Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 16 What is Regret

Chapter 16 What is Regret

"Brother Ye, the college entrance examination will be coming soon, what are you going to do?" Zhang Jing and Ye Wentian walked side by side, thinking of Ye Wentian's usual grades, even the grades in the junior college entrance examination were not enough, she couldn't help feeling a little worried, so He suggested: "Why don't you stay with me in the future, and I will make up your lessons for you every day. With your intelligence, I believe you will be able to be admitted to a university."

"At most it's a junior college!" Ye Wentian smiled: "But sister Zhang, aren't you afraid of attracting wolves into your house?"

"I'm your sister, you dare to do bad things to me!" Zhang Jing gave Ye Wentian a glare.

"Hey~~ Teacher Zhang, you forgot, you are my god-sister!" Ye Wentian said with a wicked smile.

"You brat!" Hearing this, Zhang Jing was taken aback for a moment, then immediately realized the ambiguity of the words, and hit Ye Wentian with the textbook.

Ye Wentian flashed lightly, grabbed Zhang Jing's textbook, and stopped her movement: "Sister Zhang, some students are watching."

"Who told you to speak out." Zhang Jing glared at Ye Wentian again.

"By the way, Miss Zhang, how did you come to Jiangling City with such a high degree?" Ye Wentian asked curiously.


"Boy, stop for me!" At this moment, a voice called from behind.

Ye Wentian stopped in his tracks, turned around, and there were more than a dozen people coming, the leader was short and lean, with well-built muscles, and he seemed to be well-rounded.

Seeing this group of menacing guys, Ye Wentian's eyes turned cold, and he dared to be presumptuous in the school openly. This was the first time Ye Wentian saw it. Turning his head, a familiar person was approaching on the teaching building not far away. Looking at himself with a sullen face, that person was none other than Zhao Fei who knelt down for Ye Wen.

"What do you people want to do? If you don't leave, I'll call the police!" Knowing that these people were looking for Ye Wentian, Zhang Jing couldn't help feeling a little worried, took out her mobile phone, and quickly dialed a number.

"Boy, you should know why we are looking for you, fuck you, do it!" The leader directly ignored Zhang Jing's words.

After receiving the order, the dozen or so people took out a shiny machete from their clothes and rushed towards Ye Wentian.

Seeing this momentum, the students around quickly ran away and watched from a distance.

"Wentian, let's run!" Seeing the gleaming machete, Zhang Jing trembled all over, pulling Ye Wentian's big hand and said anxiously.

"Sister Zhang, back off!" Ye Wentian smiled slightly, gave Zhang Jing a comforting look, pulled Zhang Jing behind him, and gently patted Zhang Jing's soft jade-like hand: "Don't worry, with me here, everything It'll be all right."

"Wait!" Ye Wentian called to stop the dozen or so people rushing over.

"What? I'm scared!" The leading man smiled disdainfully.

"Afraid! I'm afraid you don't know what regret is!" Ye Wentian sneered.

Standing behind Ye Wentian, Zhang Jing was still immersed in his sentence "Don't worry, with me here, everything will be fine", at this time, hearing Ye Wentian's domineering words, and returning to his strong body, all the time She was deeply fascinated by this unprecedented sense of security. This man who was four years younger than her, her student, actually gave her the peace she had never had before, as if she had found a harbor where she could dock for life.

At this time, some students were surrounded by three floors and three floors not far away, including some teachers, but no one had the guts to step forward to stop all of this. No one is that stupid after splashing five steps.

"Boy, you really have the guts. Do you know what happens to those who dare to bully me in front of me?" The leader pointed at himself with his thumb, with a vicious expression on his face.

"It's none of my business!" Ye Wentian didn't go on the road at all: "I only know that once you are really ready to strike, then don't blame me for being a bit harsher."

"Boy, I figured it out, you're pretty smart! You actually want to delay!" The leader smiled disdainfully.

"Oh, do you think it's necessary for me? Just you guys, with a broken knife, it's not enough for me to stick between my teeth!" Ye Wentian sneered.

"Go! Since you want to court death, we will help you!" The leading man waved his hand.

Looking at the dozen or so people rushing over, Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly and kicked his legs. Those people only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then a series of voices sounded, bones shattered continuously, and people were constantly being thrown away.

The wind rose and the clouds fell, the leader only felt a fist blow coming towards his face, and he wanted to hide but it was too late.

Originally thought that his head would be hit by this punch, but the direction of the fist changed, and a punch hit his shoulder, and the sound of bones breaking sounded, and he knew that his right arm was crippled.

Looking at the dozen or so people in disarray, Zhang Jing and the surrounding students covered their little mouths lightly. All this happened in the blink of an eye, and everyone didn't see Ye Wentian's movements clearly. Everything is over.

"Is this making a movie?" Many people felt as if they were in a dream, unable to believe everything in front of them.

"Hmph~~ Ye Wentian, how did this kid become so powerful!" Zhao Fei, who was standing upstairs and watching the situation here, saw that the dozen or so people were inexplicably knocked down by Ye Wentian within a single round. On the ground, he scolded his mother from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time he was also a little puzzled, because he knew the strength of the leading man. He could deal with at least four or five of Ye Wentian before, but now he was actually in front of Ye Wentian. Can't beat it with one move.

Hearing that Ye Wentian was fighting with others, Wang Hu and Xiao Yuxin rushed out quickly, but there were too many people, they squeezed for a long time, and finally squeezed out.

"Ye Wentian, are you okay?"

"Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Xiao Yuxin and Wang Hu asked almost simultaneously.

"Do you think I'm someone who has something to do?" Ye Wentian said with a smile.

More than a dozen people were all lying on the ground, clutching their right arm tightly with their left hand, crying for their father and mother, the miserable voice made the surrounding students tremble psychologically.

Ye Wentian's name has already spread throughout the No. [-] Middle School of Jiangling City. People who don't know him can only be regarded as the strangest among the strange ones. You may not know who the principal of Jiangling City is, but you must know who Ye Wentian is Also, otherwise, one day if he gets messed with, his legs and feet may be lost. This is the news that is circulating in the school.

However, these gossips are nothing more than rumors spread by others. Ye Wentian's purpose is that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back twice as much.

"Brother, are you alright?" At this time, another beautiful girl ran over, making the eyes of the boys around him glisten.

"Wanting, what are you doing here?" Ye Wentian frowned. He didn't want Xie Wanting to get involved in these matters. After all, if he went to Yenching University in the future, Xie Wanting would be alone, and no one could help her. , which would put her in danger.

"elder brother……"

"Go to class!" Ye Wentian frowned, his eyes were stern, like a strict father disciplining his children.


"Not leaving yet!" Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

Xie Wanting wanted to say something else, but seeing Ye Wentian's stern eyes, she curled her lips and felt very wronged in her heart. Tears rolled in the corners of her eyes, so she turned around reluctantly and walked towards the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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