Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 12 Breakthrough, Divine Consciousness

Chapter 12 Breakthrough, Divine Consciousness

Seeing Ye Wentian's figure disappear, Xie Wanting turned around and walked towards her bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, standing away from the window, looking at the bright moonlight, Ye Wentian frowned in thought.

"The jade pendant on Wanting's chest is actually spiritual!" Thinking of all the jade pendants in the past, Ye Wentian murmured: "It seems that Wanting's girl's background is not simple!"

The corner of Ye Wentian's mouth showed a slight arc, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and quietly enjoyed the peace of mind that he had never had before.

A bright moon shines through the small window, like a pouring silver veil, caressing Ye Wentian's body, serene and indifferent, the whole person seems to have a feeling of being in harmony with the sky and the earth.

At the dantian, the Tiandi Qiankun Pearl seemed to sense Ye Wentian's heart, and it suddenly spun, and as it slowly rotated, the bright moonlight condensed inconceivably, covering Ye Wentian's whole body.

Ye Wentian felt an unprecedented force flooding his whole body, his whole body and mind seemed to have received an unprecedented baptism, every pore of his skin was stretched, echoing the heaven, earth, universe beads in his body.

In his mind, the first movement of the first level of body training of Hongmeng Daohuajue naturally appeared in front of his eyes. Following the movement in his mind, Ye Wentian made a crane fist with his hands, hooked his right foot, and hooked his left foot. Standing on tiptoe, slightly curved into a horse stance.

At this time, Ye Wentian's state of mind is ethereal, his mind and mind are united, he is in the state of forgetting things and himself, he doesn't even know that he has completed an action that is impossible for him, and he looks so relaxed and freehand, as if everything is like this It's totally natural.

If there are real masters here at this time, they will definitely find that every pore on Ye Wentian's body is breathing with his breath, but what he is breathing at this time is not air, but the essence of heaven and earth, the universe. Of course, this kind of star power, which is regarded as the most advanced, is still far behind the real original divine power.

Time is like running water. In a blink of an eye, two hours have passed, and it is already 09:30 in the evening.

Layers of halo gradually condensed, making Ye Wentian, who was already slightly white, even fairer, like a fair and tender Snow White. However, just a little, white mist began to appear above Ye Wentian's head Immediately afterwards, the fine hair on the whole body fluttered more and more, and sweat mixed with a layer of black matter slowly flowed out from the skin.

With the gradual deepening, Ye Wentian's originally fair skin became more and more red, the sweat on his body was dense, and the green smoke curled up from his head. This spectacle was quite interesting.

Ye Wentian, who was in it, gradually woke up, and felt that an invisible barrier in his body was blocking something. That layer of barrier was only a little thick. Although he was a little anxious, he still couldn't open it. , can't break through.

Ye Wentian knew deep down that once he broke through this impenetrable barrier, he would enter an unprecedented realm, and he knew that it might be the world of cultivation.

But with the gradual awakening of consciousness, everything became more and more difficult, and the barrier became bigger and bigger, like a mountain that was slowly pressing down, until the pressure was exhausted and exhausted.

With full consciousness, Ye Wentian opened his eyes, but he didn't stop there. He gritted his teeth and persisted. The muscles all over his body were tense, and the veins were prominent, and they were about to burst. The sweat all over his body was like rain. Stop flowing down.

The body gradually lacked water, and the physical strength could not keep up with the passage of time, but Ye Wentian didn't know where the will came from, so he just persisted.

"It's coming, it's coming! It's only a little bit away, and I can see what kind of magic that world is full of. I can do it, and I will definitely do it!" Ye Wentian frantically repeated in his heart Roar.

But the intensified pain strongly stimulated every nerve of Ye Wentian, everything in his body was like the strings of a bow, it seemed that if he had more strength, there would be a catastrophe of collapse.

"Persevere! Persevere! Persist for a while longer!" Finally, Ye Wentian felt hope deep in his heart, and the energy in his body was constantly impacting the increasingly weak barrier.

But at this moment, the blood in his whole body was full, and he was about to burst out. The strength of his body had reached the limit, and he couldn't go any further.

As soon as a feeling of retreat was born, the whole figure immediately became sluggish. The energy in the body that was impacting the little barrier left received the command from Ye Wentian's brain, and immediately tended to retreat.

"It seems that I won't be able to reach that level at all this time!" Ye Wentian was depressed, somewhat powerless and depressed.

However, just when Ye Wentian's whole body was about to fall to the ground, a sudden change occurred. The heaven, earth, universe pearl in his body was shining brightly, and a soft light flashed away. The barrier had just come into contact with it. It was broken in an instant.

When the barrier was broken, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth gradually gathered together and slowly poured into Ye Wentian's body, and that's not counting, the soft light emitted by the heaven and earth Qiankun Pearl scattered in all directions Come, penetrate into every hole, and instantly repair the damage and weakness of Ye Wentian's whole body.

"It broke through!" Ye Wentian couldn't believe it, his ecstasy was beyond words, feeling his stronger physique, his fists creaked, and a sense of pride surged into the sky.

"This is the realm of the first level of foundation building! Sure enough, it is not comparable to ordinary people. Even if I am a hundred of myself before, I can't even think about it." Ye Wentian muttered to himself, and then, appeared in his mind. some information.

"Spiritual consciousness! What is that?" Ye Wentian was a little puzzled. The information in his mind didn't give any more hints. He scratched his head, and some monks were confused.

Looking at his dirty body, he shook his head and walked towards the bathroom. However, just as Ye Wentian was about to turn on the light, he realized that he could see at night, and it seemed that closing his eyes was better than opening them. Even the tentacles of an ant on the ground can be seen clearly.

"This... Could this be divine consciousness!" Ye Wentian was speechless in surprise: "Haha~~ divine consciousness! It really is extraordinary!"

What Ye Wentian didn't know was that a true cultivator could only transform spiritual consciousness into divine consciousness when he reached the stage of transforming gods, and he directly forged divine consciousness, all of which were inseparable from his special physique. The body is born with an invisible induction with the way of heaven, which is incomparable to any physique.

(End of this chapter)

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