super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 358 He's just a magic stick!

Chapter 358 He's just a stick!


Wang Guanqun was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Chen Zheng. Unexpectedly, just now Chen Zheng would tell Wang An's location in one breath, which was exactly the same as the address obtained by the technician tracking the cell phone signal.

What the hell is going on here?
Not only Wang Guanqun, but even the few police officers behind him were stunned.

They didn't know what happened, they only knew that Chen Zheng was squatting in a corner, sniffing a small red bellyband of a woman, and then told the location.

Xiaoxintang on the outskirts of Tianhe District.

This location is exactly the same as the one tracked by the technician.

That is to say, this Chen Zheng squatted in the corner, sniffed a small red bellyband with his nose, and knew the location of the missing person?
God, this is simply amazing!
A police officer couldn't help but said, "This man seems to be Xia Xue's boyfriend."

"What? You mean the hero who led the team to destroy the human trafficker group?"

"it's him!"

"If it's him, then everything is normal!" These police officers nodded. They felt that if it was Chen Zheng, it was very normal for him to be able to find the location of the missing person by relying on a small red bellyband.

"What are you chattering about?" Wang Guanqun yelled at the crowd, "All of you go save people!"


Several police officers nodded, they did not dare to offend the newly transferred captain.

"Let's go!" Chen Zheng said to Liu Li, then walked outside, jumped into the BMW, and drove towards the suburbs.

Not far behind, Wang Guanqun stared intently at Chen Zhengyuan's leaving figure, his eyes were full of anger: "Damn, this idiot can sniff out the missing person's location by squatting there? Probably heard the technician's voice." Discuss! It must be like this!"

Anyway, Wang Guanqun just didn't believe that Chen Zheng could know where Wang An was with just a small red bellyband!

"Captain Wang, this Chen is Xia Xue's boyfriend, very powerful!"

A police officer came up and said.

Wang Guanqun slapped him fiercely, and cursed: "Damn, don't let me destroy my prestige and arrogance! He is just a magic stick, what a power!"

The police officer was slapped, obediently got into the car, and became quiet.

"Drive!" Wang Guanqun jumped into the car and yelled. When the car came to Chen Zheng, the window was lowered, and Wang Guanqun yelled at Chen Zheng outside: "I order you to leave immediately! This place is with you. Nothing to do! You are not welcome! We are here to handle the case, not you!"

Liu Li was driving, and she yelled at Wang Guanqun: "Stop chirping me, Wang An is ours, of course we want to get it back! If you chirp again, I don't mind getting rid of you first! "

"You stinky bastard!"

Wang Guanqun's face became angry, he had never been scolded like this by a woman.

"Looking for death!" Liu Li snorted coldly, and with a wave of her hand, there was already an extra dagger, and she shot towards the inside of the police car on the opposite side, brushing Wang Guanqun's face with a slap, it came too quickly, and Wang Guanqun Qun was sitting in the passenger seat, unable to stop him at all. When he was directly stabbed by this dagger, a line of blood dripped from his fair face immediately.

"You are simply courting death!"

Wang Guanqun snarled and ordered the police car to ram into the BMW.

"I don't mind killing you first now!"

Liu Li didn't show weakness, and wanted to turn the steering wheel and teach Wang Guanqun a lesson, but was stopped by Chen Zheng.

Seeing Wang Guanqun driving a police car crashing into it, Chen Zheng activated the aura in his body to act on the BMW, and the BMW backed away to avoid Wang Guanqun's attack.

"Captain Wang, I warn you that the kidnapped person has been removed and is no longer in Xiaoxintang!"

Chen Zheng said to Wang Guanqun.

"You're talking nonsense. The technicians tracked down the signal. It's in Xiaoxintang. Why isn't it there?" Wang Guanqun cursed. He was stabbed by Liu Li just now. Make him extremely embarrassed.

Now that Chen Zheng said that the hostages had been moved, he became furious.

He wanted to save some face on this matter.

So he yelled at Chen Zheng: "Stop talking nonsense! The hostage is in Xiaoxintang!"

"Trust me!" Chen Zheng just wanted these police officers to follow up, and if something happened, there would be a few more civil servants.

"I'm the only one who trusts you, you goddamn stick!"

Wang Guanqun cursed, and then ordered the car to drive forward.

"Captain Wang, Chen Zheng may be right, the hostages may have been moved!" A police officer couldn't help but say.

Wang Guanqun slapped him up, and cursed: "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The policeman's face turned pale, and he secretly regretted that he shouldn't provoke Wang Guanqun when he was angry. However, what Chen Zheng said should be correct, and the hostages may have been transferred, because Chen Zheng himself is a Terrible existence.

You must listen to Chen Zheng's words.

But looking at the furious Wang Guanqun, the police officer still sighed, saying at this time that Chen Zheng is doing well, he would definitely be beaten to death!

"Come on!"

In the BMW, Chen Zheng ordered Liu Li.

Liu Li stepped on the accelerator, the car sped forward and followed Wang Guanqun to Xiaoxintang.

"Everyone get out of the car and go rescue the hostages!" Wang Guanqun led the team with a drink, then jumped out of the car, and was about to walk towards the building in front, but when he turned around, he saw Chen Zheng's BMW driving up, and he stopped. After getting down, he turned around and said mockingly: "Hey, didn't you say that the hostages have been transferred? Why are you still following?"

Chen Zheng jumped out of the car and said, "The hostage has been transferred to the suburbs. The other party is an ancient killer. I need people to follow me!"

"Why should I trust you? Just because you are a magic stick?" Wang Guanqun smiled coldly.

"I don't need you to believe me, I just need a few people to follow me!" Chen Zheng said.

"I gave it to you!" Wang Guanqun cursed, then waved his hand and led the team towards the building in front of him.

Chen Zheng said again: "There is danger above, if you want to die, I will not stop you, but your people are innocent, you have no right to let them die with you!"

At this moment, everyone stopped and looked at Chen Zheng with pale faces.

"Damn you!" Wang Guanqun kicked the trash can next to him viciously, and pointed his gun at Chen Zheng: "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you with one shot!"

Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

To be honest, even giving Wang Guanqun a bazooka could not kill Chen Zheng. Since Wang Guanqun wanted to die, Chen Zheng didn't stop him: "Fool, go and die!"

"You..." Wang Guanqun burst into anger, and quickly yelled at these police officers: "Don't listen to this magic stick's gossip! Come up with me! Anyone who doesn't go up, I will make a big mistake when I go back!"


Under pressure, these police officers could only follow.

And when Wang Guanqun led everyone into the building, there was a loud bang, and the whole building exploded...

(PS: The new book "Almighty Little Security Guard in Girls' School" has been released, you can click on my author name to search and read it, and ask for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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