Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 338 Bracelet Protector

Chapter 338 Bracelet Protector
In fact, the sealing technique also has disadvantages. If the person whose memory is sealed becomes very powerful in the future, he can still break through the seal on his own. However, according to Yang Shanshan's situation, it is basically impossible to break through Ye Wentian's seal.

If he wanted to seal part of Yang Shanshan's memory, he had to find fragments of Yang Shanshan's memory, which was the most difficult for Ye Wentian.The capacity of the human brain is so huge, and the higher the cultivation level of the practitioner, the greater the capacity of the brain.

Some researchers have roughly calculated that the brain capacity and information of an ordinary person is equivalent to fifty times that of the Library of Congress in the United States, equivalent to the amount of knowledge in [-] million books, and this is only an ordinary person. , that is a doubling of growth.

Faced with so many memory fragments, Ye Wentian felt a little overwhelmed, but for the sake of Yang Shanshan's future happiness, no matter how difficult it was, he would accept it.

With the infiltration of the original divine power and the inspection of the spiritual consciousness, an hour passed in a blink of an eye. At this moment, Ye Wentian has not found Yang Shanshan's previous memories, but there are many memories of Yang Shanshan's childhood and the memory of Yang Shanshan's sister Yang Xianxian. Found quite a few.

Under the double consumption of original divine power and mental power, Ye Wentian became weaker and weaker, but at this moment, to his surprise, he found a pattern, and through gradual investigation, he finally found those memories.

At this moment, Ye Wentian was sweating profusely, mentally and physically exhausted, and had reached the verge of deprivation, but at this moment, he could not fall short, and with a strong will to grab the original divine power of the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Pearl, finally had such a small success.

Borrowing this bit of original divine power just happened to seal this memory of Yang Shanshan, seeing that it finally succeeded, Ye Wentian relaxed his mind and fell into a coma again.

At this moment, the fire in the cave has been extinguished, and there are traces of green smoke floating into the distance.

In the cave, Yang Shanshan was lying on Ye Wentian's chest, very peaceful, quiet and harmonious.But the only thing that feels a little weird is that the torn clothes on Yang Shanshan's body can't help but remind people of what happened to the two of them just now.

Huang Xiangling was worried about Ye Wentian, and went into the forest alone. Seeing the wisps of thin green smoke here, she ran over quickly. Seeing Ye Wentian and Yang Shanshan in the cave, Huang Xiangling was completely stunned.

She never thought that her mother and Ye Wentian were sleeping together, and her mother's clothes had been torn, but they could only cover her private parts.

It's hard not to let Huang Xiangling think about such a scene, after all, his mother is so beautiful, and she is full of a mature charm, which cannot be found in her.

Huang Xiangling suddenly had the urge to cry, but looking at the two of them, she couldn't cry, and forcibly held back the scalding tears to prevent them from falling.

Huang Xiangling didn't bother the two of them, picked up some dead branches and lit a fire aside, sitting by the fire by himself, looking at the raging fire, wondering what he was thinking.


It was already ten o'clock in the evening, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was still working crazily in the huge office alone, occasionally raised his head, and found that he was suddenly gone in the empty office, so lonely alone, with a The heart is like a small sail floating in the endless sea, without support, lonely and helpless.

Some things are not willing to give up when they become a habit; some people are not willing to lose when they are used to them. The deeper the love, the more unforgettable this feeling will be.

Wang Ma called and asked her why she hadn't come home yet. She thought something happened to her and was worried about her safety.

After hanging up the phone, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu got up, opened the door, paused for a while, looked at the sofa where Ye Wentian had been sitting, a deep longing welled up in her heart, this kind of love had already fused into her bone marrow.

It turned out that after getting used to the days with him, every minute and every second when he suddenly left was so difficult.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu sighed deeply, closed the door, turned around and left, the secretary's office had changed to a secretary, a Chinese-American half-race, beautiful and generous, knowledgeable and experienced, named Lin Fei.

"President." Lin Fei greeted Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"Well, it's the first time you come to Xianyun headquarters to work today, how do you feel?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked.

"It's great, especially it's an honor for Lin Fei to be the president's secretary!" Lin Fei said politely.

"That's good, I'm leaving, you should go home early." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"President, it's so late, do you want me to see you off?" Lin Fei said.

"No need." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu shook her head with a smile, then took the elevator downstairs.

Looking at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's back, Lin Fei crossed his hands, showing a thoughtful expression, then packed his things and went downstairs.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu drove the car alone, looking at the scenes of feasting and feasting in the streets and alleys, she suddenly felt a sense of loss.

An inconspicuous stall appeared in front of him, selling barbecue. He parked his luxury car and sat down in such a place for the first time.

When the diners around saw Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, almost none of them didn't know her, and they all stepped forward to take pictures with their mobile phones, even the boss.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu frowned slightly, a little displeased with the atmosphere, and was about to leave when a few men in black ran towards them.

"Get the hell out of here!" There were only three people who came, wearing black clothes, with a sturdy figure, and they knew that they had good skills at a glance.

Hearing the angry shout, those diners looked over and were startled, frightened by the murderous aura on the three of them, they ran away quickly.

At this moment, the boss felt distressed, because those people didn't pay at all, and they just ran away after eating free food.

"Miss Xuanyuan, come with us." The leading man in black said.

"Who are you?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu frowned.

"You will know soon." The leading man in black gestured, and then the two men in black behind him stepped forward and walked towards Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"What do you want to do?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu immediately got up.

"If Miss Xuanyuan doesn't cooperate, we will have no choice but to offend." One of the men in black used his grasping hand to grab Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's strength has grown rapidly, and she already has the strength of the early stage of the yellow class. She kicked towards the opponent's lower abdomen, and the strength of the man in black is equivalent to the early stage of the yellow class. Kick out.

"It seems that Miss Xuanyuan's strength is not bad!" The leading man in black frowned, and instantly jumped up to attack Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

The leading man in black was already at the peak strength of the early Huang class. Under the siege of the two, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu soon fell into a disadvantage.

The boss next to him was completely dumbfounded when he saw the fight between the three. What he didn't expect was that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, who looked weak and weak, was actually a master.

The leading man in black found a gap, and slapped Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's shoulder with his palm. Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was shocked, but there was no hurry, because another man in black kicked at her while she was in a daze. her belly.


In an instant, what was surprising was that the two men in black were blocked by an invisible barrier, and were knocked out by twice the force of the two men, falling to the ground and spraying out a mouthful of blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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