super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 397 Wang An Laughed

Chapter 397 Wang An Laughed
"I have a way to fight him!"

Wang An said suddenly.

"What method?" Chen Zheng looked at Wang An suspiciously.

Wang An was engulfed by the Tang family's magic circle, and possessed a strong aura of an ancient killer. If Wang An said he had a way, then he would definitely be able to fight against the ancestor of the Wu family.

"Xiao An, what method is it?"

Xia Xue next to her looked closely at Wang An.

"This method is to condense all the spiritual energy in me on Brother Xiaozheng, so that we can fight against the ancestors of the Wu family. Brother Xiaozheng and I will never be able to fight against the ancestors of the Wu family if we rely on our own strength alone, but if we Concentrate all of his spiritual energy on Brother Xiaozheng, that's all!"

Wang An said.


Chen Zheng's face darkened, he never thought that Wang An would be so fearless of death.

Condensing her aura on him?Wang An will definitely die, because spiritual breaths cannot be transmitted to each other.

"Chen Zheng, what consequences will this have?" Seeing that Chen Zheng's expression was not very good, Xia Xue guessed something, but she still couldn't help asking.

"If Xiaoan transmits her breath to me, he will die!"

Chen Zheng said.


When Xia Xue heard this, her face changed. If this is the case, then Wang An is in great danger. She shook her head: "This method is not feasible!"

"Then what should we do? The ancestors of the Wu family have already been killed!"

Jin Zhongyuan said anxiously.


There was a sound of cold shouting, and in mid-air, the ancestor of the Wu family flew down, raised his palm and struck towards Chen Zheng, and with this palm, a cold corpse air flew out, towards Chen Zheng. Waiting for people to come.

The cold corpse air quickly condensed into a handprint.

"What a strong handprint!"

A gleam of light flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He used his spiritual breath and pushed Xia Xue, Wang An and Jin Zhongyuan out. The spiritual breath in his body gushed out, and after being spiritualized by Princess Zhiyu, it suddenly exploded. His body was burning fiercely, and at this moment, he seemed to be wearing a war robe.

The cold handprints of the ancestors of the Wu family hit Chen Zheng fiercely.

"He's dead!"

Jin Zhongyuan's face was pale and bloodless. He clearly felt that the blow of the ancestor of the Wu family was more powerful than just now. It was [-]% powerful before, so this blow is at least [-]% powerful.

With [-]% strength, Chen Zheng can be beaten back steadily. If it is [-]% strength, Chen Zheng will definitely be killed.

But soon, Jin Zhongyuan was shocked because he saw Chen Zhengyi standing there, nothing happened.

"what's going on?"

Jin Zhongyuan was extremely surprised: "Could it be that Xiaozheng blocked the attack of the ancestor of the Wu family?"

"That's right, brother Xiaozheng blocked it!" Wang An nodded.

"That's great!"

Xia Xue's face was full of joy. When the ancestor of the Wu family slapped him, Xia Xue subconsciously covered her face with her hands. She didn't want to see Chen Zheng being injured, so she raised her whole heart. Chen Zheng was safe and sound, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Xiaozheng won't last long!" Wang An said again.


Xia Xue's face turned pale, and she looked closely at Wang An: "Then what should we do next?"

"Escape, I can only escape..." Jin Zhongyuan glanced at Chen Zheng who was in the distance, he quickly took out his mobile phone, and then called the police: "Come over here immediately, all come here for me!"

"It's useless!" Chen Zheng's voice sounded from the front: "Don't call people over, all of you get out of here!"

"how about you?"

Xia Xue looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"I'm fine, I can hold on for a while!" Chen Zheng said, and the aura in his body surged out again. After being transformed by the princess jade, it all condensed on him. At this moment, he stood there like a war god .

"Very good, you were able to block my attack just now, but I want to know if you can hold on any longer!"

The ancestor of the Wu family snorted coldly, raised his palm and slapped it down hard.

A roar sounded, and the handprint of the ancestor of the Wu family was struck down, but Chen Zheng's defense was still unable to be broken. Now the ancestor of the Wu family was really surprised. Does that piece of jade belong to the Tang family?"

Chen Zheng smiled coldly, but did not answer the ancestor of the Wu family.

"If it's true, the jade on your chest is the princess jade of the Tang family, but how could it be on your body?" The ancestor of the Wu family stared at Chen Zheng.

"You want to know? Well, I'll send you to hell, and you can ask the third grandma of the Tang family!"

Chen Zheng drank coldly, and the spiritual energy in his body surged out, attached to the protective cover on his body, he pushed hard, and saw this powerful spiritual energy attack the ancestor of the Wu family.

"What a strong breath, you really have the jade of the Tang family!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the Wu family were full of surprise.

That powerful spiritual breath came towards the ancestor of the Wu family.

The ancestor of the Wu family stretched out his hand and pressed down on the attacking spiritual breath, and then he quickly refined it. After a while, the entire spiritual breath layer was refined. The ancestor of the Wu family breathed it in, and his eyes lit up: "The Princess Jade of the Tang Family is real, and all these auras come from the Princess Jade! Very good!"

"Old ghost, you have the guts!"

Chen Zheng originally thought that the aura of these princess jades could seriously injure the ancestor of the Wu family, but unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Wu family sucked them all in one breath.

Chen Zheng glanced coldly at the ancestor of the Wu family, and then walked forward.

"Want to leave? I still want the jade on your chest!"

The ancestor of the Wu family gave a low drink, and then flew up.

"Run away now!"

As Chen Zheng walked forward, he reminded Wang An and the others in front: "It's best to separate!"

Both Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan were police officers, and they separated and fled consciously. Wang An turned his head and glanced at the ancestor of the Wu family in mid-air, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Xiao An, why didn't you run away?"

Chen Zhengyi came up.

"I can't escape!" Wang An said.

"Why can't I escape?"

As Chen Zhengzheng was speaking, at this moment, the ancestor of the Wu family stretched out his hand and squeezed it fiercely, and Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan who were not far away were sucked back alive.


Chen Zheng frowned.

"You all get out of here!" The ancestor of the Wu family sucked fiercely towards Chen Zheng and Wang An. Chen Zheng quickly used his spiritual energy to block the absorption of the ancestor of the Wu family, but Wang An next to him was sucked in. .

The ancestor of the Wu family pinched Wang An's neck, lifted Wang An up, and looked at Chen Zheng with a cold face: "Hand over the princess jade immediately, if not, I will kill him immediately!"

"You bastard! Let her go immediately!"

A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he flew up.

But at this moment, Chen Zheng discovered that Wang An smiled...

That's right, Wang An was pinched by the neck of the ancestor of the Wu family, but at this moment, seeing Chen Zheng rushing forward desperately, Wang An smiled...

(End of this chapter)

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