super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 384 The Weird Chandelier

Chapter 384 The Weird Chandelier
"They fired!"

The faces of these killers sank, and then they dispersed to the surroundings, respectively hiding in the grass, took out their guns, and began to confront the men in the villa.

Needless to say, as killers, they have their own way.

Some people were very strong at sniping. They took out sniper rifles from the car and shot towards the villa.

Some people had a strong ambush, and after a while, they came up from behind and killed them from behind.

In about half an hour, the men on the entire inner wall of the villa were brought down, and the door opened, and a female killer came out: "Master Chen, you can go in!"

Chen Zheng nodded, and walked inside first.

Anti-theft doors and windows have been installed inside the villa, and the whole villa is tightly locked. Although the people outside have been unlocked, there are still people inside.

Chen Zheng used the see-through technique to look inside, but he was a little puzzled, because in the villa, he found that the ceiling was full of those chandeliers, one after another, the entire ceiling.

"what's going on?"

Chen Zheng had doubts in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Then He Feng came over, thinking that Chen Zheng seemed to have discovered something.

"It's okay, let's go in and save people!" Chen Zheng said, walked forward, and then hit the anti-theft door heavily with his fist. With a loud bang, the anti-theft door was opened just like that.


Everyone behind them froze. They knew it was a tempered door, but Chen Zheng broke it with one fist?This is too scary, right?
"This is the horror of the ancient killer!"

He Feng said something proudly, and then walked inside.

"Go and rescue the lady immediately!"

The five killers also walked in quickly. Xu Ying is the daughter of their organization. If Xu Ying is held hostage, it will definitely be troublesome.

"Why is this villa empty?"

He Feng's eyes were full of doubts, and he saw that there was nothing in the lobby on the first floor, except for the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, one every half a meter, making it impossible to understand what was going on.

"Miss isn't here?"

The five assassins behind searched the room, but Xu Ying was still nowhere to be seen, and soon they came out, their eyes full of doubts.

"Chen Zheng, what's the situation with the chandelier above?"

He Feng asked Chen Zheng suspiciously.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, but used the see-through technique to look into these chandeliers. Just like this, he was shocked suddenly, and said quickly: "Everyone be careful, this is venom!"


Everyone was shocked.

And He Feng, who was next to her, reacted very quickly. She wanted to run out subconsciously, but was hugged tightly by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng said directly: "Don't run away, it's too late!"

"What should I do?"

He Feng looked at Chen Zheng nervously.

"I hold you!"

As Chen Zhengzheng was speaking, he heard a crackling sound. In mid-air, the chandeliers exploded, and streams of poison splashed out and splashed in the hall.


He Feng's complexion changed, and she closed her eyes subconsciously, but soon she opened them again, only to find that Chen Zheng was hugging her tightly at this moment, and a spirit shield gushed out from Chen Zheng's body, absorbing all the venom are isolated.

"What's the situation..."

He Feng was startled.

Her first thought was that Chen Zheng was too powerful.

But soon, she found that Chen Zheng ignored her, but looked forward.

"What's the matter?" A trace of doubt flashed in He Feng's eyes, she quickly looked around, but was shocked suddenly, and saw that when the chandelier was broken, a stream of poison sprayed down from her head, touching the five men and women , After these men and women were stained, they all screamed in pain.

Surprisingly, the venom made them all struggle violently.

First, the flesh and blood melted, revealing the bones.

Afterwards, these five people fell into a pool of blood, screaming non-stop, their fingers suddenly became very long, and their eyes turned blood red.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the corpse has changed!"

He Feng's face was pale.

"These venoms turned them into biochemicals!" Chen Zheng suddenly looked at He Feng: "Is this organization that wants to catch Xu Ying the Satanic organization in the United States?"

"The Satanic organization? You mean the organization that is wanted by all countries in the world?" He Feng shook his head: "Probably not, it is the Hongxing Gang, but I have heard that the Hongxing Gang knows the Satanic organization!"

"That's right! The liquid bursting out of these chandeliers is the biochemical liquid shot out by the Satanic organization. After being stained, it will become an alienated person!"

Chen Zheng said.

"It's too scary..."

He Feng stared closely at the five men and women in front of her. She had never seen what it was like to be an alienated person.

There was a sound of hissing, and the five men and women on the ground crawled up. Their faces were bloody, their eyes were blood red, and blood red liquid kept flowing out of their mouths. They stood up and walked towards Chen Chen step by step. Just two people came over.

"Is this a zombie?"

He Feng looked surprised.

"It's not a zombie, but don't let their liquid touch it, if not, it will become them!" Chen Zheng said seriously.


He Feng shuddered, she took out her pistol, and fired at the nearest alienated man.

There was a burst of gunfire, and a bullet was rapidly aimed at the alienated man's head.

With one shot, half of the alienated man's head was smashed.


But the alienated man let out a roar, and then rushed forward fiercely. Before he came in front of him, he opened his bloody mouth and sprayed corpse fluid fiercely at Chen Zheng.

"Keep these liquids out of the way, if not, it will be theirs!"

Chen Zheng said something, and with a wave of his hand, he splashed the corpse fluid back.

A strong stench came up, and He Feng tried to vomit, her expression changed: "I can't do it, I'll leave it to you!"

"to make!"

Chen Zheng circulated the spiritual breath in his body, transformed it into the spirit of the princess jade, and then acted on his body. The next second, he escaped and slammed a palm, killing the alienated person in the front.

Seeing that the alienated man's head was crushed.


He Feng who was behind was startled, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.


Chen Zheng let out a low cry, then jumped up, slashed his bow left and right, and hit it cracklingly, killing the other three alienated people in a short while, leaving only the last one.

"Chen Zheng, keep killing it!"

He Feng stood up.

"No, I still rely on it to find Xu Ying!" Chen Zheng stepped forward, and a spiritual breath hit the head of the last alienated person...

(End of this chapter)

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