Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 345 The Change of Lightning

Chapter 345 The Change of Lightning

Gu Song didn't know that the Lian Chengxin at this moment was no longer the Lian Chengxin he knew, he had become someone on Ye Wentian's side.

When the two people standing behind Lian Chengxin heard Lian Chengxin's report, they felt a little puzzled, but they didn't say anything more, after all, there was no room for them to talk here.


Saying goodbye to Wang Jiutian and Li Xiuying, Ye Wentian brought Huang Xiangling and Ruan Xiaoyu to Xiao Yuquan's house.

"Woof~~" From a long distance, Lightning seemed to know Ye Wentian's existence, jumped out of the den, jumped over the three-meter-high gate, and rushed out.

"Huh~~ What's wrong with Lightning?" Nie Bai was a little surprised, and looked at Wang Dazhu, Fang Cheng and Ma Tao.

"Lightning has been staying at home, and has never been in such a hurry. There is only one possibility that can make it so excited..." Fang Cheng thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the three of them excitedly.

"What's possible?" Wang Dazhu and Ma Tao asked curiously at the same time.

"If I'm not wrong, Fang Cheng wants to say that the boss is back!" Nie Bai analyzed.

"Boss is back!" Hearing Nie Bai's words, Wang Dazhu and Ma Tao were shocked at the same time.

After a while, footsteps came from outside the gate, followed by a familiar and eager figure.

"Boss!" Seeing Ye Wentian, Wang Dazhu and the others quickly ran out and opened the door.

"Hehe~~ Not bad, it seems that you have all made some progress, and your skills have not lagged during this period of time." Ye Wentian looked at the four of them and smiled.

"Boss, you have worked so hard to teach us, how can we let you down, can't we?" Fang Cheng pushed Ma Tao beside him.

"That's right! Fang Cheng is right. We just hope that the boss will come back and see that we have made progress, so that we can feel at ease." Ma Tao said hastily.

"Okay, let's go in first." Ye Wentian then introduced Huang Xiangling and Ruan Xiaoyu, but Huang Xiangling and the others already knew each other. The last time Huang Xiangling, Wang Hu, and Xiao Yuxin took the train to Yanjing together, so At that time, Wang Dazhu and the others knew Huang Xiangling a little bit.

"Aunt Qing, Uncle Xiao, Uncle Liu, what are you three talking about quietly in the room?" Ye Wentian opened the door without knocking.This is not impolite, but just a sign of the closeness of their relationship.

"Wentian, you're back?" Ye Qing and the others were overjoyed when they saw Ye Wentian.

"Hehe~~ Uncle Xiao, the three of you chatted so mysteriously, did something happen?" Ye Wentian asked suspiciously.

"Wentian, let's not talk about this matter, let's go to the living room to chat!" Xiao Yuquan said.

"Wen Tian, ​​I heard that you and the members of the Ye family have recognized each other?" Ye Qing asked.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Then did your uncle and second uncle make things difficult for you?" Ye Qing frowned and asked.

"Aunt Qing, you are worrying too much. What do you think ordinary people like them can do to me?" Ye Wentian smiled, and then said: "I have already found out that there are other people who harmed my parents back then. Not from the Ye family."

"It's fine if you're not from the Ye family." Ye Qing felt relieved, and turned to look at Huang Xiangling and Ruan Xiaoyu: "Xiang Ling, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"Aunt Qing is worried, I'm fine." Huang Xiangling smiled shyly.

"Wentian, you didn't give us an introduction." Ye Qing blamed.

"Hehe~~ If my guess is correct, you are Ruan Xiaoyu, the daughter of Dean Ruan Fengruan, right?" Xiao Yuquan interjected.

"Uncle Xiao seems to still have an impression of me!" Ruan Xiaoyu smiled.

"Of course. Although I haven't seen you for many years, but your appearance is somewhat similar to Dean Ruan, I recognized you at a glance." Xiao Yuquan said.

"By the way, ask God, isn't Yenching University about to start? Why are you back, that girl Yuxin?" Liu Quan asked suspiciously.

"I came back this time because something happened to Xiangling's parents, so I hurried back. Yu Xin and Wang Hu are still living at sister Xiaoyu's house." Ye Wentian said.

"Oh, so that's the case!" Ye Qing nodded, they already knew something about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu and Ye Wentian's affairs: "Xiangling, what happened to your parents? Are you all right now?"

"Thanks to Brother Tian for arriving in time, otherwise my father might be dead, my mother... my mother..."

"Okay, Xiangling, stop talking." Ye Wentian stopped what Huang Xiangling was going to say, and then said, "Aunt Qing, it's rare for me to go home today, why don't I cook for you next time, which can be regarded as a return." The family was in a hurry, and I didn’t bring you gifts as an apology.”

"Okay, that's a good idea!" Ye Qing and the others immediately agreed.

"Woof~~" Lightning yelled immediately when he heard Ye Wentian's words.

"Don't worry, I have your share too. But Lightning's progress is too great. It's unbelievable that he broke through to the Xuan level while I was away." Ye Wentian was a little shocked.

"Yeah, I feel like Lightning has changed a lot." Liu Quan nodded.

Ye Wentian walked up to Lightning, and picked him up. Lightning's fur was soft and slippery, jet-black, shiny, full of toughness, and his shiny eyes were full of wisdom.

Ye Wentian circulated his original divine power into Lightning's body, feeling the continuous energy entering his body, Lightning groaned a few times in comfort, squinted his eyes slightly, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

When Wang Dazhu and the others saw Lightning, they were quite curious and amused, and the humanized expression was really surprising.

After checking the situation in Lightning's body, Ye Wentian withdrew his original divine power, Lightning still yelled a few words, reluctantly looked at Ye Wentian, and rubbed his head affectionately on Ye Wentian's leg.

"Qiantian, did you find anything?" Liu Quan asked.

"Something in Lightning's body seems to have awakened. I can only vaguely sense it, but I can't be sure what it is. I think this awakening thing started when I helped Lightning practice last time." Pause , Ye Wentian continued: "Lightning's muscles, bones, blood, internal organs and fur have all been greatly improved. Its cultivation base can grow so fast should be related to that awakened thing."

"It's still so magical?" Wang Dazhu looked at the lightning in surprise.

"There are more amazing things in this world, but you haven't seen them before." After speaking, Ye Wentian glanced at Nie Bai meaningfully.

Seeing Ye Wentian's eyes, Nie Bai was taken aback, and Wang Dazhu and the others also looked at Nie Bai with some doubts.

"What are you looking at me for?" Nie Bai was speechless.

"I think you are handsome!" Wang Dazhu said angrily.

"That's about the same!" Nie Bai said rather narcissistically.

Wang Dazhu and the others rolled their eyes, looked at Ye Wentian and asked, "Boss, tell us about your experience of this long journey, we are all very curious."

Ye Wentian nodded, so he told the story from the beginning to the end, but directly deleted the emotional experience about him.

(End of this chapter)

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