super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 414 Save Wang An

Chapter 414 Save Wang An

"Oh my god! You are not just 600 years of cultivation, but 1000 years of cultivation!"

The old man's expression changed drastically, and he stood up and stared at Chen Zheng. He thought that Chen Zheng was only 600 years old, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Zheng made such a powerful blow.

"What do we do now?"

Those men and women were pale and bloodless. Although they were the core disciples of the Tang family, when they encountered danger, their first thought was to run away.

They thought that with Elder Tang here, everyone would be able to fight against this terrifying existence of Chen Zheng together, but how could they have thought that Chen Zheng had a cultivation base of 1000 years?

I'm afraid the two Elder Tangs are not Chen Zheng's opponents, let alone them.

"Go now!"

A disciple suddenly said something, and his figure flashed and disappeared quickly.

"If you don't go, stay and die!"

The faces of the other disciples turned pale, and with a whistling sound, they scattered around and disappeared without a trace after a while.


The old man's face changed. He stood up and found that all the core disciples had run away, leaving only him here. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, I can't think of you!" It’s actually a 1000-year cultivation. I came here to assassinate you today. It’s definitely the wrong choice! Don’t worry, I’ll go back and tell the old lady of the Tang family right now. If she knows that you have a 1000-year cultivation, she will definitely come over. invited you back!"

"Really? Then you go and inform the old lady of the Tang family now, I'll wait for her here!"

Chen Zheng used his spirit breath, then hit the old man's chest with a palm, and sent the old man flying with a slap.


The old man struggled to get up from the ground, spat out a mouthful of rotting blood, his face was pale and bloodless, he got up from the ground, took a hard look at Chen Zheng, then fled outside, and disappeared after a while.

"Brother Xiaojun, we..."

Xu Ying looked at Chen Zheng nervously.

"Let's get out of here first!" Chen Zheng hugged Wang An, called Xia Xue, Liu Li, and Xu Ying, walked out of the courtyard, came to the nearby Hilton Hotel, and booked a high-end room for Xia Xue, Liu Li, and Xu Ying He lived here, and then he carried Wang An to go back to the courtyard.

"Honey, it's very dangerous for you to go back like this!"

Xia Xue held Chen Zheng tightly.

She was afraid that Chen Zheng would face the Tang family when he went back.

"It's okay, Xiao'an is still with me, the Tang family will not kill me, and even if they want to, they probably won't be able to!"

Chen Zheng wasn't worried at all.

He has 1000 years of cultivation in his body, so no one from the Tang family can kill him. His power is inherited from the No. 18 saint and the emperor. I am afraid that no one from the entire Tang family can kill him. .

So he wasn't worried at all, he was just worried that Xia Xue, Liu Li and Xu Ying would be attacked.

"Or, we'll follow you there too, so that we can take care of each other."

Xia Xue said.

"No need!" Chen Zheng shook his head, "You guys are here, I can't take care of you, you should stay here, I'll come back to find you guys after I bring Xiao An back to life!"


What Xia Xue wanted to say was already held back by Liu Li who was next to her. Liu Li shook her head: "Sister Xue, let him go. Chen Zheng has a cultivation base of 1000 years. Looking at the entire Tang family, the Tang family is even more impressive." Even the elders can't fight against him, let alone other people!"

"Okay!" Xia Xue nodded, took Chen Zheng's hand, and straightened Chen Zheng's collar: "Chen Zheng, you have to be careful."


Chen Zheng nodded. He hugged Wang An and walked out, back to the courtyard. The journey was very quiet, but when he entered the courtyard, Chen Zheng's face turned cold: "Since you're here, come out!"

"Chen Zheng..."

A burst of excitement sounded, and a woman and a middle-aged man came out from the back hall. The woman was none other than Wang An's bodyguard Ling Ying, and the middle-aged man was none other than Hua Hua. Tian Ping, Hua Tiandu's younger brother, Huaying's uncle.

"It's you!"

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Xiao An, she..."

However, Ling Ying noticed Wang An in Chen Zheng's arms, and she walked up, her face became extremely pale: "I heard that Xiao An is in an extremely dangerous situation, I didn't believe it at first, but now... woo... "

Ling Ying's face turned pale.

"Xiao An, she..."

Hua Tianping walked up, seeing the pale Wang An in Chen Zheng's arms, his heart ached.

A year ago, it was his experiment that turned Hua Ying into Wang An, and he embarked on a path of sadness. Over the past year, he felt guilty every day, feeling that he was sorry for this niece. Lifeless, he felt a pain in his heart and felt even more guilty.

"Xiao An condenses all the spiritual energy in her body on me, that's why it's done like this. Don't worry, I will bring Xiao An back to life soon!"

Chen Zheng said lightly.

Hua Tianping's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Chen Zheng, it may not be possible to save Xiao'an!" Ling Ying said suddenly.

"What do you know? Tell me!"

Chen Zheng said quickly.

Hua Tianping and Ling Ying have been doing research all the time, and they won't come out until the critical moment, but now that these two people have come here, I'm afraid the matter is not simple.

"We have already studied it and know that once Xiaoan's spiritual breath recovers, she will become a complete ancient killer, but it is extremely unstable and will collapse at any time, and the most important thing is that once her spiritual breath becomes Leave the body, then she will never turn over!" Ling Ying said with a pale face.

"It's impossible! The spiritual energy in Xiao An's body is just over-consumption. Those who find the Tang family will naturally have a panacea to restore her!"

Chen Zheng didn't believe Ling Ying's words.

"No! Ling Ying is right. Once Xiaoan's spiritual energy is lost, it will never be recovered!" Hua Tianping, who had been silent all this time, said, "This is what we have researched, so there should be nothing wrong with it! Because The spiritual breath in Xiao An's body is extremely unstable, her physique has not yet fully become an ancient killer, the spiritual breath is resistant, and if resistance is left in Xiao An's body, it will never be recovered!"

"You mean, Xiao An will never be able to return to Huaying in this life? She will never be able to become an ancient killer in this life?"

Chen Zheng looked closely at Ling Ying and Hua Tianping.

"Ah! So you already knew that Xiao An is Hua Ying?"

Ling Ying and Hua Tianping were shocked.

"Answer my question, Xiaoan will not be able to become an ancient killer in this life?"

Chen Zheng looked closely at Ling Ying and Hua Tianping.


Ling Ying nodded.

Chen Zheng suddenly felt as if his soul was empty.

At this time, Hua Tianping suddenly said: "There is another way!"

(End of this chapter)

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