super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 424 The Demonic Beast With Breath

Chapter 424 The Demonic Beast With Breath

"Why are there tigers here?"

Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique to look forward, and found that there were forked roads all around him, and he didn't know where he was going.

"Xiaozheng, what have you experienced all these years, and why have you become so powerful?"

Chen Meiling looked closely at Chen Zheng.

She clearly felt a sense of mystery about Chen Zheng.

How could there be ancient killers in this world?But just now, it was indeed Chen Zheng who punched the tiger into a scumbag existence.

What happened to Chen Zheng?
For a while, Chen Meiling was full of doubts about Chen Zheng's past.

Chen Zheng ignored Chen Meiling's doubts. In fact, he was full of disgust for Chen Meiling. If it weren't for Chen Meiling's scolding at the beginning, grandma would not have died.

Chen Zhenggang wanted to turn his head away, but suddenly he was shocked and saw a piece of necklace on Chen Meiling's neck.

The necklace looked normal, but Chen Zheng felt a strange glow in the necklace, which made people feel very strange.

Just like that, Chen Zheng had already used the see-through eye technique to probe into the necklace, and found a layer of aura floating in it.

This aura doesn't look like the ancient killer's, but it looks like a force.

"Xiaozheng, what's wrong?"

Chen Meiling looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously.

"there is nothing."

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly, didn't say anything, but kept an extra eye on Chen Meiling.

"Chen Zheng, let's move on."

Li Yanran greeted Chen Zheng and walked forward, but the further she walked forward, the darker and more deadly the surroundings became.

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Zheng suddenly called out.

"what's the situation?"

Both Xia Xue and Chen Meiling were puzzled for a while, but they stopped.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, but turned on the flashlight and shone it forward, and there was a red silk thread in front of him.

This silk thread exudes a bright light, if you step on it accidentally, your ankle will definitely be cut off.


Xia Xue and Chen Meiling looked at each other, feeling their scalps tingling, and they couldn't help looking at Chen Zheng, with a flash of respect in their eyes.

If Chen Zheng hadn't noticed this silk thread a long time ago, they would have died here today.

In such a dark field of vision, Chen Zheng could still look straight at everything, and found silk threads on the ground, which showed Chen Zheng's terror!
"There are a lot of silk threads like this ahead, let's all be careful!"

Chen Zheng scooped it up in his hand, and there was a flame of spiritual breath, sticking to the silk thread, burning the thread thoroughly, and then he continued to walk forward, seeing many such silk threads all around, he simply handed it Pinch the Dharma seal, read the Dharma formula secretly, and then emit a spiritual breath, which acts in the mid-air in front of you.

Now the cave is clear and bright.


Xia Xue and Chen Meiling looked forward, both gasped, and saw that the ground in front of them was covered with silk threads.

"Let's go carefully!"

Chen Zheng grabbed Li Yanran and walked forward. While performing the see-through technique, he moved forward, trying to explore the aura of the old lady of the Tang family, but found that the front was completely dead.

And after walking for a while, there was a fork in the road ahead.

"Which way are you going?"

Li Yanran's eyes were puzzled.

"I don't know!"

This time, Chen Zheng really didn't understand. Even if he used the see-through eye technique to look forward, he still couldn't see the end of the road, and walking along this road, he came to a fork in a while.

It can be said that he walked into the maze.

"Go this way!"

Chen Meiling's voice suddenly sounded behind her, and she was pointing in the direction of her left hand.


Li Yanran looked at Chen Meiling suspiciously.

And Chen Zheng also looked at Chen Meiling suspiciously.

"Because I was attacked before, I watched the beast rushing towards me!"

Chen Meiling said lightly.

"Oh!" As soon as Li Yanran heard it, she understood. When she first entered the cave, she did see Chen Meiling lying on the ground covered in blood. It was normal for her to be attacked by wild beasts, but Li Yanran was very surprised. Now?After all, she had been injured before.

"Let's go!"

Chen Meiling said something, and then walked forward.

Li Yanran, who was behind her, looked at Chen Meiling's back suspiciously, and she couldn't help asking Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, tell me, isn't this Chen Meiling weird?"


Chen Zheng also nodded.

Indeed, he felt that Chen Meiling was very strange. She had a necklace, but there was a fluctuating aura in the necklace, and she was seriously injured, but nothing happened. The most important thing was that the entire cave just now was filled with With the blood-red silk thread, Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique and spiritual breath to bring Li Yanran over.

But Chen Meiling actually came up.

This shows the mystery of Chen Meiling.

"She is definitely not simple, we all have to pay attention!"

Chen Zheng confessed, and then walked forward. Although Chen Meiling was very strange, what made Chen Zheng frowned was that under the leadership of Chen Meiling, he came to a bend in a cave. Inside this bend, there were floating A breath of inspiration.

"The old lady of the Tang family is passing by here!"

Chen Zheng said.


Li Yanran was startled, if the old lady of the Tang family really passed by here, then Wang An must be nearby!
"We're on the right track!"

Chen Meiling turned around and said.


Li Yanran nodded, and looked at Chen Meiling with a different look.

"what is this!"

Suddenly, Chen Meiling let out a cry of surprise. Li Yanran turned on the flashlight and saw a dead body lying on the ground in front of her.

"Who is this?"

Li Yanran looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"If it's correct, this corpse should belong to the Tang family!"

Chen Zheng said, he squatted down and examined it carefully, for some reason, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he moved his hand with a spiritual breath, and then got a drop of blood, looked carefully, and frowned.

"Chen Zheng, what's wrong?"

Li Yanran noticed the change in Chen Zheng's mood.

"If he is right, he should have been bitten to death by a wild beast, and this beast has breath in its body!"

Chen Zheng said.

"What are you talking about? How could a beast possess spiritual energy? Beasts are different from humans!"

Li Yanran shook her head, it was hard to believe all this.


Suddenly, a burst of exclamation sounded from the front, Li Yanran looked up, but Chen Meiling was gone: "Where is Chen Meiling?"


A painful cry came from the front.

Chen Zheng and Li Yanran walked forward and saw Chen Meiling squatting there.

"Chen Meiling, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yanran's expression tightened, and when she saw the situation behind Chen Meiling, her expression changed...

(End of this chapter)

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