super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 422 She Is My Aunt

Chapter 422 She Is My Aunt

Suddenly a thunderbolt flashed in the sky.

Chen Zheng and Li Yanran drove their fighter planes into the center of Tianshan Mountain, and it was peaceful here.

"Go down!"

Chen Zheng asked Li Yanran to lower the fighter plane to the Tianshan Mountains.

"Colonel Yue, you are finally here!"

A group of soldiers rushed out from the inside, and they all surrounded them, looking at Li Yanran and Chen Zheng excitedly, but soon, there was a burst of doubt in their eyes.

"Where is Colonel Yue? Why is Colonel Yue missing?"

a soldier asked.

"None of them came in, they were still outside."

Li Yanran didn't say too much, anyway, she felt that Yue Guanqun was already in danger, either dead or disabled.

But Li Yanran didn't care at all.

The ghost called Yue Guanqun pretending to be aggressive?

"You all stay here and wait for help!"

Chen Zheng said something, then called Li Yanran and walked forward.

"Chen Zheng, are we looking for something?"

Li Yanran's eyes were serious.

"That's right, we need to find Yunding Tiangong! This is the only way to enter Tianshan Mountain. Once you enter it, you can find Xiaoan!"

Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique, looked around, and quickly let him move. Not far ahead, he found a mountain pass.

In this area, the wind and snow have stopped.

So it's very easy to walk in.

"Let's go."

Chen Zheng pulled Li Yanran and walked forward. Although the wind and snow had stopped, the ground was covered with snow. People who walked on it would easily sink.

A spiritual breath gushed out of Chen Zheng's body, and then acted on Li Yanran. This way, it was easier to walk forward.

"There's a cave here!"

Li Yanran suddenly found a cave in front of her, her eyes were full of excitement, she walked up, but frowned, seeing a line of blood on the entrance of the cave made her frowned.

"There's blood!"

Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique to look inside, only to find a woman standing not far away.

"Strange, why are there ordinary people here?"

Chen Zheng hurried up.

"Ordinary people? Isn't it an ancient killer?"

Li Yanran asked suspiciously.

"Not an ancient killer!"

Chen Zheng led Li Yanran around a corner, and saw a woman in front of her. This woman was covered in blood, lying on the stone wall, her face was extremely pale, as if she had lost too much blood, and she was already dead.

Seeing this woman, Chen Zheng was shocked and froze there.

"Chen Zheng, this woman is not dead yet!"

Li Yanran suddenly took out a small bottle of perfumed oil from her backpack, and rubbed it under the woman's nose, and saw the woman cough and opened her eyes: "Xiaozheng, it's you!"

"What? You know each other?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were puzzled, who is this woman in front of him?What is the relationship with Chen Zheng?Why did you recognize Chen Zheng when you saw Chen Zheng at the first sight?

"She's my aunt!"

Chen Zheng said suddenly.


A trace of doubt flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, because she had never seen Chen Zheng with such a dignified expression, as if it was out of place for this woman to appear here.

"Xiaozheng, it really is you!"

The woman stood up in surprise, and looked at Chen Zheng closely, her eyes became more and more excited.

"Well, why are you here?"

Chen Zheng's tone was not very good.

Although this woman is his aunt, in fact, if it wasn't for this woman, nothing would have happened to Chen Zheng's grandmother who loved him!
I still remember that in the college entrance examination that year, Chen Zheng was admitted to a university in Donghai.

This is something that makes the whole village excited.

But when Chen Zheng was going to study in university, he was opposed by this aunt. The aunt said that current college students would be unemployed as soon as they graduated, so Chen Zheng was not allowed to go to study.

He also said that his family was very poor and had no money for Chen Zheng to study.

It is true, the family is very poor, Chen Zheng needs to spend a lot of money to go to university!

At that time, my parents ran around to borrow money.

Among them, I asked my closest aunt, how did I know that my aunt not only did not lend money to Chen Zheng, but also bit Chen Zheng, saying that Chen Zheng's studies were useless.

College students are unemployed as soon as they graduate!
So he firmly refused to lend money to Chen Zheng to study.

At that time, my aunt and her husband opened a restaurant in Guangdong, and they lived a good life, but they just didn't want to lend money to Chen Zheng.

At first, my parents begged my aunt, but then my aunt kept silent.

It seems that my aunt has persuaded Chen Zheng not to go to school anymore.

However, Chen Zheng's grandma insisted on letting Chen Zheng go to school, saying that if he didn't study, he would have no future.

For this reason, grandma also quarreled with her aunt.

But my aunt was extremely firm and firmly disagreed with Chen Zheng's going to study.

It is useless to say that today's college students read books,

Grandma was very peaceful that night. After eating, she ran to hang herself.

Chen Zheng never forgot the scene when his grandma died. His face was full of heartache and reluctance. The reluctance was for Chen Zheng. The heartache was for Chen Zheng's inability to study. The reason why she died was for her aunt. Tell silently.

Seeing this aunt now, Chen Zheng still clearly remembers what his aunt once said to him: "It is useless for you to go to school now, and you will be unemployed as soon as you graduate. It is better to go to work honestly! Don't let your family share the burden for you." Already!"

Such a sentence pierced Chen Zheng's heart deeply, and he clenched his fist tightly.

"Xiaozheng, are you still blaming me?" My aunt also knew what Chen Zheng was thinking, and she quickly said, "Everything I did back then was for your own good. You shouldn't study, even if you read it, it's useless, and today's college students will be unemployed as soon as they graduate!"

Chen Zheng clenched his fist tightly and said nothing.

"I'm not wrong at all! I've seen many college students who are really unemployed as soon as they graduate!" My aunt said confidently: "Also, nowadays college students can't find a girlfriend as soon as they graduate, because they don't have a job. I don’t let you go to school, I just want you to go out to work for a few years, and then save some money to come back and marry a wife!”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Li Yanran who was next to her suddenly came up and took Chen Zheng's arm: "Stop talking nonsense, I am his girlfriend!"


The aunt was shocked and completely froze. She carefully looked at Li Yanran's appearance and found that Li Yanran was a superb beauty. She was even more surprised.

"Besides, you scolded Chen Zheng that there is no hope of going out to study. You are also very wrong. After graduating from university, Chen Zheng married the saint of the Tang family and became a powerful existence of a generation. And most importantly, he has already I got to know Hua Xingbang and Xia Zheng!"

Li Yanran said.

"Have you met Hua Xingbang? Xia Zheng? Wait, could it be that this is the great leader back then..."

Thinking of this, the woman's expression changed drastically, and she looked at Chen Zheng in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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