Chapter 328

"Okay, little guy, you can still lie, but well, I like it, hehe~~ Tell me, what can you do for me, I will do my best to help!" Elisa's tone was always It was with such a provocative meaning that it made Ye Wentian feel like he was on fire, but fortunately, the original divine power in Ye Wentian's body was impartial, with both hardness and softness, and it was not so easy to go to extremes.

"Eliza, you are worthy of being the number one strong woman in the world, I guessed it all." Ye Wentian flattered.

"Young man, if you say that again, I will ignore you. It seems unfamiliar to us to say these polite words, so you should speak directly." There was some anger in Eliza's tone.

"Well, I was wrong!" Ye Wentian said hastily: "Eliza, you also have the clothing industry in your industry."

"Of course, the clothing industry is my focus. Why, I want to start a company and cooperate with me." Eliza laughed.

"No, that's how it is. Have you seen the news from China today?" Ye Wentian said.

"You mean Xianyun?" Eliza asked.

"Yes, it's Xianyun." Ye Wentian said.

After a little silence, Elisa said: "According to my guess, young man, do you have a special relationship with that beautiful female president of Xianyun?"

"I'm her bodyguard." Ye Wentian said.

"It's that simple?" Eliza asked again.

"She is still my god-sister." Ye Wentian added.

"Sister?" Eliza was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Hehe, young man, is it my sister?"

Ye Wentian was sweating profusely, this Elisa really could say anything, and she was proficient in making words with two sounds.

"I said Elisa, why have you become such a gossip!" Ye Wentian said speechlessly.

"Hehe~~ Don't be angry, I'll just talk casually." Elisa smiled, and then said: "If I guessed correctly, you want me to cooperate with President Xianyun."

"Elisa, you are smart." Ye Wentian said hastily.

"Okay, you can give the phone to that girl named Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, and I'll talk to her." Eliza said.

"Okay." Hearing Elisa's words, Ye Wentian knew there was something going on, so he gave Xuanyuan Xiaoyu the phone.

"Wentian, who is it?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu took the phone, a little confused.

"You'll know it when you hear it." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

As soon as Ye Wentian finished speaking, Elisa's voice came out. Knowing that it was Elisa, known as the world's number one strong woman, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu stared at Ye Wen with her beautiful eyes wide open. sky.

Ye Wentian smiled, sat on the sofa beside him and fell asleep, and let the two of them chat.

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye Wentian woke up again, it was already dark.Seeing Ye Wentian wake up, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu stopped what she was doing and returned the phone to Ye Wentian.

"Honestly, Wentian, how did you know Eliza?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"Do you know about Elisa coming to Yunxi Group in Jiangling City?" Ye Wentian asked.

"I don't know." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu shook her head.

"That's right, Elisa came to investigate, and she did it very secretly." Ye Wentian thought for a while and nodded.

"Eliza has been to Jiangling City! When did it happen?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

"Based on the time, it's been almost two months. She is looking for Xiao Yuquan to cooperate with Uncle Xiao. She thinks that Uncle Xiao is more honest and trustworthy, and he is a qualified businessman." Ye Wentian looked at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu who was contemplating and smiled. She laughed, and then said, "Of course I'm not saying that sister Xiaoyu is not an honest businessman, but maybe in Elisa's eyes, she is more optimistic about entrepreneurs like Uncle Xiao."

"Actually, you don't need to explain so much to me. I know it. Thank you very much this time. Being able to cooperate with Eliza, it will be difficult for my Xianyun not to go up a level." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"So you've reached an agreement." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"It's settled, but she said that she only talked with me for your sake." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu glared at Ye Wentian: "To be honest, do you two have any adultery?"

"Where is it? Do you think I am that kind of person?" Ye Wentian was a little speechless: "A world-class strong woman like Elisa is beyond the reach of a small person like me. Being able to make friends with her is already It’s a blessing among misfortunes.”

"You may think so, but I am a woman, and I am the most sensitive to such things. I am [-]% sure that she is interested in you." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said firmly.

"But so what? We are destined to be just good friends. Besides, she is not an ordinary person, but... Forget it, it's getting late, let's go home for dinner." Ye Wentian said helplessly.

"Wentian, no, I hate other people teasing me, so finish your sentence." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu held Ye Wentian back and prevented him from getting up.

"Okay, let me say." Ye Wentian said helplessly: "She is a member of the vampire family, and she still looks like you, sister Xiaoyu, but she can actually be my mother."

"The vampire family!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was shocked: "Could there really be vampires in this world?"

"Not only are there, but they are also very powerful, just like us cultivators." Ye Wentian smiled, and took Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's hand downstairs.

When the car drove to the outskirts, Ye Wentian's consciousness sensed two people hidden in the grass on both sides. They were spread apart. One of them held a sniper rifle in his hand and a pistol on his body. Their cultivation has reached the late Xuan level, judging from their aura, they look a lot like people from Reverse Liusha.

Ye Wentian frowned, and stopped 500 meters away from them.

In fact, the two people from Niu Liusha originally planned to come back tomorrow to clean up Ye Wentian, but recently Niu Liusha's finances were a little tight, so the two of them rushed over non-stop, hoping to earn some extra money and go back early.

"Wentian, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"It looks like someone wants to kill me." Ye Wentian smiled.

"Someone wants to kill you! Who is it?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu turned pale with shock.

"Let's get out of the car first." Ye Wentian opened the car door, took Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's hand and walked towards the sniper. After all, the sniper was still difficult to deal with.

Seeing Ye Wentian approaching, the sniper frowned. He felt that Ye Wentian had discovered him, but he was a little uncertain. After all, he hid himself very well, and the two were so far apart. He didn't think he was discovered by Ye Wentian.

The sniper adjusted the sniper scope, aimed at Ye Wentian's eyebrows, and quickly pulled the trigger. There was a clear sound, and the sniper bullet shot towards Ye Wentian's eyebrows in an instant.

This sniper bullet has no threat to Ye Wentian now, but it still hurts when it hits the body.Ye Wentian's consciousness found the trajectory of the sniper bullet, and with a big wave of his hand, he caught the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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