Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 414 Silent is better than sound

Chapter 414 Silent is better than sound

Zhang Yan and Xuanyuan Rong were startled, and turned their heads quickly. Seeing the person coming, they were overjoyed, and immediately called out "President".

"En." The woman looked at the crowd and nodded, then focused her gaze on Wang Hu: "School Wang Hu, I wonder if I can share your happiness?"

"The president can come, Wang Hu really wished for it, wished for it!" Wang Hu laughed.

"Then I won't be polite." The woman smiled slightly and introduced herself: "My name is Muto Youlan, the president of the judo club. Please give me your advice. You are welcome to visit our judo club at any time."

"Muto Youlan!" Hearing this term for the first time, Ye Wentian looked at the woman in front of him suspiciously: "Are you Japanese?"

"That's right, Mr. Ye, Youlan is Japanese." Muto Youlan looked at Ye Wentian with a faint smile, and then said, "Mr. Ye, it seems that you are a little bit against us Japanese."

"It's not considered exclusion, it's just that there are some people I don't like. Of course, I'm not referring to you. President Muto, please don't mind." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"It seems that Mr. Ye has some issues with one of our Japanese. I don't know if Youlan needs to do something. I am happy to serve Mr. Ye." Muto Youlan continued.

"It's nothing serious. President Muto doesn't mind. Let's go eat first. The time is up and I'm hungry." Ye Wentian said.

"Yes, yes, let's go to eat." Wang Hu greeted everyone to enter the Zhao's Hotel. After Ye Wentian taught the son of the Zhao family the last time, the Zhao family did not stop Ye Wentian from coming in for dinner, but think about it, If Ye Wentian didn't come, their hotel would lose a lot of revenue because of this, after all, there are too many big families related to Ye Wentian.

"Young master Ye, I wonder if you are interested in joining our judo club? Our judo club welcomes talents like Mr. Ye." After a pause, Youlan Muto then added: "Mr. Ye's two elder brothers are also in our judo club. society."

"The two of them are also in the judo club?" Ye Wentian was taken aback, thinking of Ye Zhaoqiang and Ye Zuming's unsightly standards, he shook his head.

"Is Mr. Ye not interested in our judo club?" Muto Youlan continued.

"I don't want to join any club, President Muto, you don't need to say more." Ye Wentian said.

"Since this is the case, I won't force it anymore. But in the future, I hope Mr. Ye will call me Youlan, and you don't have to call me so vividly." Muto Youlan's beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak, making people invisible Filled with a kind of pity.

"Okay, Youlan." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and sat on the side holding Dongfang Ning's hand.

Dongfang Ning picked up a bottle of fruit juice, opened it, filled a glass for Ye Wentian, filled another glass for herself, and put it on the table.

It seems that in Dongfang Ning's eyes, only Ye Wentian is the most important, and everyone else is dispensable. However, no one said much about Dongfang Ning's temperament.

Ye Wentian knew that Dongfang Ning had already thought about many things at this moment, and would not be so fussy, but it did not mean that he could accept Ye Wentian's addition of a few more girls.

Everyone was chatting and eating, and most of the time it was Muto Youlan who was talking, but she also knew how to control the situation, and asked Ye Wentian some questions from time to time. She knew that Ye Wentian was the only one in this group of people. Asking the sky is the core.

Ye Wentian occasionally replied with a sentence or two, and his spiritual consciousness was always paying attention to the details of everyone on the table, especially Wang Hu's girlfriend Yuan Lin and this Muto Youlan. Ye Wentian could guess how much Muto Youlan was thinking. , which means making friends, but Yuan Lin's real intentions have yet to be verified.

However, when Ye Wentian's attention fell on Xiao Yuxin and Huang Xiangling, he realized that the two women had been a little silent for a while.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't have spent so much time on Ning'er. It's my fault for ignoring the two girls." Ye Wentian sighed in his heart, he knew that this was the trouble of having too many women.

If you want to love someone sincerely, you need to spend a lot of time and energy. Once you disperse this time and energy, it is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

After dinner was over, the meal was quite enjoyable, and everyone dispersed one by one. Looking at the lonely backs of Xiao Yuxin and Huang Xiangling, Ye Wentian felt a little pain in his heart.

"Brother Tian, ​​I know your heart, please spend more time with them. I will teach Xiaoxiao well in the near future, you don't have to care about my feelings so much." Dongfang stared at Ye Wentian and smiled slightly, stood on tiptoe, and Ye Wentian stuck close to each other, and after a long time, the two separated, and Dongfang Ning drove away with him.

Hu Xiaoxiao had already left with Hu Tiequan before, and now the two brothers and sisters were eating barbecue with relish, and then they were going to Dongfang Ning's house together.

Hu Tiequan has a place to live in Xianyun, but because he just met his sister, he always wanted to get closer, so he chose to continue to live in Dongfang Ning's house for a while. By the way, he can also let Dongfang Ning teach him, after all, his current Compared with Ye Wentian, his cultivation base is too weak, let alone an existence like Dongfang Ning.

Both Huang Xiangling and Xiao Yuxin live in the school, and they both live in the same dormitory.

"Yuxin, Xiangling!" Just as the two were walking lonely, they heard Ye Wentian's voice behind them. It is hard to suppress the excitement and joy in my heart.

"Let's go sit on the roof." Ye Wentian pointed to the roof of their dormitory not far away, and smiled slightly.

"Yeah." The two women looked at each other and nodded.

Ye Wentian smiled slightly. Seeing the joy in the eyes of the two, he felt even more guilty. He hugged the waists of the two women, and his body jumped up instantly, like a gust of wind, instantly jumped to the top of the sixth floor.

The passage connecting the sixth floor to the roof has been locked with a big lock, so the three of them don't have to worry about someone coming up to disturb their intimacy.

With a swipe of Ye Wentian's hand, the dust on the ground was instantly rolled up and flew into the distance. The three of them were lying on the roof of the building, which was really special.

"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful!" Huang Xiangling looked at the sky above her head, leaning in Ye Wentian's arms, feeling very comfortable and warm at this moment.

The same was true for Xiao Yuxin, looking at the bright moon and smelling the fresh breath from Ye Wentian's body, he felt lighthearted, and the previous depression was swept away.

The three of them didn't speak for a while, maybe at this moment, what the two girls need in their hearts is only the peace of mind, and everything will be fine with Ye Wentian by his side.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the hustle and bustle around gradually subsided, and the moonlight splashed like running water, shining on the peaceful and serene faces of the three of them, reflecting a warm picture.

Sometimes, what a woman needs is very little, just the company of her beloved, without too many words, everything is better than words.

(End of this chapter)

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