Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 312 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 312 The Opportunity Comes
"Tell me, who sent you, and I'll let you go if you tell." Ye Wentian had already guessed who sent these people, and he just watched their performance on purpose.

"Hmph~~ boy, although it doesn't matter to tell you, we won't tell you." One of them said.

"You all think so?" Ye Wentian glanced at the other three.

"Hmph~~" The four of them snorted coldly at Ye Wentian at the same time, and looked at Ye Wentian with disdain.

"Hey~~ I originally thought that if you behaved better, I would let you go, but now it seems that it is necessary to punish you a little, so that you will not continue to work for tigers with your master in the future!" Ye Wentian said After that, his eyes turned cold, his figure flashed, and the ghostly speed left them with no time to react. Immediately afterwards, they only felt a pain in their dantian, like a deflated ball, and the whole body felt a real pain. The air instantly dissipated into nothingness.

" are so ruthless!"

"You actually abolished our martial arts!"

"Our Ling family will not let you go!"

"Just wait for revenge from our Ling family!"

"Really? Are the people of the Ling family like you, who are still stubborn when they die! Everyone really likes to court death! But fortunately, I am kind, and I won't take your life, but I think Come on, it is necessary to teach you a lesson!" After speaking, Ye Wentian flashed away again and shot instantly.

"Clap clap clap!"

The four voices seemed to come out at the same time, and then a deep palm print appeared on the faces of the four, fiery red, with a trace of blood.

"You!" The four of them stared at Ye Wentian fiercely, but they couldn't do anything against Ye Wentian.

"You still dare to stare at me, it seems that the lesson is not enough!" Ye Wentian smiled evilly, seeing Ye Wentian's weird smile, the four of them suddenly knew that something was wrong, and were ready to run, but what about their speed? Faster than Ye Wentian's speed.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four afterimages flashed quickly in the air, and then the four of them fell to the ground almost at the same time, splashing a cloud of dust.

"Tsk tsk~~" Ye Wentian shook his head and said helplessly, "Why bother!"

This time, the four of them didn't dare to say another word, lay down on the ground, and poked the painful place.

Ye Wentian smiled slightly, walked to the side of the van, and kicked at the rear of the van, and then the van weighing a thousand kilograms flew up and landed heavily on the side of the road.

"Tell your master, if you dare to trouble me next time, tell him to walk more carefully!" After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he drove away.

"Wentian, just now..." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu looked at Ye Wentian with eyes full of horror. Although she already knew that Ye Wentian was very powerful, she was still shocked by Ye Wentian's last kick. It takes thousands of gigantic forces to kick that van that weighs thousands of kilograms into the air!
"What? Sister Xiaoyu was frightened!" Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"En." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu nodded, indeed a little frightened.

"I won't be surprised if I see more!" Ye Wentian said with a smile.

Soon, Ye Wentian and Xuanyuan Xiaoyu returned to the villa.

Hearing the sound of the car, Xiao Yuxin, Huang Xiangling, and Wang Hu ran over immediately.

"How is it? Are the three of you still used to it?" Ye Wentian asked. As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt a little inappropriate, as if this home belonged to him.

The three of Xiao Yuxin didn't hear anything yet, but Xuanyuan Xiaoyu heard Ye Wentian's unintentional surprise, and couldn't help being a little secretly happy.

"Well, Mother Wang is very kind to us!" Xiao Yuxin said.

"And Sister Xiaoyu has a swimming pool and a gym here, which is really great!" Wang Hu said happily.

"You don't look like you want to stay here!" Ye Wentian looked at Wang Hu and said narrowly.

"Uh..." Wang Hu patted his head embarrassingly: "Anyway, I'm following you, Brother Tian."

"Just treat this place as your own home. You don't have to be restrained. I welcome you to live here anytime." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoyu!" Huang Xiangling nodded happily, obviously satisfied with her here.

"Thank you, you're welcome with me!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"Wentian, Xiaoyu, Yuxin, Xiangling, Wang Hu, you all come here, dinner is ready!" At this time, Wang Ma came out and shouted.

"Let's go, let's eat!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

After dinner and washing up, Huang Xiangling and Xiao Yuxin both ran to Ye Wentian's room. Wang Hu was also planning to come in, but after thinking about it, he went back to his own room.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu knew that Ye Wentian had a lot to talk to them, so she didn't bother the three of them.

"Brother Tian, ​​we miss you so much these days!" Xiao Yuxin looked at Ye Wentian pitifully, holding Ye Wentian's right arm tightly with both hands.

"I miss you too." Ye Wentian looked at the two of them, patted their heads, and then asked, "When did the relationship between you two become so good?"

"We've always been fine, haven't we, Xiangling?" Xiao Yuxin looked at Huang Xiangling and blinked her eyelids.

"Well, Yu Xin and I both have a feeling of sympathy!" Huang Xiangling said.

In fact, what Ye Wentian didn't know was that the two had reached an alliance and accepted each other, and Ye Wentian was not allowed to find other women.

"Brother Tian, ​​tell me about your experience in Liugu Forest these days, Yuxin and I are very curious." Huang Xiangling looked at Ye Wentian with longing eyes.

"Okay, let me tell you about my experience this time..." Ye Wentian nodded, collected his thoughts, and told the two of them everything that happened in Liugu Forest for more than a month. , Even Ye Wentian didn't hide anything about Dieyi.

Knowing that Ye Wentian already had a wife, both of them felt very heavy, and fell silent for a while.

Ye Wentian knew that the two of them would definitely not be in a good mood, but sooner or later these things would be known to the two of them. It is better to say it sooner rather than later, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles when it happens.


"Third brother, our chance has come!" Xuanyuanhao smiled triumphantly after receiving the invitation letter in his hand.

"What chance?" Xuanyuan Qiang asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's an opportunity to steal the ancestral code." Xuanyuanhao smiled triumphantly: "God helped me this time. Tomorrow is Xiaoyu's birthday, and Long Teng will celebrate her birthday tonight. She will definitely go. He and Ye Wen If the sky is not at home, then it will be a good opportunity for us to make a move!"

"Brother is right!" Xuanyuan Qiang nodded, and then said: "Brother, do you have a suitable candidate?"

"Not yet!" Xuanyuan Hao shook his head.

Xuanyuan Qiang took two steps, pondered for a while, and said: "I have a candidate, this person is good at hard qigong, and also good at lightness qigong, but the fee is a bit more expensive!"

"Money is not a problem, as long as he can help me get the ancestral code, even if I give him 100 million!" Xuanyuan Hao said.

"So, I'll make arrangements right away!" After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Qiang hurriedly went to find that person.

(End of this chapter)

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