Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 1 What a big stone

Chapter 1 What a Big Rock

Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School, Class [-] of Science in the third year of senior high school, in an inconspicuous corner at the back.

There was a boy sitting there. This boy looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a cropped hair and a sharp face. He was dozing off with his head down.

"Xuerou, don't go! Don't leave me~~don't~~"

There was a crisp sound of "dong", and a burst of pain spread from the brain nerves to the whole body in an instant.

"Who~~who~~ who dares to hit me! I don't want to live anymore!" Ye Wentian stood up from his sleep, but a beautiful figure just appeared in his eyes, and his whole body froze instantly.

"That~~hehe, Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry~~you~~ continue the lecture, I'll go out to blow some air!" Saying that, Ye Wentian ran towards the back door in embarrassment.

"Haha~~" Seeing Ye Wentian's bear appearance, the whole classroom burst into laughter instantly.

"Ye Wentian, stop for me, go back to your seat and stand up to listen to the class. The college entrance examination is about to come, why don't you think about your own future." Teacher Zhang hated iron and steel, and his beautiful eyebrows were almost full of worry word.

"That~~Okay!" Ye Wentian stopped his movements and had no choice but to return to his seat reluctantly.

Among the seven teachers, Ye Wentian's favorite is Zhang Jing, the class teacher and English teacher. Not only is he young and beautiful, with an elegant temperament, but also his lectures are lively and knowledgeable. It is said that he is a doctoral student at Harvard University, but why? Will choose to teach in a small place like Gangneung City, this profound question is unknown.

But even so, Ye Wentian just couldn't control himself. When it came to class, Sandman seemed to have found himself, and couldn't hold on.

Seeing that Ye Wentian was still obedient, at least other teachers would not want to call him back. Teacher Zhang continued to explain the test questions, drawing inferences from one instance, often extending a small question to many related topics, especially some knowledge blind spots.

As he talked, Ye Wentian's eyelids began to fight again, but after a while, he lowered his head and entered a wonderful dream again. This extraordinary state of being able to fall asleep while standing is not something ordinary people can achieve Yes, at least, since the establishment of Jiangling No. [-] Middle School, there has never been such a powerful existence.

"Ye Wentian~~"

Just as Ye Wentian was about to meet her little Xuerou, a clear and pleasant voice like a silver bell pulled his soul back.

Opening his eyes, he saw Xiao Yuxin, the monitor and school belle. Seeing her concerned expression, Ye Wentian didn't catch a cold at all, as if he had already developed resistance to beauties.

Don't look at Ye Wentian's sloppy look all day long, but he is very dedicated, his heart has been filled by one person, the scenes of his childhood, for ten years, every night he was thinking about the same scene.

Seeing that Ye Wentian didn't care at all, Xiao Yuxin felt a little disappointed, but seeing Ye Wentian every day made her heart warm.

"I just look like this, neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short. Although he is indeed a little bit handsome, he doesn't have the ability to charm the school belle." Every time he sees Xiao Yuxin's affectionate eyes, Ye Wentian was speechless for a while, and took a slight look at the clothes on his body. The blue school uniform was almost white from washing, and there were several places he repaired with needles and threads. Besides, he didn't know how to wear the pair of shoes. It's been many years, but fortunately the quality is good, and I picked up the treasure after picking up the junk, and it's still a famous brand of Nike.

Another day passed, and finally waited until school was over.

"Fatty, accompany me up the mountain today." Ye Wentian said, the fat man in front of him is not very fat, but just a genetic problem, with a plump face, giving people the illusion of being a little fat.

The fat man is named Wang Hu, but the tiger of the paper tiger. He is brave and indifferent. People who want to slap dare not beat. Others are not daring to snatch his seats. There was a bit of coward in his eyes, but the fat man was Ye Wentian's best friend, and the reason why Ye Wentian was able to enter the best high school in Jiangling City was thanks to the help of the fat man. Since then, the two have known each other and become best friends.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm afraid I won't be able to go up the mountain with you in the near future, and the college entrance examination will be in a month. This is the most critical period in life. If I fail to pass the college entrance examination, my parents will beat me to death. "Wang Hu waved his hands again and again.

