Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 464 Play, Not So Pretty

Chapter 464 Play, Not So Pretty

In fact, what Xing Peng and Wu Zheng said was nothing more than guesswork. Zhao Zhibin, who caused the hand injury, was present, except for Dongfang Ning himself, Ye Wentian and the person hidden in the distance, there was no one else. Know the truth of the matter.

After seeing Dongfang Ning's strength, the person in the distance really left. The person was either someone else, or the woman who was going to accept Ye Wentian as his disciple. In fact, she had been watching from afar. , except Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning didn't find it.

After receiving Dongfang Ning's answer, everyone was even more shocked. This strength is definitely no less than that of the previous woman.

Hesitation, anxiety, remorse... The eyes of each one were uncertain, as if they regretted their decision tonight.

"No wonder you have been so calm and composed!" Yang Buxiu took a deep breath, looking at Dongfang Ning with strong fear.

"You are right. This is indeed our confidence to be calm and calm. I wonder why you don't have to think about it. People from the four major families suddenly respect us. Don't they know that we carry the legacy of inheritance?" But why, none of them came, have you never used your pig brains to think about it?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth, he shook his head and said: "Hey~~ I have to say, your greed is really serious, it has already blinded your reason.

"Ye Wentian, Dongfang Ning, although you are very strong, can you beat so many of us?" An old man at the peak of the late stage of the heavenly level said coldly.

"Old man, you'll know right away if you can win the fight or not. By the way, which sect are you from?" Ye Wentian asked unhurriedly.

"Hmph~~ I am Liu Shu, the great elder of the iron master!" Liu Shu said quite proudly.

"Iron Master!" Ye Wentian pondered slightly, and looked at Yang Buxiu: "I have never heard of this sect, is it very strong?"

Yang Buxiu felt uncomfortable when Ye Wentian looked at him. He couldn't dodge it, so he had to say: "The iron master sect has been established for more than 500 years. Ren Feng, the founder of the iron master sect, created a set of peerless martial arts. Learn the iron sand palm, thus breaking through the innate realm in one fell swoop, and then it is said that he has stepped into the super powerful realm of the innate third heaven."

Hearing Yang Buxiu talk about the realm of the three innate heavens, everyone was in awe, yearning for that level of martial arts, and at the same time thinking about the unique art of Iron Sand Palm.

"It's a pity that the once brilliant Iron Master has now been reduced to a second-rate sect. I'm afraid the Iron Master is also the one with the highest level of cultivation." Yang Buxiu said lightly, there was no sarcasm or ridicule in his eyes, as if at this moment he It was as if he had seen through something, and his state of mind had been sublimated. This change was not even noticed by him.

"So it's just a second-rate sect." Ye Wentian's mouth curved slightly.

"Hmph~~ If it wasn't for the loss of the second half of the Iron Sand Palm in our sect, how could our Iron Master Sect be reduced to a second-rate sect." The old man of the Iron Master Sect said angrily.

"Conservative and self-styled, the sect is doomed to decline. If someone in your sect can create a more advanced martial art, how can it be reduced to this point?" Ye Wentian responded lightly.

"Hmph~~ I created my own advanced martial arts, you think it's a child's play!" the old man of the iron master said coldly.

"I don't know if it's a child playing house, but in the face of such a situation, you dare to speak to me in such a tone, Ning'er, what do you think should I do?" Ye Wentian turned his head towards Dongfang Ning slightly smile.

"It's time to kill!" Dongfang Ning said in a forest voice, raised his eyes slightly, moved his fingers slightly, and a white light and shadow flashed by with lightning speed.

Everyone's heart trembled, and each of them was silent like a cicada, only feeling a burst of cold air coming from the bottom of their feet.

Dongfang Ning was so decisive that Ye Wentian didn't even have time to stop him. Originally, he only planned to teach the old man in charge of the iron sect a lesson, but he didn't expect Dongfang Ning to have already made a move.


Two blood holes instantly appeared on both sides of the old man's head, and the blood suddenly splashed out. The people around the old man sensed the splash of blood, and immediately put up their bodyguards to block with their true energy.

Seeing the grand elder of the iron sect with slack eyesight and lost vitality, everyone was shocked, and they were extremely awed by Dongfang Ning.

Killing a strong man at the peak of the late stage of the sky level is as easy as trampling an ant to death, let alone them, you must know that most of their cultivation bases are below the late stage of the sky level.

Yang Buxiu, Xing Peng, and Wu Zheng, who were half-innate-level powerhouses, were also fearful, and they didn't dare to take a second look at Dongfang Ning.

The faces of Oda Kazunaka, Dr. Yamamoto, Yagyu Tankaze and a group of Japanese warriors were not much better at the moment, and they even felt that the situation they were in was even more dangerous.

Looking at the great elder of the iron master lying on the ground who couldn't die anymore, Ye Wentian turned his head to look at Dongfang Ning, shaking his head and smiling wryly. He is not a person who likes to kill, but since the other party is already dead, he can't blame him either. What is Dongfang Ning, and there is nothing wrong with Dongfang Ning doing this, after all, the other party has the purpose of killing the two of them.

"I want to escape!" Suddenly, Dongfang Ning's cold voice came again.

As soon as Dongfang Ning finished speaking, an old man collapsed on the ground 20 meters away, his chest was instantly stained red with blood.

"So ruthless!" Everyone was frightened by Dongfang Ning's iron-blooded methods again, and those who originally had the idea of ​​running away immediately threw away this unreliable idea, for fear of being infected by this idea and doing something stupid.

To run away, even if they were given ten guts, they wouldn't even dare.

Seeing everyone's expressions like mice seeing a cat, Ye Wentian really couldn't laugh or cry. Before, all of them wanted to win the inheritance in their own hands, but now they knew that their side was strong, and they all gave up.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother~~" After that person died, another middle-aged man came out, helped the dead old man up, and was very sad.

"Why, why did you kill my senior brother? My senior brother and I just came here to take a look. We have no intention of going against you, and we don't even have any thoughts. Why are you so cruel!" The middle-aged man looked at Dongfang Ning and asked sadly. road.

"They seem to be the two elders of the Qingyi faction. The Qingyi faction is only at the end of the second-rate. I didn't expect to lose a master who was at the peak of the middle stage of the heavenly level. Hey~~"

"Yeah, it seems that curiosity killed the cat. If I had known, I wouldn't have come."

Some people in the crowd whispered sound transmissions. Although Ye Wentian couldn't hear these discussions, they couldn't hide them from Dongfang Ning's ears.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Dongfang Ning's expression remained unchanged, his eyes glanced at the crowd, and he said a few words coldly: "The show is not so good!"

(End of this chapter)

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