spiritual fluctuations?The old man looked very surprised.

The cold old man raised his palm and slapped it down hard, hitting the old man's head heavily. The old man opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood. He lay on the ground with a very pale face.

The old man was no match for the cold old man.

The old man's face was pale: "Master, I didn't lie to you, he is in the crowd!"

"There is no aura fluctuation! Isn't the person who killed my offspring an ancient killer? Why is there no aura?" The cold old man said coldly.

"The spiritual breath on his body has disappeared, so we can't feel his presence with the spiritual breath. On the contrary, we can see him with our eyes. He is among the crowd in front of us." The old man said with a pale face.

Sure enough!

Chen Zheng also thoroughly confirmed that what he guessed was correct, this cold old man was the ancestor of the Wu family.


The cold old man let out a cold cry, then flew up, and then killed the crowd around Chen Zheng with his hands.

Chen Zheng continued to hide, and then avoided.


The innocent onlookers were killed by the cold old man, and five men and women died within a short time. Now, the crowd didn't dare to stay any longer and scattered around.

Chen Zheng also withdrew.

He is hidden, so the cold old man can't feel him.

And the cold old man was blind, so he couldn't even see him.

So Chen is safe.

But Chen Zheng looked closely at the old man. This old man had existed for 200 years. Chen Zheng already recognized him as his master, but unexpectedly, the old man betrayed Chen Zheng just now.

Where is Master here?

Just a beast!
Chen Zheng wanted to go up and slap the old man a few times, but because the cold old man was here, he didn't move.

Moreover, he couldn't even beat the old man, so he was undoubtedly courting death if he went up.

Chen Zheng could only look at the old man angrily.

When the old man saw Chen Zheng, he pointed to Chen Zheng in front of him, and said to the cold old man: "Master, the person who killed Wu Guanxi is right ahead, you can borrow my eyes!"

The old man wants to lend his eyes to the cold old man?
Chen Zheng felt a little bad.

The cold old man came to the old man's side, stretched out his hand to press on the old man's face, then sucked in his hand, and drew a line of eyes on his forehead, the eyes opened, exuding a blood-red light.

The cold old man opened his eyes and saw Chen Zheng: "Is that him?"

The cold old man couldn't feel Chen Zheng's aura, so he asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's him!" said the old man.


A flash of anger flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He was actually betrayed by the old man. The old man kept saying that he was his master, but in the end he wanted to kill Chen Zheng. Such a master is a beast!

Chen Zheng turned around and ran away.

He can't even beat an old man, let alone a cold old man.

He circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and after being transformed by the princess jade, it acted on him, and his figure flashed, and he had disappeared in front of him.


The cold old man let out a cold hum.

The cold old man's figure flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Chen Zheng, blocking Chen Zheng's way.

"Nimma, so fast!"

Chen Zheng was aware of the danger, and subconsciously rolled over on the spot, avoiding the cold old man's attack. Chen Zheng was very embarrassed, got up and looked, but saw the blow just hit by the cold old man behind him, knocking the stone statue behind him into pieces. crushed.

If Chen Zheng didn't roll over, then the shattering of the stone statue would be his end.

So no matter what the embarrassment is, it is important to escape!

Chen Zheng couldn't fight against the old man, let alone such a terrifying existence as the cold old man.

Regardless of his face, Chen Zheng ran forward desperately, and rolled over after running for a while, avoiding the cold old man's attack.After running for a while, Chen Zheng also felt the terror of the old man, and he ran more smoothly, always when the other party was culling, and then came to a dog to eat shit, and then dodged.

Only in this way can he avoid the attack of the cold old man.

But extremely embarrassing.

He clenched his fist tightly: One day, I will kill you and give you back ten times!
The cold old man was the scariest existence that Chen Zheng had ever encountered. Even the eldest, second, and third grandmas of the Tang family could not make Chen Zheng so embarrassed. Only this cold old man made Chen Zheng very embarrassed.

Chen Zheng really met a terrifying opponent.

But his heart is full of excitement, because there is an opponent, there is a goal.

I was abused today, I must work hard, and then take revenge!

Chen Zheng ran around, rolled around, and avoided the cold old man's attack in a panic. Finally, the cold old man stopped.

"Bastard, your eyes are finally gone!" Chen Zheng cursed.

That's right, the eye drawn on the forehead of the gloomy old man has been extinguished, and he can no longer see Chen Zheng.

"It's my turn!"

Chen Zheng used his spiritual energy, and after being transformed by Princess Zhiyu, it acted on his body, then he rushed up, picked up a brick and slammed it on the cold old man's forehead.

The cold old man was beaten to the point of bleeding.


The gloomy and cold old man was hit hard, but he let out a cold cry, and struck Chen Zheng with his claws.

Chen Zheng was hit and flew out backwards.

Chen Zheng got up and vomited blood, but his eyes were full of pleasure. If he could smash the cold old man's head with a brick, so what if he vomited blood?
Chen Zheng picked up the brick and dived over it.

The gloomy old man's face was icy cold, he fled towards the old man, and got into the old man's body with a whoosh.

"Not good!"

Chen Zheng put down the brick, turned around and ran away immediately.

He knew that the soul of the cold old man had already gone to the old man.


The figure of the old man flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Chen Zheng. He stretched out his hand and struck, and with a snap, he saw a ghost claw hit Chen Zheng.

It doesn't hurt or hurt.

But this ghost claw drilled into Chen Zheng's body, causing his face to change: "Old man, what is this?"

"This is the master's corpse attack!" The old man said tremblingly. It seemed that the old man was fighting against the soul of the cold old man, and the cold old man's voice said coldly: "You will definitely die!"

Damn, are you really going to die here tonight?

And he was killed by his master?
Chen Zheng was upset. He still wanted to go back to the Tang family, practice hard, and then come back to avenge the embarrassment caused by the cold old man today. Unexpectedly, he would be killed.

He is not reconciled.

But at this moment, the old man suddenly said: "Don't worry, I am your master and I will help you!"

Chen Zheng frowned, his eyes full of doubts, but in the next second, his expression changed...

(End of this chapter)

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