Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 30 The logic is reversed

Chapter 30 The logic is reversed

"What! Tie Nan died!" Ye Wentian was also shocked, looking at Zhou Xiaotong in disbelief: "How did Tie Nan die?"

Zhou Xiaotong hung up the phone, glared at Ye Wentian with dissatisfaction, and said angrily, "How do I know!"

Saying that, Zhou Xiaotong opened the door: "Xiao Li, take him into the cell and lock him up for a few days first."

"What! Mom... No, Captain Zhou, didn't you say you helped me?" Ye Wentian was startled.

"Did I say it? I really wish I didn't say anything!" Zhou Xiaotong looked at Ye Wentian's unwillingness very proudly.

"Good! Good! Good! I'll admit it!" Ye Wentian knew that he couldn't escape the disaster of prison, after all, he committed a crime after all. Fortunately, he didn't admit to turning Yao Shi and Yao Lei into idiots. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble now, and he would have to be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

"Ye Wentian, let's go!" Seeing that Ye Wentian looked like a deflated ball, Xiao Li didn't think it was funny, but with Zhou Xiaotong by his side, he had no choice but to hold back.

Just as Ye Wentian walked out, Zhang Jing walked over and looked at Ye Wentian, feeling very guilty.

"Wentian, I'm sorry, I hurt you!" Zhang Jing grabbed Ye Wentian's arm, like a little girl who made a mistake.

"It's okay. I will come out in a few days. Sister Jing, go back and rest early. You have class tomorrow. You are the class teacher. Can you delay the whole class because of me?" Ye Wen held Zhang Jing consciously. Little hands, softly comforting.

"Okay, Ye Wentian, just stay in the cell for a few days honestly, Jingjing and I will send him home in person." Zhou Xiaotong pulled Zhang Jing away: "Jingjing, it's getting late, we Let's go, I have to deal with the case after sending you off, it seems that I don't want to rest tonight."

"Wentian, take care of yourself, I'll come see you tomorrow!" Zhang Jing reluctantly looked at Ye Wentian with an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, and followed Xiao Li towards the cell.

There is a distance of about 500 meters between the cell and the police station. Ye Wentian has never been there before. This is the first time that he walked into the gate of the cell. The surrounding area is quite large, including a stadium, bathrooms, toilets, canteens, etc. Both.

"Here, Ye Wentian, this is your dormitory, enjoy yourself tonight!" Xiao Li asked a police officer to open the door.

Just as Ye Wentian walked in, the cell door closed instantly, as if he was afraid that Ye Wentian would escape.

Intuition told Ye Wentian that this cell was unusual.

The cell was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers, but Ye Wen could see things day and night, and everything was as clear as day.

There were four iron beds in the cell, eight beds, seven of which were occupied, and the last bed was very dirty, not only was there no quilt on it, but it also had a musty smell.


A clear sound, a fire, a cigarette.

In the darkness, on the first iron bed to the left of Ye Wentian, a muscular man lit a cigarette and took a light puff.

At this time, the people on the other beds all got out of bed, and one of them walked behind Ye Wentian and pressed the switch, and the light turned on.

At this moment, Ye Wentian closed his eyes, crossed his hands, and stood still like an iron rod.

"Huh..." The strong smoking man exhaled a stream of smoke, looked Ye Wentian up and down, and couldn't help being stunned when he saw Ye Wentian's school pants.

"Boy, are you still a student?" the brawny man asked.

Ye Wentian ignored it directly, opened his eyes, and said lightly: "Today, whoever squeezes with others, I like to sleep alone."

Everyone didn't expect that there would be someone more powerful than them. They were stunned for a long time when they heard Ye Wentian's words. It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"Boy, our elder brother asked you if you don't want to live anymore and want to sleep. I made you cry tonight!" One of them said viciously.

"I like this bed, come down!" Ye Wentian pointed at the muscular man and said.

Everyone was completely overwhelmed by Ye Wentian's words this time, what, let their boss get out of bed and let him sleep, who do you think you are!Why is this logic reversed, it seems that this kid is the boss, and they have become younger brothers.

"Cough cough! Kid, do you know who I am, Wang Dazhu? In Jiangling City, besides Brother Tie Long Tie from the Black Dragon Gang, I am the second in line. You are really good enough, you dare to talk to me like that , you are really the first one after I became famous." Wang Dazhu grinned.

"Are you famous? How come I haven't heard of it." Ye Wentian has never heard of Wang Dazhu's deeds: "But whether you pull or not has something to do with me, come down, don't let me do it."

"Boy, although I admire your courage a little bit, but your words have completely angered me. You guys just take good care of me and don't make it crippled. This kid has a good temper with me." Wang Dazhu took a deep breath of cigarette , said slowly.

"Understood brother, don't worry, we will take good care of this kid." The six people were gearing up one by one, smiling smugly, and walked towards Ye Wentian step by step.
"Boring!" Ye Wentian didn't care at all, looked up at Wang Dazhu and said, "Just say what I said once, you won't get off after all."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of current affairs. Why are you dawdling around? Why don't you hurry up!" Wang Dazhu was completely angry.

"This is the effect I want." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth.

The person behind him kicked towards Ye Wentian with a sweeping leg. Ye Wentian smiled mockingly, stood still, put his strength on his legs, and let the person kick him over.

Seeing that Ye Wentian was still standing there stupidly, the others didn't intend to come up to do anything again, and waited for Ye Wentian to be swept away and fell to the ground.



The imaginary thing didn't happen, but the person behind him immediately let out a scream, squatted down, rubbed and poked his right leg with both hands, and opened the bottom of his trousers, which turned out to be swollen.

"This... this kid is weird!" the man shouted.

Sitting on the bed, Wang Dazhu was also shocked when he saw this, squinting his eyes slightly, and carefully looked at Ye Wentian, who had always been calm and composed. He originally thought that this kid was a frog in a well with no one in his eyes, but he didn't expect to meet a master today.

"Go up together!" Wang Dazhu ordered.

The remaining five people looked at each other, and immediately formed a tacit understanding. The five people attacked Ye Wentian's five directions respectively. Obviously, these tricks were all figured out by their usual practice.

Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly, moved his feet, and made a leap. Before Wang Dazhu could react, he was already flying up, followed by a whirlwind.

Ye Wentian grabbed Wang Dazhu's shoulders, held him firmly, used him as a weapon, and hit the five of them.

The five originally planned to attack Ye Wentian, but there was no sign of Ye Wentian in front of them, and when they reacted, Ye Wentian who was behind him grabbed Wang Dazhu and hit him.

"Be careful!" Ye Wentian had a smirk, and just after he finished speaking, Wang Dazhu's feet kicked one of them in the face, and with a loud noise, he hit the bedpost in an instant.

"Watch your legs!" Ye Wentian grabbed Wang Dazhu and swept across, and two more fell to the ground, their buttocks almost smashed.

"Hey! Next, be careful with your two little brothers!" Just as Ye Wentian finished speaking, the two of them were startled, and immediately ran back and fled under the bed.

"Heh! Isn't this very fast!" Ye Wentian couldn't help laughing, he threw Wang Dazhu who was completely dizzy on the ground, and then jumped onto the bed.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow! Oh, by the way, don't wake me up, otherwise the consequences will be serious, you should know." After speaking, Ye Wentian lay comfortably on the bed, the corner of his mouth curled up. A burst of pleasure remained.

Seeing this, the two people under the bed crawled out timidly, and looked at Ye Wentian in horror. Is this still a student? This is simply a demon!
(End of this chapter)

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