Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 44 Fierce Battle

Chapter 44 Fierce Battle

Except for the driver, there was no one on the large tourist bus, which seemed a bit weird. Finally, the car stopped at the back door of Jiangling No. [-] Hospital.

At this time, Gongsun Linglong was on a tall building opposite, wearing cool glasses, and was carefully observing the surrounding wind and grass.

Seeing that there was no one in the empty large tour bus except for one driver, she frowned, feeling very unusual, and immediately notified Tao Zhijian of the unusual situation.

"Sister Xiaotong, they are here!" Tao Zhijian said.

"Yeah." Zhou Xiaotong nodded and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

Tao Zhijian sent Zhou Xiaotong to the door of the stairs: "Sister Xiaotong, be careful!"

"Okay, you too." Zhou Xiaotong turned around and went downstairs quickly.

What Gongsun Linglong couldn't find was that the luggage compartment on the other side of the large tourist bus was opened at this time, and a dozen people came out of it, all wearing the overalls and masks of Jiangling No. [-] Hospital.

The driver came over and wiped his face with his hand, and a different face appeared.

At this time, he was carrying two large bags in his hand, and opened them, which were full of weapons and two black boxes.

The driver seemed to be the leader. He also put on work clothes and a mask, and made a gesture. The others quickly assembled their weapons, and they finished in an instant, and walked into the hospital under the command of the leader.

During the period, I met some doctors and nurses from time to time. The leader was like the leader of a hospital at this time, with ease, and was fooled by him.

The dozen or so people were divided into two groups and got on the elevator at the same time to reach the third floor. One of them walked out of the elevator, carrying a suitcase, and walked towards a room.

Everything is done step by step, every step is perfectly laid out.

One of the elevators suddenly stopped on the fourth floor. The four people inside were shocked, and the leader gave a look.

The elevator door opened, and there was a stunning woman wearing a nurse uniform. Seeing the four "doctors" standing like poles in the elevator, she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled friendly and walked in.

The leading man nodded towards the woman, then pressed the button of the elevator door, and the elevator door slowly closed.

"Little sister, which floor are you going to?" the leader asked.

"The sixth floor, are you here?" the woman asked.

"So do we." The leader said.

The woman turned her head and looked at the three people behind, one of them was holding a black suitcase in her hand, and she was a little puzzled: "Hello, don't you all belong to this hospital?"

"Hello, we are not. We are here today at the invitation of Dean Ruan." The leader replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"My grandpa?" The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then became more confused, but she thought that her father might have invited her here, so she didn't think too much about it.

After a while, the elevator door opened. At this time, Zhou Xiaotong had just passed by here, ready to check the situation, and happened to see the woman who came out.

"Xiao Yu." Zhou Xiaotong called out, then focused his gaze on the four "doctors" who came out, looked them up a bit, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Sister Xiaotong!" Ruan Xiaoyu turned his head and saw Zhou Xiaotong with a happy expression on his face.

When the leader saw Zhou Xiaotong in casual clothes, he immediately knew something was wrong. People like them, who are always on the verge of life and death, have a sensitivity to danger that surpasses ordinary people.

Seeing that Ruan Xiaoyu and Zhou Xiaotong were getting closer, the leader made an instant decision and quickly took out a silencer pistol and shot Zhou Xiaotong.

Seeing the actions of the leader, Zhou Xiaotong was about to take Ruan Xiaoyu away, but the corridor was empty and there was no shelter, so it was impossible to take Ruan Xiaoyu away.

dong dong!

After two soft bangs, two round holes appeared on the wall behind Zhou Xiaotong, and Zhou Xiaotong had already escaped from the stairway door.

Hearing two soft bangs, Ruan Xiaoyu still didn't understand what was going on. Sister Xiaotong in front of her was gone, replaced by two round holes in the wall. Turning her head, a black muzzle of a gun was pressed against her head .

Ruan Xiaoyu was just a sophomore female student, who had never seen this scene before, she was instantly frightened and trembled uncontrollably.

"Follow me!" The leader hooked Ruan Xiaoyu's neck with his left hand, and pressed the gun in his right hand to her temple.

"You two are at the back." The leader said something, and led Ruan Xiaoyu towards the conference hall on the sixth floor.

Those terrorists had hostages in their hands, Zhou Xiaotong didn't dare to act rashly, and quickly informed Tao Zhijian of the situation.

Tao Zhijian had just been notified by Zhou Xiaotong when gunshots rang out around him.

"Major, they are calling." A special soldier said.

"I know." Tao Zhijian glanced at Bassong who was a little scared, and then walked out.


Just as Tao Zhijian walked out of the door, there was a loud noise that made the whole house tremble.


"Fang Bing, Liu Hao!" Tao Zhijian turned pale with shock, and two of his subordinates had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Tao Zhijian pulled Fang Bing and Liu Hao back under the cover of two special forces, checked their noses, they were still breathing, but passed out, and finally felt relieved. Fortunately, the two reacted quickly enough, otherwise they would have been blown to death just now.

"Sister Xiaotong, two of my subordinates have been seriously injured, please come up to help, these terrorists have grenades in their hands." Tao Zhijian said anxiously.

"Lie down!"


There was another loud noise, and the dust and smoke billowed, and several people were almost deafened by the loud noise. Fortunately, there is a corridor about ten meters long and a room where they can hide.

Those terrorists were extremely skilled, not less than Tao Zhijian's level. This time, they were dispatched by the best of the best, especially the leader, who had the strength of the early Huang class.

"Smoke bomb!" The leader said something, and the other immediately threw the smoke bomb into the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, the leader stomped his feet vigorously, and his whole body rushed into the corridor like a swallow.

The corridor was full of smoke, and the terrorist landed lightly, using his hearing to the extreme.

He is only at the early stage of the yellow class, and he has no spiritual consciousness, so he cannot see the smoke as if it were correct.

At this time, no matter who it was, they didn't move casually, because they knew that the enemy was probably already at their side, and whoever made the noise first was most likely to die.

After a while, the smoke gradually faded, and the sight gradually became clearer. At this moment, Tao Zhijian saw the terrorist standing in the corridor, and at the same time, the terrorist also saw Tao Zhijian.

The reactions of both of them were not slow, but the terrorist's speed was even faster, aiming at Tao Zhijian's chest and already pulling the switch.


The bullet shot into Tao Zhijian's left chest in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, blood stained Tao Zhijian's entire bra.

"Bang bang~~" The other special forces reacted and kept shooting at the terrorist, but the terrorist saw the opportunity and jumped out immediately.


Two special forces immediately dragged Tao Zhijian into the room, while the other two stood guard on both sides of the door, ready to shoot at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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