super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 426 A Turtle

Chapter 426 A Turtle

"Where's Chen Meiling?"

When Wu Jun came back, he saw Li Yanran sitting there blankly, looking at his hands quietly, and in front of Li Yanran lay a dead body.

This corpse belonged to Chen Meiling.

"Yanran, did you kill Chen Meiling?"

Chen Zheng looked at Li Yanran.

"Well, I killed her!" Li Yanran's face was surprisingly calm, she stood up, wiped off the blood on her palm, and said calmly: "She wants to kill my husband, of course I want to kill her!"

"She wants to kill your husband?" A trace of doubt flashed in Wu Jun's eyes: "Who is your husband?"

Li Yanran did not answer, but simply tidied up, and then walked forward with Chen Zheng.

"This Chen Meiling shouldn't be real, it's very likely that the ancient killer is pretending!"

Chen Zheng said suddenly.

"Well, that's right, she is indeed a fake, in fact, she is a terrifying ancient killer!"

Li Yanran nodded.

"Then you can fight the ancient killer?"

Chen Zheng was really surprised. What kind of energy made Li Yanran, a female soldier of the dragon team, resist Chen Meiling's attack?
"Because she wants to kill you!"

Li Yanran said casually.


Chen Zheng was shocked. Just now Li Yanran said that Chen Meiling was going to kill her husband, that's why she was so serious. Now that Li Yanran said that Chen Meiling was going to kill him, Chen Zheng understood instantly: "So you did it for protect me?"

"That's it."

Li Yanran nodded lightly, but did not show any emotion.

For some reason, Chen Zheng's heart felt warm.

how to say?

Being protected by a beautiful woman is quite touching.

"By the way, what's wrong with you chasing that ghost animal?" Li Yanran asked again.

"I went to chase, but the other party fled very quickly and disappeared after a while."

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

He obviously used the see-through eye technique, kept chasing and killing him, and still came to the end of the cave, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It couldn't have escaped.

Because Chen Zheng was using the see-through eye technique to see clearly.

"It escaped?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Yanran's eyes. Chen Zheng is a terrifying ancient killer. He knocked the ghost animal into the air with a single palm, causing serious injuries. How could this ghost animal escape from under Chen Zheng's nose? Woolen cloth?

"It's an escape!"

Chen Zheng nodded.

"That's strange!" A trace of doubt flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

"Let's keep going, I know a path that leads to the light!"

Chen Zheng pulled Li Yanran forward, very fast, and disappeared in a short while. When Li Yanran realized it, she exclaimed, and what appeared in front of her was a wide grotto.

"Where is this place?"

Li Yanran looked up, her eyes full of doubts.

"There is danger here!" Chen Zheng suddenly felt something, he used the see-through eye technique to look forward, but was startled: "What a powerful spiritual wave, this is a terrifying existence!"


A trace of nervousness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, and at this moment, a low growl sounded, and a black shadow descended from the sky, attacking Chen Zheng and Li Yanran.

There was a sound of brakes, and a blood claw blasted down.


Li Yanran's face was pale, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

"Be careful!" Chen Zheng stretched out his arms to hug Li Yanran, flipped his right hand, and a big handprint hit it, blasting and killing the black shadow in front of him with a bang.

There was dead silence all around.

"What kind of beast is this?" Li Yanran walked up to take a look, but her expression changed: "This is that ghost animal! How did it come here?"

Chen Zheng's face was solemn, and he looked up at the front.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran had never seen Chen Zheng with such a dignified expression.

"There's something on it!" Chen Zheng said suddenly.


Li Yanran was about to say something, but at this moment, a roar sounded, and she saw a wild beast escaping from mid-air. Li Yanran's expression changed when she saw it: "This is clearly the ghost animal just now! How is this possible? Could it be?" Isn't it dead?"

Chen Zheng stamped his handprints and killed the beast, but he didn't stay, but hugged Li Yanran and quickly walked forward.


In the next second, the stone wall behind them was smashed into pieces. This was where Chen Zheng and Li Yanran were standing. If they slowed down by half a step, they would be killed immediately.

"Why are there two ghosts?"

Li Yanran asked suspiciously.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, but looked up into the air, Li Yanran followed Chen Zheng's gaze and looked forward, when she saw clearly the existence in mid-air, she gasped, and In the middle of the air, a ghost animal with a height of ten meters stood there like a hill.

This ghost animal is exactly the one just now.

No!The ghost animal just now should be the clone of this ghost animal.

"Oh my god, Chen Zheng, if it's correct, this ghost animal is the main body, right? That one just now is just a clone of this ghost animal, right?"

Li Yanran asked quickly.

"That's right!" Chen Zheng nodded: "The ghost animal I was chasing before disappeared in an instant. It didn't escape, but the clone returned to the main body!"

"Then isn't this beast scary?"

Li Yanran looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"I'm afraid ten of us are not its opponent!" Chen Zheng said.


Li Yanran was shocked when she heard Chen Zheng's words, and she exclaimed: "Even you are not its opponent?"

"It is an existence that has cultivated for two thousand years! Moreover, it is an ancient monster, with a breath of self-cultivation in its body, and it has become a spirit."


Li Yanran's expression changed.


There was a whistling sound from the ghost animal in mid-air, and a powerful palm came down. This palm was huge, as big as a hill, and came fiercely towards Chen Zheng and Li Yanran.

"Escape immediately!"

Chen Zheng pulled Li Yanran, and then fled forward, the speed was very fast, but it couldn't match the killing speed of this ghost beast.

"It's very fast, and its palms are terrifying!"

Li Yanran said with a pale face.


Chen Zheng didn't care about it anymore, he was running all the spiritual energy in his body, and his 1000-year cultivation was revealed at this moment. He hugged Li Yanran, and quickly fled forward. come out.

But extremely embarrassing.

"I've never escaped so embarrassingly!"

Chen Zheng said.

"It's fine if you can escape!" Li Yanran's face was also very pale.

But at this moment, a low growl sounded, and a monster flew in the distance. This monster was actually a turtle.

"Turtle! My God, there's a turtle here!"

Li Yanran's face was surprised, even Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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