super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 375 The Boss's Man!

Chapter 375 The Boss's Man!


The woman was kissed by Chen Zheng, and her whole body seemed to be scattered. She didn't know why she was so weak.

"Are you tired?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

The woman raised her head and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Did you drug me? Why do I feel powerless all over?"

"Hehe..." Chen Zheng smiled: "Where did I drug you? In fact, you are too devoted, and you also like the feeling of being kissed by me!"


The woman's eyes were full of surprise, she shook her head immediately: "Impossible, how can I be so perverted..."

"You are lustful, and you can't resist meeting a handsome guy like me." Chen Zhengle chuckled.

"You..." The woman's face turned pale and blushed at times, she murmured in her heart: I was kissed by him, did I really fall in love?

"If you fall in love with me, then you have to take the dancer to sleep with me. After sleeping for a while, we will separate after dawn!" Chen Zheng smiled cheerfully. Examine him?If it is done, I will snatch your daughter here!
Of course, the current Chen Zheng doesn't need too much affection, he's just a kind of conquest!
Points after playing!

He is pursuing this kind of refreshment.

"Get out!" The woman shouted coldly, her figure flashed, and she fled inside.

"You bastard!"

The dancer also glanced at Chen Zheng angrily, and then followed inside.

"Where are you going?" Chen Zheng quickly asked, "You all lost, do you want to run away?"

"Don't you want to see Yin Yang Wuming? You can just follow in!" A woman's crisp voice came from ahead.

"That's it!"

Chen Zheng came to find Yin Yang Wuming tonight, and then passed the assessment of Yin Yang Wuming, so he hurried forward, Dali Zhen and Tiangong behind him hurriedly followed: "Brother Chen, you already have that Hongkou boss, you want No, just let us have that dancer, that dancer is very beautiful, enough for the two of us to play for half a year!"

Chen Zheng slapped him twice: "You two are worthless, even if you play with women, you have to work hard on your own, you know?"

"Brother Chen means that we are allowed to pick up girls, but we have to work hard on our own? How many girls can we pick up with our own strength?" Dali Zhen and Tiangong looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"That's right!" Chen Zheng nodded, feeling that Dali Zhen and Tian Gong could be carved with dead wood.

"we know!"

Dalizhen and Tiangong ran back and came to a pair of beautiful women. The woman on the left had an oval face and extremely black eyes, and the woman on the right was ordinary, except that her breasts were a bit big.

"Beauty, hello, we brothers want to pick you up!" Dalizhen said directly as soon as he walked up.

"Get out!" The woman on the left was furious: "I don't take a pee to see what I look like, just hang around, and dare to come here for sex? I have seen people like you a lot, no money, no house, no car !"

Dalizhen was not angry at all, instead he pointed to Chen Zheng in the distance, and said in a low voice: "We are that man's apprentices!"


Both women exclaimed.

The tall woman on the right held up her glasses and couldn't help saying: "He is an ancient killer, even the dancer and Hongkou proprietress had to be defeated by him, you are actually his apprentices?"

"That's right, we are indeed the apprentices of the ancient killer!" Tiangong next to him shook his hair.

"We don't believe it!" The woman on the left said fieryly: "If you are the apprentice of the ancient killer, we can let you play for half a year!"


Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at each other, they both moved, and then called out to Chen Zheng behind him: "Master?"

Chen Zheng turned his head and frowned: "What do you want me to do?"

"You heard me, we really know him, we are his apprentices!" Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at the two beauties with a smile.

"This is real……"

The two beauties looked at each other, they were very excited, they hugged Dali Zhen and Tian Gong's arms respectively: "We are your girlfriends now!"

"Ha ha……"

Dalizhen and Tiangong laughed excitedly. They took the two beauties arm in arm, walked back, and said to Chen Zheng: "Boss, you saw that we have found a girl with our own strength!"

"I go!"

Chen Zheng felt a little speechless, these two guys didn't rely on their own strength to pick up girls, they just used his prestige to deceive women, okay?

How can I make such bad friends?

But looking at these two beauties who are not bad in appearance, although they are not as good as the dancer and Hongkou lady proprietress, they are still beauties, Chen Zheng patted Dalizhen and Tiangong on the shoulders: "You two did a good job!"

"Ha ha……"

Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to chase those two girls, you stay here." Chen Zheng said, then walked inside, passed through the second district, and came to the third district, the whole situation changed. , there is no dance floor here, no platform, only a room, what is inside the room, you don't need to think about it.

"Brother, what did the dancer say just now?" At this moment, a voice sounded from the front.

As Chen Zheng walked forward, he saw a few young men in black standing there, copying guys, as if they wanted to kill someone. These young men all had their hair dyed, either crossing gold, or crossing silver, or dyed blue, All of them are very arrogant.

"The dancer said that a guy is coming to make trouble, and we want us to kill him!" The man with the scar on his face said fiercely.

"Where is this guy?"

"In the second district, come here soon! You all go to call someone, tell everyone else to come over, we are going to do something big tonight!"


I saw these men scattered around, and after a while, I saw a group of young men in black walking over. These young men were all vicious.

"Okay, you all stay here, and when you see someone coming over, immediately hack him to death, the dancer ordered!" said the man with the scar face.


Everyone nodded, their eyes full of murderous intent.

Hearing this, Chen Zhengle chuckled, clapped his hands, and then walked out, coming in front of everyone.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Everyone looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously. After all, Chen Zheng didn't come in from the door, but came out from the side room next to him.

"I'm the guy you're looking for!"

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand.

"It turned out to be you, everyone, go up and cut him to death!" The man with the scar snorted coldly, and these young people rushed forward, swinging their machetes and slashing at Chen Zheng.

But at this moment, there was a burst of shouting: "What are you still doing standing here? I'm going to take you to see Yin Yang Wuming!"

I saw a woman come out.


Seeing this woman, everyone lowered their heads.

"You're here, beauty!" Chen Zheng walked up and grabbed the woman's small waist.

The woman wanted to struggle, but a spiritual breath surged from Chen Zheng, and she became powerless again, so she had no choice but to say: "Asshole, go see my parents now, if you pass their assessment, the dancer and I will have a good relationship." To sleep with you!"

"of course can!"

Chen Zheng held the woman's waist, and then walked forward, leaving behind a group of black-clothed youths standing there stupidly: "Damn, how is this guy an enemy? He is our boss's lover, how dare you Want us to kill such a person? Only stupid people will do it!"

With that said, they all left.

(End of this chapter)

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