super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 402 Terrorist Attack

Chapter 402 Terrorist Attack

"Sure enough, it is an existence that does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"

The ancestor of the Wu family smiled coldly. He stepped forward and stood six meters away from Chen Zheng. He cupped his hands with an extremely mocking expression on his face, as if Chen Zheng was looking for death at this moment.

In fact, Chen Zheng is indeed looking for death. A 400-year-old ancient warrior against a 500-year-old ancient warrior is a leapfrog confrontation. Not to mention, this 500-year-old ancient warrior has long been refined. Corpse.

And Chen Zheng even said idiotically that he had already experienced the weakness of corpse spirits.

But how is this possible?
Corpse spirits are one of the top ten souls of ancient warriors. They have been handed down from ancient times to the present. They are invulnerable, so how can they have weaknesses?
From this point of view, Chen Zheng was undoubtedly courting death.

"Old bastard, I will kill you today!"

Chen Zheng walked forward, the aura in his body boiled, and condensed into a palm. This palm had a strong arrogance, which kept burning on the palm, and then turned into a handprint, first towards the ancestor of the Wu family. kill.

This handprint hit the ancestor of the Wu family fiercely on the chest, and the ancestor of the Wu family did not stop him at all. He was hit by Chen Zheng's handprint like this, but nothing happened.

"You have seen it. If you use all your strength, I am afraid that you will not be able to strike a blow that threatens the ancestor of the Wu family!" The old man said coldly: "Chen Zheng, you should give up and fight against the ancestor of the Wu family. Just looking for death!"

"But in my opinion, he is the kind who doesn't cry when he sees the coffin!"

Old Hong said coldly.

"Let's see if he really knows the weakness of corpse spirits!" the old woman smiled coldly.

"Impossible, corpse spirits have no weaknesses!" Tian Lao shook his head.

On this side, three elders from an ancient martial arts family in the south of the Yangtze River were discussing, and on the other side, Yin Yang Wuming also looked up at Chen Zheng. Seeing Chen Zhengyi walking up without hesitation, they all shook their heads and sighed slightly. This is definitely courting death.

"Chen Zheng..."

Xia Xue's face turned pale, and she looked closely at Chen Zheng. She knew that Chen Zheng was determined to marry the ancestor of the Wu family. As Chen Zheng's woman, she could only stand there to see what happened, but she couldn't go up to stop it .

"Stop inking, let's do it!"

Chen Zheng didn't say too much nonsense, he let out a low drink, his whole body relaxed, and then went towards the ancestor of the Wu family.

His speed is very fast, and at the same time, he uses the see-through eye technique, and probes into the body of the ancestor of the Wu family. He clearly feels the weakness of the ancestor of the Wu family's corpse, which is not far from the upper left of the ancestor of the Wu family's chest. It is a blind spot. , as long as you aim at this place and attack fiercely, you may be able to break the corpse of the ancestor of the Wu family!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhengyi let out a cry, and then charged towards the ancestor of the Wu family.

He is very fast.

Chen Zhengyi came up, stretched out his palm, and hit the ancestor of the Wu family fiercely in the chest.

This strong spiritual breath was very mighty, and it rushed towards the ancestors of the Wu family, and burned completely with every sound.

"Oh? This is your most powerful blow, right?"

The ancestor of the Wu family smiled coldly, but unexpectedly did not stop him, allowing Chen Zheng's palm to hit him hard on the chest.

"I'll let you hit me on the chest with the strongest palm!"

The ancestor of the Wu family smiled coldly.

Obviously, he didn't feel that Chen Zheng's blow was threatening at all, but soon, to his horror, Chen Zheng's palm hit him alive on his chest, and he actually killed him with one blow. It was knocked upside down, rolled around on the ground a few times, and finally fell to the ground.


At that moment, everyone was shocked and froze there, staring blankly at all this.

Didn't we say that the most terrifying thing is the ancestors of the Wu family?Why did the ancestor of the Wu family want to block Chen Zheng's blow with his body, but was sent flying by Chen Zheng?

"What's the situation? Why did Chen Zheng knock the ancestor of the Wu family away with one palm? What's the situation?"

Everyone was really surprised.

"This is impossible! The ancestor of the Wu family should have used the corpse spirit on his body. Even with the strength of ten Chen Zhengs, combined with one blow, I am afraid that the ancestor of the Wu family will not be able to blow the ancestor of the Wu family away!" Yin Yang Wuming Hastily shook his head.

"Then what's the situation?"

Everyone was surprised.


The ancestor of the Wu family got up from the ground and stared at Chen Zheng angrily: "You bastard!"

"It really works!"

Chen Zheng was very excited, he didn't expect to hit the upper left corner of the ancestor of the Wu family's chest, and really broke the corpse of the ancestor of the Wu family.

This corpse spirit was one of the top ten spirit spirits. It was terrifying, but in the end it was broken by Chen Zheng with a single blow.

This greatly increased Chen Zheng's confidence.

"Come on, come on!" Chen Zheng waved to the ancestor of the Wu family.

"Ye boy, do you think you can really fight me with just one blow? I'm not afraid to tell you that you just won by luck! I can kill you right now!"

The ancestor of the Wu family let out a cold shout, and the spirit in his body boiled up, and then condensed in the palm of his hand. With a sound, he came up to Chen Zhengfei, and said imitatively: "Come on, I will use him now The way to cure the person! Today is your death day!"

"it is good!"

Chen Zheng nodded, but he didn't dodge, but stood there firmly. Just as the ancestor of the Wu family came up, he moved, his figure flashed, and he quickly dodged away.

Although Chen Zheng's speed was very fast, he still couldn't dodge completely. On the contrary, his left shoulder fell within the attack range of the ancestor of the Wu family.

With a bang, the ancestor of the Wu family hit Chen Zheng directly on the shoulder with such a blow.

Chen felt a wave of pain hit him.

But he didn't back down, but raised his palm and hit hard, and then hit back, with a loud bang, this blow hit the weakness of the Wu family ancestor's corpse spirit again.

There was a roar, and Chen Zheng stepped back six steps.

But the ancestor of the Wu family threw himself backwards, fell to the ground with a bang, vomited blood, and trembled all over.


At that moment, the complexions of the old woman, Tian Lao, Hong Lao, Yin Wuming, Yang Wuming, Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan all changed drastically, and they stared at all this steadfastly.

Didn't you say yes?Chen Zheng was no match for the ancestor of the Wu family. Why did Chen Zheng knock the ancestor of the Wu family away with one palm?Didn't you say yes?The corpse spirit in the body of the ancestor of the Wu family is very terrifying. No one can resist it. Why did Chen Zheng break this corpse spirit with one palm?
what is happening?
At that moment, everyone froze.

(End of this chapter)

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