Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 433 The Anger of the Four Great Families

Chapter 433 The Anger of the Four Great Families

"Dongfang Ning, how is Wentian?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked with concern.

Dongfang Ning touched Ye Wentian's pulse, and after careful perception, nodded, looked at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu and said: "Wentian's injury has finally been restrained, but according to previous estimates, this time Wentian's weak period Probably longer."

"Longer?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly understood what Dongfang Ning meant, and quickly asked, "Then how long will Wentian's weak period be this time?"

"More than a month or even more than two months." Dongfang Ning said.

"It's been here for a long time!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu frowned, looking at Ye Wentian who was lying quietly on the bed with a pale face, she was a little anxious, afraid that Ye Wentian would never wake up again.

At this moment, the door opened and Zhou Tiechen walked in.

Dongfang Ningxiu frowned, stood up instantly, came to Zhou Tiecheng, and said in a cold voice, "What are you doing here?"

Dongfang Ning hated Zhou Tiecheng to the bone. If Zhou Tiecheng hadn't appeared, this kind of thing would never have happened.If it weren't for Zhou Tiecheng being the leader of the Yanlong Warrior, Dongfang Ning would really have fought Zhou Ticheng.

Although Zhou Tiecheng was a whole level higher than Dongfang Ning, how could Dongfang Ning be comparable to Zhou Tiecheng? He might not be able to win in a short time, but Dongfang Ning would definitely be able to defeat Zhou Tiecheng if he did not exceed twenty Zhao.

"I know you may hate me very much now, but this is my job. I'll go and see Wentian, maybe I can help you with something." Zhou Tiecheng said.

"Help! It's up to you, let's go." Dongfang Ning glanced at Zhou Tiecheng disdainfully, gathered his energy into claws, opened the door and said coldly: "Get out!"

"Let me take a look, maybe I can really wake up Wentian." Zhou Tiecheng said bravely.

"Huh~~" Hearing Zhou Tiecheng's words, although Dongfang Ning didn't believe it, there was still only a glimmer of hope in her heart. She didn't want Ye Wentian to sleep for so long, although one or two months was nothing to the cultivation world. , but in the days without Ye Wentian, Dongfang Ning felt a little unbearable.

Zhou Tiecheng stepped forward, grasped Ye Wentian's pulse, felt it for a long time, and found that except for his complexion and coma, other conditions of Ye Wentian were completely normal.

"Ye Wentian, he... is... all right!" Zhou Tiecheng couldn't believe it, especially when he saw the terrifying cracks all over Ye Wentian's body completely disappear, which made him very puzzled and puzzled.

"Hmph~~ The leader of the mighty Yanhuang Warrior is nothing more than that!" Dongfang Ning looked at Zhou Tiecheng with disdain, and pointed out the door, which meant that Zhou Tiecheng should go out immediately.

"This...what the hell is going on? Ye Wentian's injury..." Zhou Tiecheng was very puzzled, but still asked cheekily.

"Hmph~~ You don't deserve to know, do you still want me to invite you!" Dongfang Ning's eyes froze, and the hostility in her body increased.

"Hey..." Zhou Tiechen had no choice but to turn around and leave.

"You go out too." Dongfang Ning said to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"En." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu glanced at Ye Wentian and nodded.

Half an hour later, Dongfang Ning checked the injuries in Ye Wentian's body and found that his physical condition was much better. He quickly gave Ye Wentian another cup of diluted holy water, and then helped Ye Wentian up, using his own skills Heal Ye Wentian.

Soon, Dongfang Ning found that her recovery of Ye Wentian's injury was not as effective as the holy water, so she had to give up after an hour.


Dongfang Ning and his group came to the villa for a long time, and then some people came to the place where Ye Wentian fought.

"There was a strong man fighting here just now! The strength has reached the heavenly level! I don't know who it is?" a man murmured.

"It seems that Yanjing is a very deep place. It's better for us to keep a low profile when we come to China. The land of China is crouching tiger, hidden dragon. We Japanese warriors should be careful." Another man in black said.

"Yeah." One of the men in black nodded, sensing movement not far away, he dodged and almost hid: "Someone is coming."

The two left quickly without staying any longer.


The next day, Dongfang Ning woke up from her practice, glanced at Ye Wentian beside her, felt that Ye Wentian's improvement was gradually recovering, and felt more at ease.

"It's good to reply as soon as possible!" Dongfang Ning thought secretly.

These days, Dongfang Ning was going to stay with Ye Wentian all the time. He had already asked for leave with Liu Zhaoyuan. Liu Zhaoyuan didn't say anything about it and passed it directly. This is also a kind of preferential treatment for top students.

Seeing that Ye Wentian didn't come to class, Zhang Jing felt a little disappointed. She knew that Ye Wentian had something to do, but for the past few days, no one answered Ye Wentian's calls, which made her panic. It wasn't until he went to Xianyun to find Xuanyuan Xiaoyu that he knew all about Ye Wentian, and Ye Xue, Wang Hu, Xiao Yuxin and the others accompanied him to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's house.

Seeing that Ye Wentian was unconscious, everyone became depressed, but they were relieved when they learned that Ye Wentian was fine from Dongfang Ning's mouth.


"It's been three days, why hasn't Elder Ling come back?" Ling Chi, Ling Meng and Ling Yunzhi all looked worried.

"That's right, did Elder Ling die!" Ling Chi didn't dare to answer.

"This..." Hearing Ling Chi's words, Ling Meng and Ling Yunzhi were shocked, but they also thought of this possibility, which is not impossible, because they have seen Ye Wentian's power and strangeness, once To underestimate the enemy, what awaits is death.

Soon, Ling Yunzhi got phone calls from Qin Hu, Long Hao, and Zhao Guiyang, and learned that each family had an elder who had disappeared at the late stage of the prefecture level. Several people can be sure that the elders of each family are likely to be killed.

Several people hurriedly contacted the patriarchs of each family, and the four major families were furious when they learned that their patriarch was likely to die, and prepared to join forces to attack Ye Wentian.

Although the sky-level powerhouses can't walk around in Yanjing at will, or even shoot, but the powerhouses at the peak of the prefecture-level late stage are still allowed. This time they are going to avenge the people of each family, and more importantly, get Ye Wentian's body. inheritance.

Seeing Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning not coming these days, Ling Xuerou was very puzzled, especially seeing Ling Chi, Ling Meng and Ling Yunzhi, he felt that the three of them had something to hide from him, and this kind of The matter was related to Ye Wentian, but she became indifferent and refused to pay attention to many things.

Ling family.

"Ling Yunzhi, tell me, do you have something to hide from me?" Ling Xuerou stared at Ling Yunzhi coldly.

"This..." Seeing Ling Xuerou's eyes, Ling Yunzhi couldn't help but tremble. Ling Xuerou's cultivation was much higher than his, and Ling Xuerou's system was extraordinary, and the skills she practiced were also extraordinary, which made him feel powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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