super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 391 Knowing Wang An's Little Secret

Chapter 391 Knowing Wang An's Little Secret
"Husband, I have found sister Xiaoying!" Xia Xue ran out excitedly.


Chen Zheng was shocked, sister Xiaoying?Could it be Huaying?
"Where is Huaying now?" Chen Zheng looked at Xia Xue closely.

"She is Wang An!"

Xia Xue said excitedly.


Chen Zheng was startled.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, knowing that Wang An was extremely likely to be Huaying, he was still very surprised when Xia Xue said it himself.

"Xiao An, she lied to us very well! She is Huaying, and she became what she is now because of the ancient killer!" Xia Xue became more and more excited as she spoke: "I never thought that she was Huaying, But this morning, I saw her sitting on the balcony in a daze, and when I got closer, I found that her chest was protruding.

"Where is she now?"

Chen Zheng asked quickly.

He just wanted to see Wang An now and confirm that Wang An was Hua Ying.

"She has been dragged back to the room by Liu Li, and Liu Li asked me not to tell me no matter what, but how could I hide such a big matter from you? So I told you right away!" Xia Xuele Giggled: "I'm doing this so that you won't worry!"

Chen Zheng also understood Xia Xue's intentions.

After all, he had promised Hua Tiandu and Xia Shangguo to find Huaying.

But Xia Xue didn't know. In fact, Chen Zheng had already guessed that Wang An was Huaying, but he didn't confirm it.

Moreover, that night, he should have had a relationship with Huaying, which is why he became stronger. There is only Wang An here, so Wang An is very likely to be Huaying.

"Xiao An is in Liu Li's room right now, and the two of them have been staying in the room, and they don't know what they are talking about." Xia Xuele giggled.

"Then let's go see them!"

Chen Zheng was also very excited, he hurried to Liu Li's room, and knocked on the door.


Liu Li's nervous voice sounded.

"It's me, Chen Zheng..." Chen Zheng said directly.


Inside the room, Liu Li let out a cry of surprise, and her whole body became tense: "Chen Zheng, we have something to do here, don't come in yet!"

"Okay then, I'll wait here for you to come out!"

Although Chen Zheng was impatient, he didn't force himself, he just waited here, and as time passed, the room became more and more quiet.

"Husband, what do you think they are doing?"

Xia Xue asked suspiciously.

"I don't know..." Chen Zheng shook his head.

Xu Ying next to her didn't speak from the beginning to the end. She knew that Wang An was Huaying. In fact, Wang An once asked her to keep a secret for Wang An, because Wang An loved Chen Zheng very much and wanted to completely Only after recovering her daughter's body did she confess to Chen Zheng.

And during this period of time, Xu Ying kept her eyes closed.

After all, Wang An is not only the daughter of the Hua family, but also the princess of the Tang family, so she cannot be compared.

Although she also likes Chen Zheng, she has never dared to confess because Wang An's conditions are better than hers, but now, she is different, because she has some more tokens given to her by Hong Xing. Represents Hongxing's global power and financial resources.

It's worth tens of billions!
To be honest, she is already a little rich woman, so what is she afraid of?

So she stood up: "Brother Xiaozheng, Xiaoan is not Huaying!"

"Why do you say this way?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts.

"He told me that he is not Huaying!" Xu Ying said.

"But I still want to see the situation." Chen Zheng smiled.

"Don't look at it, this Wang An is Xiaoying's younger sister, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!" Xia Xue's eyes were full of excitement.

But at this time, the door opened, and Liu Li pulled Wang An out, Liu Li had a smile on her face, while Wang An was still so cute and cute.

Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An's chest, but it was still so flat.


Xia Xue just said that Wang An has breasts, why did Chen Zheng not have them when he came back?
Chen Zheng hurriedly used the see-through eye technique to explore, and found that Wang An's chest was very fair and smooth, not a woman.

"What's the situation?" Xia Xue's eyes were full of surprise, she came up, reached out and touched Wang An's chest, smooth and smooth, fair and fair, not a girl: "It's strange. I still saw her breasts, but now I don’t see anything?"

"That's because you misunderstood, he is Wang An!" Liu Li said hastily.

"Impossible, she is sister Huaying! There is absolutely nothing wrong!" Xia Xue's attitude was firm.

"Then you have to look carefully..." Liu Li smiled and said to Wang An, "Xiao An, take off your shirt now and let them see it."


Wang Anna glanced at Chen Zheng with cute eyes, then obediently took off her shirt, revealing her smooth and fair chest.


Xia Xue glanced at it, deeply disappointed.

Xu Ying, who was next to her, smiled in her heart. She knew that Wang An's breasts would shrink during the day and only show up at night because of the ancient killer.

"All right!"

Chen Zheng hurried up, picked up Wang An's T-shirt, put it on Wang An, squeezed Wang An's cute and silly face, and said with a smile: "Xiao An, you can't listen to me in the future. Liu Li's words, she took off her clothes indiscriminately! Do you understand?"


Wang An nodded his head, his face was so cute.

"Okay, let's go out and play!"

Chen Zheng pulled Wang An and walked outside.

Although Wang An's chest is very flat, he has already suspected that Wang An is Hua Ying. It may be due to the influence of the ancient killer's experiment and he has not recovered for a long time, but given time, Wang An will definitely be able to return to normal!
Wang An was hit by the Tang family's magic circle, so he became cute.

At this time, Chen Zheng wanted to hang out with Wang An more often.

In the square of the community, Chen Zheng and Wang An kicked the carpet. At first, they were the only two playing. Later, Liu Li, Xia Xue and Xu Ying joined in. The five of them formed a landscape, which attracted the amazement of all the men and women around.

Everyone had a great time.

And Wang An also smiled happily.

It's just that when going back, Liu Li pulled Wang An, but looked at Chen Zheng from time to time, with a worried look on her face.

But when everyone returned to the apartment, Liu Li deliberately took a step back and gave Chen Zheng a hand.

Chen Zheng knew that Liu Li had something to say, so he was not in a hurry to go back.

"what happened?"

Chen Zheng and Liu Li walked up to the roof.

Liu Li was very silent at first, and she didn't know how long it took before she suddenly said, "Chen Zheng, Wang An is actually Hua Ying!"

(End of this chapter)

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