super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 340 What Are You Doing With Brother Xiaozheng?

Chapter 340 What Are You Doing With Brother Xiaozheng?

Wang An was completely dazed, she stayed there, she didn't know what she was thinking in her dark eyes.

"Xiaoying, is she listening?" Tang Feng's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"I'm listening..." Wang An's voice sounded like a mosquito's buzzing. Before she knew it, her little face was flushed. She lowered her head shyly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"If you want Chen Zheng to become stronger overnight, you have to have sex with him! But grandma doesn't recommend you to do this, because it will damage the jade body of your Tang family princess. You haven't fully recovered your daughter's body yet, and I am even more I don't recommend you to do this!" Tang Feng said on the other end of the phone.


Wang An's face was blushing, and she flicked the corner of her clothes uneasily.

"What do you think?" Tang Feng asked quickly.

"Actually, I don't want to either... I haven't fully recovered yet... Just do that... I have to wait until I fully recover..." After speaking, Wang An's little face turned red.

"That's good..."

Tang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, Wang An was the hope of the Hua family and the Tang family, and to be honest, she really didn't want Wang An to be so casual.

"Grandma, if there is nothing else, I'll hang up first..." Wang An said, then hung up the phone in a hurry, and then she came out, and saw Chen Zheng sitting on the sofa, her little face turned red again , silently came to Chen Zheng's side, sat there without speaking, not knowing what she was thinking, only that her little face was getting redder and redder.

"You guys sit here, I'll go shopping!"

Liu Li said something and walked out.

Chen Zheng sat there with only one thought in his mind, which was to become stronger.

It's just that he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know how to become stronger. He shook his head and seemed to be taking his time. He stood up and was about to walk back to the room, but he noticed that Wang was sitting there quietly, his eyes were calm. looked at him quietly.

Chen Zheng turned around and found Wang An.

Eyes met.


After Wang An met Chen Zheng's eyes, she hurriedly avoided it shyly, because just now, she had an extra thought in her mind: what to do with brother Xiaozheng.

The thought flashed across her, and she shy.

Seeing Chen Zheng looking at her now, her face turned red.

"Xiao An, what are you doing here?" Chen Zheng looked at Wang An suspiciously.

"It's nothing..." Wang An stuck out his cute little tongue, and then ran away.


Chen Zheng ignored Wang An, thinking of the cold old man, he called Xia Xue, and as soon as the call was connected, he said, "Wife, where are you now?"

"I'm dealing with Wu Guanxi's case at the police station, and now I'm preparing the lawsuit materials, and then report it!" Xia Xue said, "Husband, why do you have time to call me? You've been so busy these days." , it's time for you to take a good rest."

Chen Zheng smiled: "I am concerned about you. If you are exhausted, I will be ill..."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue's face turned red, and she couldn't help but said, "Are you concerned about my heart, or my body?"

"Haha..." Chen Zheng smiled: "I care about everything."

"Smelly pervert!" Xia Xue cursed lightly.

Chen Zheng smiled, thinking of the cold old man, and said: "Honey, you have to be careful! Wu Guanxi's ancestor ran out of the coffin, and it is very likely that he will rescue Wu Guanxi, so you get off work early tonight! Also, tell Jin Zhongyuan that he will come to get off work soon!" Send more fire!"

"What did you say?"

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue was terrified.

"Tell Jin Zhongyuan to increase the firepower!"

"last sentence."

"Wu Guanxi's ancestor ran out of the coffin!" Chen Zheng said again.

"This..." Xia Xue turned pale and trembled all over: "Then I'll go back now, I don't want to stay here anymore, I'm most afraid of zombies!"

"Haha..." Chen Zheng smiled: "I'll pick you up!"


"wait for me!"

Chen Zheng hung up his mobile phone, then walked down the underground parking lot, jumped into the BMW, and drove towards the Tianhe branch. When he arrived, it had already been half an hour. From a distance, he saw Xia Xue standing at the police station the door.

Chen Zheng smiled, and as soon as he got out of the car, Xia Xue ran over and pulled him into the car: "Hurry up, there are zombies!"

"It's not a zombie either, it's an ancient killer who has lived for 500 years!" Chen Zheng said.

"Aren't they zombies who have lived for 500 years?" Xia Xue knocked on Chen Zheng's head and breathed a sigh of relief after knocking for a while: "Okay, I feel safe now!"

"I'm going to find Jin Zhongyuan! Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course!"

Xia Xue jumped out of the car quickly, then took Chen Zheng's hand and walked into the police station.

Jin Zhongyuan just made a phone call and asked the leader to go to dinner. Now he has settled a big case on his mind. The human trafficker group headed by Wu Guanxi has finally been caught, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as Jin Zhongyuan went out, he met Chen Zheng.

"Director Jin..." Chen Zheng walked towards Jin Zhongyuan.

"Xiaozheng, are you here? It's just in time! I just have a dinner party about this human trafficker case, come with me when you come! There are some leaders in this dinner party, let me introduce you!" Jin Zhongyuan said with a smile.

"Dinner? I won't participate, I have more important things to do!" Chen Zheng said.

"Important matter?"

"En." Chen Zheng nodded, and then said: "I think there may be a prison robbery tonight, so you have to strengthen the supervision pressure of the police station!"

"Oh? Is there a robbery?" Jin Zhongyuan was surprised.

"It should be Wu Guanxi's ancestor!" Chen Zheng said.

"Wu Guanxi's ancestor?" Jin Zhongyuan shuddered, and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, are you serious?"

"Seriously, you need to send some more manpower!" Chen Zheng said, "Maybe we will take action tonight, and we will add more manpower for the next few nights!"

"Well, I'll call the detention center right away." Jin Zhongyuan quickly took out his mobile phone and called the detention center. Chen Zheng didn't stay for a while, got into the car with Xia Xue, and went back. This time, Chen Zheng wanted to Bring Xia Xue into the apartment.

And Xia Xue didn't refuse either.

After all, she wants to live some two-person world with Chen Zheng.

Soon, the car returned to the apartment.

When Chen Zheng and Xia Xue walked into the apartment, they saw Liu Li busy, but Wang An didn't know where he had gone. Chen Zheng and Xia Xue sat in the hall for a while, and Wang An came out with a blushing face. Pulling Xiao's head, he stroked the corner of his clothes uneasily: "Brother Xiaozheng, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng had doubts in his eyes.

He saw Wang An's little red face, rosy in the white, and wearing a pajamas, showing a pair of white thighs, looking very spiritual.

"That's... that... I've already decided to help you increase your strength..."

(End of this chapter)

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