Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 421 News from Grandma

Chapter 421 News from Grandma

The reason why Liu Zhaoyuan chose to teach and educate people these years is firstly because he wants to teach more people what he has gained in these years, and secondly because he wants to find an outstanding apprentice to teach him the art of alchemy.

"Qiantian, who is your master?" Liu Zhaoyuan asked.

"I accidentally got the inheritance of a peerless powerhouse, and only then did I embark on the road of cultivation." Ye Wentian lied.

"So that's the case, that's just right, Wentian, you have good qualifications, would you like to worship me as a teacher?" Liu Zhaoyuan said happily.

"This... I'm not suitable." Ye Wentian shook his head, it's okay to make friends, but it's better to forget about apprenticeship.

"Then if that's the case, I won't force it." Liu Zhaoyuan glanced at Dongfang Ning. He knew that Dongfang Ning was even more impossible. The other party was already a heaven-level powerhouse. How could he condescend to give him a teacher who was still at the peak of the late-earth level? Yi, in his mind, Dongfang Ning must have become so powerful because of the inheritance of a certain powerful person. Among them, it is unknown that there is a more powerful alchemy technique than him.

"By the way, Mr. Hu."

"Wentian, you should still call me Mr. Liu from now on. I don't want to have anything to do with the past." Liu Zhaoyuan said.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, I'm still a little confused. Xiaoxiao said that he saw the murderer find a elixir, but what is that elixir?" Ye Wentian asked.

"That elixir is my pinnacle work, it's called Xijing Fasui Pill."

"Xian Jing Fa Sui Pill!" Ye Wentian was taken aback, pondered for a while, and nodded: "I understand that Xi Jing Fa Sui Dan has the effect of washing meridians, reshaping muscles and bones, and enhancing aptitude, especially when practicing kung fu and meridians are blocked. People who take this pill can eliminate all hidden wounds, even those who have failed to attack the realm, after taking this pill, they can increase the chance of succeeding in the realm again."

"It seems that your understanding of pills is no worse than mine." Liu Zhaoyuan nodded, and then said: "Actually, I'm very surprised. The only people who know the existence of this pill are me, my senior brother, and my son. Find my location, what is the reason for those who killed my son? Could it be to get this elixir?"

"Maybe things are not as complicated as imagined, maybe it's just a coincidence that they took this pill." Dongfang Ning said at this time.

"Perhaps." Liu Zhaoyuan nodded.

"Mr. Liu, if you want to meet Xiaoxiao and Brother Iron Fist, I can arrange for you." Ye Wentian said.

"No need." Liu Zhaoyuan shook his head: "It's good to know that they are safe, my appearance will only harm them both, and my reputation has grown over the years, I know that I may have been exposed, it's just because of Yanhuang It’s because of the general that they didn’t attack me, once they know that Xiaoxiao and I still have an relationship with Iron Fist, they might have suspicions, and it will be bad.”

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, he knew that what Liu Zhaoyuan said made sense.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao and Iron Fist will trouble you both, you guys go to class, the fourth class is almost over." Liu Zhaoyuan said.

"Xiaoxiao and Tiequan are our good friends, Mr. Liu, don't worry." Ye Wentian nodded.

Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning got up and bid farewell to Liu Zhaoyuan, and walked towards the door. As soon as they reached the door, Liu Zhaoyuan stopped them again.

"and many more!"

"Teacher Liu, what's the matter?" Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning turned around and asked.

Liu Zhaoyuan opened a safe, took out a thick notebook, and handed it to Ye Wentian: "This is what I have obtained from clinical medicine over the years. I hope it can be of some help to you."

"Ms. Liu, thank you so much. This is actually the purpose of my coming to study medicine." Ye Wentian took the notebook and smiled slightly.

"Actually, there is one thing that I don't know whether I should tell you." Liu Zhaoyuan looked at Ye Wentian, hesitating.

"What's the matter? Tell me, Mr. Liu." Ye Wentian was taken aback, and said hastily.

"This matter concerns your grandfather." Liu Zhaoyuan said.

"Is it related to my grandfather?" Ye Wentian was even more confused: "Mr. Liu, you have already mentioned an introduction, why don't you tell me the whole thing?"

"Okay!" After pondering for a moment, Liu Zhaoyuan nodded: "Back then, the Ye family was still a small and inconspicuous family. One day, a young man from the Ye family met a young and beautiful woman in the forest to the west. That woman Dressed in a retro style, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his body was extremely weak. The young man fell in love with the woman at first sight, and he carried the woman back home. Under the careful care of the young man, the woman's health gradually improved. Getting along day and night, two young people with no relationship began to fall in love, and from that day on, the Ye family began a huge turning point, gradually becoming one of the four major families in Yanjing from an inconspicuous small family. Therefore, it has changed from a three-legged situation to a square world.

The two married and gave birth to three children, but not long after giving birth to the third child, for some reason, the woman suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight and never appeared again. "

"Liu... Teacher Liu, the young people and beautiful women you are talking about are my grandpa and grandma, right?" Ye Wen swallowed consciously.

"Yes, they are your grandpa and grandma." Liu Zhaoyuan looked at Ye Wentian's surprised expression and nodded with a smile.

"It seems that Mr. Liu, you know about my grandma? Can you tell me all about my grandma's identity, I believe my grandma is not dead yet, right?" Ye Wentian grabbed Liu Zhaoyuan's arm excitedly.

"You, don't get excited, just listen to me." Liu Zhaoyuan patted Ye Wentian's hand helplessly.

Ye Wentian was quite embarrassed, and withdrew his salty pig's hand.

"Actually, your grandma, like me, is a member of the Demon Cult, and your grandma is the closed disciple of Sima Feiyang, the old leader of the Demon Cult. The peak master in the early stage is unmatched among the younger generation of the Demon Cult.

In fact, my senior brother and I also had admiration for your grandma back then, but your grandma was unreasonable and innocent at the time, and she had the same attitude towards everyone, and she often practiced in closed doors, which prevented us from pursuing opportunities. After your grandma went down the mountain to practice, we never heard from your grandma again, and then my senior brother and I met my wife, so we didn't pay any attention to your grandma's affairs. I didn't expect your grandma to marry Ye Tailong, an ordinary person. It really took us by surprise.

In fact, the leader of the Demon Cult was in a critical period of cultivation back then, so he ignored the matter of your grandma's disappearance. After finding out about it later, he forcibly took your grandma away. If your grandma hadn't threatened her life, you Ye Even if the family is not slaughtered, a lot of blood will be shed. "

(End of this chapter)

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