Chapter 439
"Combination?" Dongfang Ning was taken aback, and instantly thought of the key point with her insight: "You mean to ask Wentian and I to perform the yin-yang technique!"

"Good." Eliza nodded.

"But the effect is not very great." Dongfang Ning had thought of this method earlier, but she knew that this method was not as effective as feeding Ye Wentian with holy water.

"I know that your cultivation base is very high, and your knowledge should also be very extraordinary, but there is one thing you can't compare to me." Eliza said.

"Which point?" Dongfang Ning said flatly.

"The perception of blood." Eliza said.

"The perception of blood!" Dongfang Ningxiu frowned slightly, a little noncommittal. In her opinion, the perception of the divine sense was much stronger than that of them.

"You don't believe it." Eliza smiled slightly, and continued: "Wentian's physique is very peculiar, especially for women, if you are like a treasure, if you let me combine with Wentian once, I believe that my blood will be broken. A qualitative change, even returning to the ancestors is possible.”

Hearing Eliza's words, Dongfang Ning didn't refute. Even she couldn't understand Ye Wentian's physique.

Thinking about it now, after Ye Wentian and Dieyi were combined, their cultivation bases had improved rapidly. At that time, she didn't think much about it. Combined with Elisa's words, she felt that once she combined with Ye Wentian, it was really possible for Ye Wentian wake.

"Your blood seems to be a little different." Dongfang Ning said.

"I'm a descendant of Cain, so my blood is naturally different." Eliza didn't hide it.

"Descendants of Cain!" Dongfang Ning was startled: "So you are a vampire!"

"Not bad. I'm surprised!" Eliza smiled slightly.

"So that's it. I didn't expect there to be vampires in this world." Dongfang Ning said.

"There are not only vampires, but also our vampire rivals, the werewolves. Their talent and strength are not inferior to ours." Eliza said.

"I'm a little curious, what is the purpose of your coming to China this time?" Dongfang Ning asked.

"It's a secret. I won't tell anyone except Wentian." After a pause, Eliza sighed, "I just didn't expect Wentian to be unconscious. Can you tell me what happened to Wentian?" What's the matter?"

"The matter of Wentian will not be disclosed." Dongfang Ning shook her head.

"Okay, I won't ask too many questions, but I don't have much time to delay my matter. I hope you can wake up Ye Wentian as soon as possible. I'll go out first." Dongfang Ning finished speaking and walked out.

Looking at Eliza's back, Dongfang Ning thought for a while, closed the door with a shake of his hand, and turned to look at Ye Wentian. That handsome and serene face made people want to kiss him, especially Ye Wentian. The breath gives people a sense of intimacy.

Dongfang Ning pulled back the quilt, shed the shackles, and revealed her perfect figure...

"I'll go, I don't know how long I'll be in deep sleep." Ye Wentian's soul returned to his dantian again, looking at the familiar viscera, he was speechless.

Although unimaginable trauma was caused this time, Ye Wentian discovered a huge secret.In the past, using the original divine power in the cells could not stop it from rushing out, but this time, Ye Wentian found that he could control the original divine power in the cells to rush out with his own strength.

Although it still ended in failure this time, Ye Wentian knew that it was because his strength was not enough. He firmly believed that if he made a big breakthrough in strength, he would be able to control the output of the original divine power in the cells at any time. At that time, maybe there will be no coma again.

Thinking of this, Ye Wentian became involuntarily excited again. With such a golden finger, it would not be a problem to defeat those who are far superior to him in the future.

"Boy, are you excited?" Just as Ye Wentian was giggling triumphantly, a familiar voice came over.

"Eh..." Ye Wentian turned his head, and at his dantian, above a bright bead, a figure suddenly flashed, looking at Ye Wentian with a curve at the corner of his mouth.

"Grandpa, why do I feel chilly? It's not like someone is trying to harm me." Ye Wentian tightened his body, looked at Hongmeng Patriarch and said cautiously.

"Boy, you really guessed right, someone wants to teach you a lesson." Ancestor Hongmeng said.

"Who? Who is it? As long as he is not a strong man born or above, I can kill him!" Ye Wentian's eyes flickered, full of confidence.

"Boy, I'm sorry, the one who wants to assassinate you is a superpower in the universe." Ancestor Hongmeng blew on his beard, feeling proud.

Ye Wentian was taken aback for a moment, looked at Patriarch Hongmeng foolishly, and said with a bitter face: ", old man, don't bring such a trick, I just said why Daozhu is dying, but I didn't expect it to be You did it secretly!"

"Boy, your comprehension is pretty good. This brain is very flexible. He immediately thought of me." Ancestor Hongmeng said with a smug smile.

"Damn, old man, tell me, I provoked you to provoke you, and you actually plotted against me like this. Do you know that I was almost killed by you!" Ancestor Hongmeng was shot away, but unfortunately the difference in strength between the two is really a world of difference.

Strength, strength!

"What, you have a temper and want to beat me up, okay, come on!" Seeing Ye Wentian's aggrieved look, Ancestor Hongmeng hooked his fingers towards Ye Wentian.

"You, you, old man, I really want... really want..."

"What do you really want?" Ancestor Hongmeng said proudly.

"I really want you to stop doing this, can we still play happily!" Ye Wen wanted to cry innocently.

"Hey~~ boy, I'm happy to see you like this, let you use these original divine powers casually." Hongmeng Patriarch said.

"I don't want to do this either!" Ye Wentian said helplessly.

"Boy, I warn you, don't use the original divine power in the cells until the critical moment, otherwise it will be harmful to you. This time, Daozhu and I taught you a lesson. If you do this again, you will die at that time." Don't blame me for not reminding you." Ancestor Hongmeng looked like he hated iron for not being strong.

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong." Ye Wentian quickly admitted his mistake, but after thinking about it, he asked suspiciously: "Grandpa, when did Daozhu listen to you?"

"Hey~~boy, Daozhu and I are good friends now, if I say something, Daozhu will naturally favor me." Ancestor Hongmeng said with a stinky face.

"Good friend!" Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, a little confused, and muttered to himself: "Since when did Daozhu favor this old guy? Daozhu and my heart are connected, it is impossible to favor him!"

Ancestor Hongmeng naturally knew about Ye Wentian's doubts. At that time, Ancestor Hongmeng was still a little puzzled when he got Daozhu's approval of his suggestion, but he didn't think much about it, and he was still a little stinky until now.

(End of this chapter)

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