Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 39 Invitation

Chapter 39 Invitation

Ye Wentian walked over, gently wiped the tears from the corners of Zhang Jing's eyes, then hugged her tightly, feeling the softness of Zhang Jing's body and smelling her intoxicating fragrance, his heart was at peace for a while.

Ye Wentian also has an intoxicating aura, like a newborn baby. This is a manifestation of Ye Wentian's body gradually returning to its original source, but it is only at the beginning stage now, and it is still far from the true original source.

Smelling the fragrance of Ye Wentian's body, Zhang Jing's breath gradually calmed down, and her hands holding Ye Wentian's waist tightened.

At this moment, the hearts of the two have never been closer.

Feeling the warmth passed between the bodies, Zhang Jing just wanted to hug the man in front of her forever, and never separate until the sky was old, but Ye Wentian still didn't change her mind.

"Sister Jing..."

"Wentian, can you call me Jing'er from now on?" Zhang Jing looked at Ye Wentian with burning eyes, filled with endless expectation.

"This..." Everything is as dreamy as promised, and Ye Wentian felt that he couldn't turn his head around all of a sudden: "Sister Jing, I..."

" don't want me, do you? I know my body has been seen by other men, and I'm no longer worthy of you!" Zhang Jing's eyes were soaked again, almost wanting to die.

"It's not like this, Sister Jing!" Ye Wentian didn't know what to do, he was just a rookie in terms of love, and he was not good at making girls happy.

Ye Wentian was entangled with a woman who was so in love with beauty in front of him. If it was an ordinary person, Ye Wentian would definitely think that the other party was a casual woman, but Ye Wentian knew that Zhang Jing was not that kind of person.It's just that Ye Wentian didn't know what happened to Zhang Jing and what kind of experience he had, so he longed for a true love so much.

At this time, Ye Wentian could only comfort her softly: "Sister Jing, I'm not ready yet, give me some time, okay, you are a good woman, you are clean! I forbid you to say that about yourself! Do you understand?"

Zhang Jing stared at Ye Wentian for a long time, nodded, and said slowly: "Okay, I will give you time, I will wait for you, I will wait for you for the rest of my life, don't abandon me!"

As she spoke, Zhang Jing stood on her tiptoes, kissed Ye Wentian tightly with her lips, parted her lips for a long time, and looked at the dull Ye Wentian, she didn't force Ye Wentian any more, and ran away in a hurry go out.

On the lips, there is still the lingering fragrance of Zhang Jing, soft and sweet.

Ye Wentian packed up the food box on the table, only to find that Zhang Jingjuanxiu's name was engraved on the food box.

Ye Wentian took the food box and washed it in the clean water of the cafeteria, then walked out of the cafeteria.

Outside the door, Wang Dazhu and his group were looking at Ye Wentian puzzled, because Zhang Jing was crying when she came out earlier, which made them very puzzled.

Wang Dazhu and the others were about to ask something, but at this moment, a guard ran over and told Ye Wentian to go, someone came to visit him.

Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, wondering who else would come to visit him, he pondered for a long time, but still to no avail, so he had to follow up to see the situation first.

This time Ye Wentian was not brought into the meeting room, but was taken out of the prison and into the office of the police station.

"Mr. Xiao, Ye Wentian brought it for you." The guard spoke very politely.

"It's troublesome." The middle-aged man said.

"No trouble, let's talk, I have to leave first." The guard left after speaking.

Ye Wentian looked at the middle-aged man in front of him curiously. He was dressed in casual clothes, he was handsome, neither fat nor thin, and his appearance was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Next to this middle-aged man was a middle-aged man, who was a little older, and looked very tough, with a gleam in his eyes, and he had an aura of calmness.

"Early stage of Xuan level!" Ye Wentian was startled under the scanning of his spiritual sense, and looked at the middle-aged man again. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he discovered that the blood of the middle-aged man in front of him was actually the same as that of the squad leader Xiao Yuxin. They are very similar, combined with facial features, Ye Wentian has some guesses.

At this time, the two were also looking at Ye Wentian, seeing Ye Wentian faintly revealed a maturity and extraordinaryness that his peers did not have, they secretly praised Ye Wentian, they looked at each other, and smiled at the same time.

Ye Wentian was confused by the two people in front of him. He didn't speak for a long time, and looked at him like an orangutan, and the two of them seemed to be able to communicate silently. Those who didn't understand thought that there was something wrong with the two people in front of them. Special hobby.

"Ahem~~ Two uncles, do you know what you can do with me?" Ye Wentian had no choice but to speak first.

"Young man, sit down first." The middle-aged man pointed to the chair in front of him, and Ye Wentian walked over and sat down.

"Your name is Ye Wentian, right?" the middle-aged man said.

Ye Wentian nodded.

"My name is Xiao Yuquan, and I am the boss of Yunxi Group. This is my good brother Liu Quan." Xiao Yuquan introduced.

Hearing the words Yunxi Group, Ye Wentian's eyes widened, and he sighed in his heart: Well, trouble is coming!Sure enough, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back one day!
"Uncle Xiao is not here to sue me?" Ye Wentian asked.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Xiao Yuquan and Liu Quan smiled at each other, and then said, "If I wanted to sue you, I wouldn't come in person. Don't worry, the purpose of my coming today is to invite you to be a bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" Ye Wentian was taken aback, glanced at Liu Quan, changed his mind, and asked, "You don't want me to protect your daughter, do you?"

"How do you know?" Xiao Yuquan was taken aback for a moment, and Liu Quan also looked at Ye Wentian with some doubts.

For the sake of his daughter's safety, Xiao Yuquan has never released any information about his daughter. Perhaps some people with background can find out, but it is impossible for a person with no money and power like Ye Wentian to know.

"I guessed it." At this moment, Ye Wentian became more convinced of the thought in his heart.

"Oh." Xiao Yuquan nodded, and continued, "You guessed right. I am indeed going to let you be my daughter's bodyguard. I don't know if Xiaotian will agree or not?"

Before he knew it, Xiao Yuquan became more and more intimate with Ye Wentian.

"Well... what will happen if I don't agree?" Ye Wentian said.

"Hehe~~ Xiaotian, you are overthinking. The damage you caused to my hotel is nothing at all. Even if you don't agree, I won't blame you." Xiao Yuquan laughed.

"Yes." Ye Wentian nodded, and continued: "Okay, I agree, but now I'm in prison, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out for a while."

Ye Wentian shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"It's simple, I say hello and they will let you out." Xiao Yuquan said.

"Since this is the case, it would be great." Ye Wentian said.

Xiao Yuquan talked to Liu Quan, Liu Quan nodded, and then Liu Quan walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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