super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 405 Breaking the Spirit

Chapter 405 Breaking the Spirit
"Could it be a sky devil, a ghoul, and a Xundi?"

The ancestor of the Wu family used Fang Tian's spear to smash all the three seals struck by Chen Zheng, and saw three fierce souls flying out of the seals, floating around the ancestor of the Wu family like a hag, holding machetes and magic weapons in their hands. , staring gloomyly at the ancestor of the Wu family.

"This is the three demon souls in Da Ming Demon Legend!"

Yin Yang Wuming's face was surprised, and they didn't expect Chen Zheng to put away all three demon souls.

"It's actually the three demon souls in the Legend of the Great Ming Demon. The three fierce demons, the flying demon, the ghoul, and the earth demon, can be said to be the nemesis of human beings. They are formed by the condensation of human fear, fear, worry and other negative emotions It was made, more than 1000 years ago, it only existed in the air, and later it was extracted from mid-air by a true spirit Taoist, and then sealed in the Great Ming Demon Legend, but now it is unexpected that these three demons appeared here !"

The old man looked surprised.

"These three demons should be sealed in the Da Ming Demon Biography. If human beings want to use it, they can only open the Daming Demon Biography and release these three demons. But what makes people puzzled is that the flying demon, ghoul and The Xundi Demon seems to have escaped from Chen Zheng's body!"

Old Hong's eyes were full of doubts.

And the eyes of the old woman next to her were also full of surprise: "I noticed what you said, let alone, the flying demon, ghoul and earth demon did fly out of Chen Zheng's body, so In other words, these three demons were subdued by Chen Zheng? But how can humans subdue demons?"

At that moment, the old woman was really surprised.


Tian Lao also noticed, and his face was very surprised.

"Impossible! He shouldn't be able to subdue these three demons!"

Yin Yang Wuming glanced at each other, then walked up, picked up a magic scripture in his hand, it was the Da Ming Mo Biography, they opened this Da Ming Mo Biography, and a dark and terrifying aura shone out, towards the Skitters, ghouls, and stalkers flickered away.

A roar sounded, and a ray of light bounced from the Flying Demon, Ghoul, and Xundi Demon, and flew back the Daming Demon Passing Bullet in Yin Yang Wuming's hand.


Yin Yang Wuming's complexion changed drastically. The three-headed demon's actions made it clear. They were obviously resisting Da Ming Mo Zhuan. In other words, they had escaped the control of Da Ming Mo Zhuan and were completely subdued by Chen Zheng.

"It turns out that the Great Ming Demon Legend is in your hands!"

Tianlao, Honglao and Laowowo all looked at Yin Yang Wuming in surprise.

"You don't have to be surprised, Da Ming Demon Legend is useless, the three-headed demon has already been subdued by Chen Zheng!" Yin Yang Wuming was full of reluctance.

"So, he really subdued the three-headed demon in Da Ming Mo Biography? Isn't this too terrifying?"

As Tianlao said, his whole body was trembling. If he was very surprised when Chen Zheng saw through the weakness of the corpse spirit of the ancestor of the Wu family before, he was absolutely shocked now that Chen Zheng subdued the legendary three-headed demon!
"Legend of the Great Ming Demon!"

The ancestor of the Wu family obviously didn't expect Chen Zheng to summon these three demons. He acted first, and the Fang Tian spear in his hand slammed towards Chen Zheng fiercely.

Fang Tian's spear ignited fiercely, sweeping a strong spiritual breath to kill fiercely.

"Flying demon, ghoul, earth demon, break it for me!"

Chen Zheng let out a low cry, and sent out the idea of ​​attack with his spiritual sense.

Seeing the three flying demons, ghouls and Xundi monsters roaring, they rushed towards the ancestor of the Wu family. The three demons burned completely, and came to the ancestor of the Wu family with a violent sweep.

The three demons quickly got into the Taoist robe of the ancestor of the Wu family, and saw the powerful spiritual breath burning.


The ancestor of the Wu family let out a roar. On him, the three flying demons, ghouls and Xundi monsters all scattered out, but each held the objects of the ancestor of the Wu family. The ghoul held the Primordial Spirit Slash in its mouth, and the Xundi Yao held the blood-red battle robe in its mouth. They flew in mid-air, devouring them non-stop.

There were bursts of roaring explosions, and the flying demons, ghouls, and earth demons in midair exploded violently.

Those three Fangtian spears, Hongmeng Lingzhan and the blood-red battle robe quickly burned.

In less than a moment, the three magic weapons transformed by the natal martial soul of the ancestor of the Wu family were all shattered, turning into a spiritual breath and scattered in the wind.

In that blood-red light, a fierce soul flew out. It was the original martial soul of the ancestor of the Wu family. became seriously injured.


The ancestor of the Wu family vomited blood wildly with his mouth open. He displayed his natal martial spirit, but he couldn't kill Chen Zheng. Not only that, he was beaten by Chen Zheng's three demons and lost 200 years of skill.

"The original Wuhun of the ancestor of the Wu family has been seriously injured. I'm afraid he has lost hundreds of years of cultivation!"

Tianlao said with a surprised expression.

"He is too unlucky. Unexpectedly, Chen Zheng subdued the three-headed demon in the Legend of the Great Ming Demon. In this way, the ancestor of the Wu family dropped from a 500-year-old martial artist to a 300-year-old existence!"

Old Hong smiled coldly.

"Hush! With 300 years of cultivation, to be honest, he is no longer our opponent, nor is he Chen Zheng's opponent! He was completely gambling just now. He gambled on his 200 years of cultivation, but he couldn't get rid of it. Chen Zheng kills!"

The old woman said with emotion.

"The current ancestor of the Wu family is no longer Chen Zheng's opponent!"

Yin Yang Wuming also fell down, his eyes full of emotion, originally thought that the ancestor of the Wu family could fight against Chen Zheng by displaying his natal martial spirit, but in the end Chen Zheng used three demons to defeat him, and the ancestor of the Wu family even more Paid a heavy price.

"So, Chen Zheng can kill him?"

Xia Xue walked up excitedly.

"Xiaozheng has completely defeated the ancestor of the Wu family, and the ancestor of the Wu family is nothing more than that!" Jin Zhongyuan's face was very excited. The horror case that lasted for several months was finally about to be closed, and the terrifying murderer, the ancestor of the Wu family, was also very excited. He was about to be killed, and he was in a good mood.

"Chen Zheng, let's go back, don't fight anymore!"

However, Xia Xue didn't let Chen Zheng face off with the ancestor of the Wu family again. No matter what he said, it was fine as long as Chen Zheng was safe.

However, Chen Zheng flew up, operated the spiritual breath in his body, passed through the effect of the Princess Jade, and then turned into a seal, which contained the souls of flying demons, ghouls, and earth demons, which were attached to Chen Zheng's body. On the French seal, he hit the ancestor of the Wu family, and with a bang, the ancestor of the Wu family was sent flying.

"get out!"

Chen Zheng said something coldly, and then was about to leave here.

"Want to leave? I'll kill you today!"

The ancestor of the Wu family behind him let out a wild roar, and all the spiritual energy in his body burned.

"Oh my god, he wants to break his spirit!!!"

Tianlao's complexion changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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