super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 378 Magic Sutra

Chapter 378 Magic Sutra

Yin Yang Wuming's face changed, and they looked at Tang Ling'er in surprise, their eyes full of unbelievable surprise: "Ling'er, what is going on?"

"I've fallen in love with Chen Zheng, you don't want me to be a widow, do you? So you can't kill him!"

Tang Linger said.

"You're talking nonsense!" Yang Wuming's face became angry: "You can love any man, but you can't love this one!"


Tang Linger asked tightly.

"Because he has to accept the assessment of the Tang family! He has already received the great love of the princess of the Tang family. If he passes the assessment, he can go back to see Mrs. Tang!" Yin Wuming also said.

"Don't you think Chen Zheng can't pass?"

Tang Linger asked.

"In case he passes the assessment, we can only accept the facts!"

Yang Wuming said.

"Don't worry, with me, Tang Linger, here, even if he passes the test, I will snatch him over!"

Tang Linger said confidently.

"You! You are simply a monster!" Yang Wuming's face became angry.

"Monster?" Tang Linger smiled: "Father, haven't I already said that? I will not let Chen Zheng become the official emperor of the Tang family. Why do you still want to stop it? Could it be that you don't want Chen Zheng to live a good life?" ?”

"That's right, we want Chen Zheng to die here!"

Yang Wuming said with a cold face.

"So you used the magic circle to bring Chen Zheng in, just to kill him?" Tang Linger's eyes flashed with anger: "You are lying to him!"

"Why is it your turn to dictate here?" Yang Wuming glanced at Tang Linger, then waved his hand, and saw Yin Wumingyi next to him coming up, stopped Tang Linger, and then went out.

"Mother, you..."

Tang Ling'er became anxious, and looked back, only to see Na Yang Wuming doing magic tricks beside the magic circle...

Chen Zheng was immersed in the magic circle, surrounded by nothingness.

At this moment, a huge fierce demon flew out, blasting towards him.

"what is this?"

As soon as Chen Zhengzheng hesitated, this fierce demon had already launched an attack, and the icy Yaksha stabbed fiercely at Chen Zheng.

"What a strong breath! Definitely not an ancient killer!"

Chen Zheng turned sideways to avoid the past.

But the icy nightshade came in and tore through his clothes.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Zheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He never imagined that there is such a powerful existence outside this world of ancient killers. It seems that it is not so easy to become the emperor of the Tang family, but thinking of Wang An's cute and With a pink face, Chen Zheng felt hot again.

Wang An should be Huaying.

And that night, Chen Zheng should have had a relationship with Wang An, that's why he became stronger!

Wang An wanted Chen Zheng to become the emperor of the Tang family.

How could he live up to Wang An's high expectations?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng's figure flashed, and he took the initiative to attack. He went up to Li Moyi, and hit him hard with the palm of his hand.

This handprint hit Li Mo's body.

But the Limo was fine.

"Damn, it's really difficult! What the hell is this?" Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts.

"This is the Flying Demon!" Yang Wuming's voice rang from the sky: "Flying Demons, Ghouls, and Xundi Demons are all three evil beasts recorded in the Devil's Sutra! One of them is enough to kill you Here it is!"

"The three evil beasts recorded in the Devil's Sutra?"

A sneer flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

Unexpectedly, this yin and yang Wuming tested him, and actually wanted to take out the magic scriptures. How could the majestic Tang family be such a monster?
So Chen Zheng felt that Yin Yang Wuming wanted him to die!

"Let me see its power!"

The spiritual breath in Chen Zheng's body surged out, turned into a handprint, and hit the flying demon.

The Flying Demon spread its wings and melted away all the handprints that Chen Zheng had struck. It roared and killed Chen Zheng. Its claws were very sharp. If it touched Chen Zheng, it would definitely cause serious injuries.

Chen Zheng rolled on the spot and quickly avoided the attack of the flying demon.

Next, the Flying Demon bombarded, and Chen Zheng kept dodging. He didn't know how long it took. Finally, Chen Zheng stopped, leaned against the wall, and stared intently at the beast in midair.

After this, Chen Zheng knew that the weakness of the Flying Demon was in its heart.

"Spiritual breath, come out!"

Chen Zheng circulated the aura in his dantian, and it gushed out, transformed into a handprint after being transformed by Princess Zhiyu, but he was not in a hurry to kill it.

He stepped forward.

The Flying Demon slammed down towards Chen Zheng.

But this fell into Chen Zheng's scheme. He stood there, and when the Flying Demon bombarded him, he struck with his handprint, hitting the Flying Demon's heart.

The aura in this handprint was all spiritualized by the princess's jade, and it was very swallowing, and it quickly entered the flying demon's body.

A roar sounded, and the flying demon exploded away.


Outside the magic circle, Na Yang Wuming frowned, his eyes were full of doubts, why did the Flying Demon disappear after hitting him?

"However, I still have ghouls!"

Yang Wuming activated the Devil's Sutra again, and saw a terrifying ghoul rush out, and rushed towards Chen Zheng.

This ghoul has a huge corpse tongue.

Its strongest attack point is also the corpse tongue, as long as it is entangled by it, it will quickly suck out the spiritual breath in the body.

Likewise, its weakness is the heart!
"Good time, good time!" Chen Zheng yelled, and then rushed forward. With that time just now, he is now very handy, the spiritual breath of Dantian gushes out, and after being transformed by the princess jade, he slams down hard. Hit, hit the ghoul's heart.

With such a blow, the ghoul fell to the ground, struggling fiercely, and turned into a pool of blood in a short while.


Na Yang Wuming's expression changed, he didn't know what happened.

With a wave of his hand, he saw the last ground monster fly out and kill Chen Zheng.

Before the earth follower came to Chen Zheng, his figure flashed and disappeared from the ground suddenly.

"What's the situation? Will you dig a hole and escape?"

Chen Zheng's eyes lit up, these flying demons, ghouls, and earth demons are all very powerful.

Chen Zheng prepared it in the same way, and a huge handprint had accumulated on the palm of his hand. The aura was transformed by the princess's jade, and it had a strong bombardment effect. He was just waiting for the Xundi demon to come out.

Chen Zheng heard a trembling sound, and when he looked down, he saw the ground demon flying out from under his feet.

"Bastard! Court death!"

Chen Zheng jumped up, and then hit Xundi Yao on the head with a heavy palm.

With just one blow, Xundi Yao was completely killed.

"Okay!" Chen Zheng clapped his hands: "It's time to go out! But how to go out?"

He came to the edge of the magic circle, and then slapped it hard, with a loud bang, and surprisingly, a strong light emanated from his body.

He hurriedly looked down, but was shocked: "It's you..."

(End of this chapter)

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