Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 22 drug lord

Chapter 22 drug lord
"Okay, everything is settled now, everyone is safe, that master can stop..."


Ye Wentian hadn't finished speaking when the driver of the car suddenly slammed on the brakes.

"Master, I haven't finished my sentence yet, why don't you be in such a hurry!" Ye Wentian stood, not yet mentally prepared, and immediately fell forward. Fortunately, his lower body was as firm as a rock, and he had a little luck , stopped the trend of continuing to fall forward, and at the same time blocked the crowd that was pressing towards him.

But Tie Nan and the others suffered a lot. They were trampled on several times, with bruises and bruises. It was God's blessing not to be trampled to death.

"I'm a policeman, open the door!" At this moment, a familiar voice came into Ye Wentian's ears.

"This tigress is really fast, no, I have to slip away quickly!" Following the prestige, Ye Wentian immediately saw Zhou Xiaotong outside the car door, and his little heart immediately thumped. If the tigress caught it, she would have to peel off her skin if she didn't die.

"Sister, I have something else to do, so I'll go first. See you again, don't miss me!" Ye Wentian smiled, opened the car window, jumped, and flew out like a bird.

Coming to the opposite side of the bus, Ye Wentian felt that it was not enough, he had to tease that tigress anyway, otherwise how could he be worthy of the hurt he had suffered when he was young.

"Tigress, I'm here." Ye Wentian yelled loudly towards the opposite bus, saw Zhou Xiaotong looking over here, and waved proudly: "Tigress, remember to get off!" Don't wear red next time!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong's little face was almost green. Looking at Ye Wentian and gnashing his teeth, he really wished that Ye Wentian could be disabled. It would be better to sew Ye Wentian's cheap mouth with silk silk stand up.

Noticing the gazes of the people around him, Ye Wentian felt that he was a little different, but his motto was that trees don't need skin, they will surely die, people don't need skin, the world is invincible, I am invincible, who am I afraid of!

He coughed twice, waved his hands towards Zhou Xiaotong, and then calmly walked towards Jiangshan Park.

"This bastard, let him run away again!" Zhou Xiaotong was furious at Ye Wen's bad weather, when a phone call came.

Zhou Xiaotong originally planned to swear at each other, but when she saw it, it turned out to be the chief who called. Although Zhou Xiaotong knew that the chief of the police station had some problems, she had to be polite until she found evidence. Even though she had some background, he was still her own immediate boss.

"Director Wu, is there something wrong?" Zhou Xiaotong calmed down and said calmly.

"Xiaotong, let me tell you an important thing, is there anyone around you?" Wu Yuan said solemnly.

"I'm handling the case in the car now, wait a minute!" Zhou Xiaotong got out of the car, let Xiao Li and the others understand the situation, and then escorted Tie Nan and the others into the car.

"Okay, Director Wu, tell me!" Zhou Xiaotong walked to a hidden place to make sure that no one was eavesdropping.

"Xiaotong, Basong, one of the three major drug lords in Southeast Asia, had an accident on the way to Thailand and had to stay in our Jiangling City. Now Basong is being treated in the No. [-] Hospital of Jiangling City. You send a few capable subordinates to cooperate. Special forces, do you understand?" Wu Yuan ordered.

"Understood, Director Wu, I'll do it right away!" After Zhou Xiaotong finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and after learning about Tetsuo's statement, he sent Tetsuo and the others to the hospital for treatment, and then planned to be detained for a few more days. The matter did not cause harm to the other party, so it did not constitute a crime.

Zhou Xiaotong drove a total of five people with Xiao Li to the No. [-] Hospital of Jiangling City. The police station did not have a lot of manpower, so only a few people could be spared to cooperate with these special forces.

The drug lord Bassong was on the top floor of the hospital, where a dozen special forces had guarded it like an iron barrel, and there were still some snipers on the surrounding buildings waiting in full force.

Zhou Xiaotong is not an ordinary policeman, he took a slight look at the surrounding situation, and immediately knew how much the country attaches importance to this matter.

As soon as they entered the door, two heavily armed special forces blocked their way. They gave a military salute, and Xiao Li showed their documents to them. At this moment, a special soldier came out.

"Sister Xiaotong, I didn't expect it to be you!" When the visitor saw Zhou Xiaotong, he couldn't restrain his excitement.

"Are you?" Seeing the person coming, he glanced slightly. There are two bars and a star on his shoulders. This is the sign of a major. The person coming is of medium height, dark skin, and strong. Not the slightest impression.

"Sister Xiaotong, my name is Tao Zhijian. I'm Brother Zhou Xin's best friend. It's understandable that you don't know me. I'm just a nobody, but I'm not as famous as Brother Zhou." Tao Zhijian said.

"Oh." Zhou Xiaotong nodded and said with a smile: "That boy Zhou Xin is nothing special, you are already a major now, and he is only a lieutenant colonel, maybe you will be promoted to a lieutenant colonel after this incident Maybe."

"I don't dare to think about being promoted to lieutenant colonel, but it is God's blessing to meet sister Xiaotong here. It is such a big surprise for me!" Tao Zhijian stretched out his hand to guide: "Sister Xiaotong, you all come in."

"Sister Xiaotong, I am the commander of this operation. If something unexpected happens, we need you to provide the terrain conditions in this area." Tao Zhijian said.

"Don't worry, we are very familiar with Jiangling City. If something unexpected happens, we will definitely cooperate with you." Zhou Xiaotong said: "However, who is the drug lord this time? Need such a big show? Even you They're all on the move."

"Sister Xiaotong, Ba Song is one of the three largest drug lords in Southeast Asia. He has a lot of secret information and a lot of money in his hands. Of course, the money is second. The most important thing is the secret information, not only including his own secrets. factories, and there are detailed information about the other two major drug lords. Once these information are not available to the countries, the countries in Southeast Asia will suffer endless disasters, and our Huaxia Kingdom will also be affected, so our task is to ensure that he can Arriving safely in Thailand is sanctioned by their country's laws, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable." Tao Zhijian said.

"So, I know! It seems that this task is not easy. Majors, you have to pay attention to your safety. The other two drug lords will definitely not let it go." Zhou Xiaotong said in a deep voice.

"Sister Xiaotong, don't worry, we will closely monitor all the movements around you." Tao Zhijian nodded, and then said: "Sister Xiaotong, from now on you can just call me Zhijian or Tao Zhijian, don't call me Major, Firstly, Sister Xiaotong, you call me like that, it seems that I am divided; secondly, Sister Xiaotong, you and I don’t belong to the same department at all, so you don’t need to follow the regulations of the superior and the superior.”

"Okay, Tao Zhijian!" Zhou Xiaotong nodded.

"En." Hearing Zhou Xiaotong call out his name for the first time, Tao Zhijian immediately became excited: "Come on, Sister Xiaotong, I'll take you to see that drug lord, but you have to be mentally prepared. He's not a cultured intellectual."

"I know." Zhou Xiaotong nodded.

The two walked into the ward, and the two special soldiers nodded towards Tao Zhijian, and beside the bed was a middle-aged accompanying doctor, who was a little thin.

Lying on the hospital bed was a tall middle-aged man with slightly curly hair and unkempt appearance. There was a long scar on his face. The scar passed through his right eye, but it didn't seem to hurt his eyeball. His left shoulder was injured. He suffered a gunshot wound, was wrapped in gauze, and was about 1.8 meters to 1.9 meters high by visual inspection.

And he is Ba Song, one of the three famous drug lords in Southeast Asia!
(End of this chapter)

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