"Cut, isn't it just the college entrance examination! It's not about killing you, and with your excellent grades, Yenching University, the number one university in the country, is not in your pocket." Ye Wentian patted Wang Hu on the shoulder , said indifferently.

"Brother Tian, ​​I... I am..."

Seeing Fatty's embarrassed look, Ye Wentian didn't feel embarrassed, after all, he had the expectations of his parents, and he was just an orphan who was abandoned: "Okay, I know, you go back and study hard, Be sure not to disappoint your parents' painstaking efforts, I believe you are the best!"

"Well, thank you Brother Tian!" Fatty nodded and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of Wang Hu going away, Ye Wentian felt a little sour in his heart. The word "family" is so sacred, but for him, it is out of reach. Maybe the orphanage can be regarded as a big family.

Shaking his head, Ye Wentian headed towards a small mountainous area in Jiangling City, where he earned tuition and living expenses. Although the orphanage would bear their tuition and living expenses, Ye Wentian felt that men should stand upright , Relying on the sky, relying on people and relying on ancestors, is not considered a hero!

Ye Wentian had just walked a little, when a group of people came over.

"Brother Fei, that kid Ye Wentian is going up the mountain again!" At this time, a yellow-haired boy with a repaired airplane nose said flatteringly, and the person he flattered was Zhao Fei, the eldest son of the Zhao family in Jiangling City.

"I don't have eyes, don't talk too much!" Zhao Fei, who was wearing a famous brand, glared at the younger brother, then turned to look at a young man wearing glasses and said, "Huangshan, recently, has Ye Wentian seduced my 'wife'? "

Huang Shan pushed his glasses, thinking of the scene where Ye Wentian helped the fat man Wang Hu beat him, a surge of anger suddenly surged in his heart: "That kid Ye Wentian deliberately played with the flying pen in class today, and even pretended to accidentally drop the pen on the ground. In front of my sister-in-law, that bastard Ye Wentian stretched out his hand and caught my sister-in-law..."

As he said that, that wretched man in Huangshan pointed to his heart, which was self-evident.

"Well, you Ye Wentian, you dare to even touch my pre-appointed wife. You are digging your own grave. If you want to die, then I, Zhao Fei, will make it possible for you!" Creaking: "Let's go! I'm going to beat him up today, let's see how he can take the fast college entrance examination, and how he can rob women from me!"

Huang Shan pushed his eyes, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: The scheme has succeeded, let's see how you, Ye Wentian, bully me in the future!
Thinking of the scene where Ye Wentian's limbs were beaten and begged for mercy, Huang Shan just looked up to the sky and laughed heartily.


The setting sun slanted, and the setting sun reflected most of the scenery in the mountainous area, with a clear distinction between yin and yang.

Ye Wentian took out a snakeskin bag and walked up the mountain skillfully. Here is all the hope of his life.

This mountain area is not very big, only about a few thousand acres of land, but this mountain forest is well protected by the state, there are not a few small animals such as hares, hedgehogs, pheasants, etc. Two wild boars haunted.

Ye Wentian held a stick, pushed aside the thorns, and walked in step by step. The purpose of his coming here was not to hunt game, but to pick some yams and sell them to some hospitals in Jiangling City. Although the price is low, when he is lucky You can earn hundreds of dollars in an hour.

After walking for more than an hour, I still haven't found a single valuable herb. Fortunately, I caught two snakes and sold them for tens of dollars, so my dinner was settled.

"Looks like you're not lucky today!" Ye Wentian shook his head, watching the sunset gradually go away, so he had to prepare to go back home. At night, this place is not safe, and some of the poison inside began to go out for food. Ye Wentian was bitten by a poisonous spider before, but fortunately there was a fat man by his side at that time, otherwise Ye Wentian would have burped that time.

However, just as Ye Wentian turned around, his eyes swept away inadvertently, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Ganoderma lucidum!" Ye Wentian was overjoyed, and immediately ran over like lightning, but what he didn't expect was that something suddenly flew over in the sky.

Ye Wentian raised his head, watching the black spot getting bigger and bigger from a distance, he seemed to be sluggish.

"What a big rock!"


As soon as Ye Wentian finished speaking, he was about to turn around and run away, but the black spot was too fast and hit him in an instant, knocking him unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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