Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 47 The Most Terrible Person

Chapter 47 The Most Terrible Person

"Okay, but this hand still can't be too hard." Ye Wentian gently opened Zhou Xiaotong's tenacious little hand, and urged.

"Thank you!" Seeing Ye Wentian's concerned expression, Zhou Xiaotong felt warm in his heart, and at the same time was shocked by Ye Wentian's miraculous ability.

Zhou Xiaotong is not unfamiliar with martial arts practitioners at all, because the person she is close to is one of them, but it is the first time she has seen such an effect by using zhenqi to heal wounds. Nearly healed.

"It's just a small matter." Ye Wentian waved his hand, seeing Zhou Xiaotong's strange eyes, his heart trembled suddenly, and then, he moved his feet and came to the other side.

"The time is up, bring people in, otherwise, I will kill one person every five seconds." In the hall, the two leaders said coldly towards the door.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong frowned beautifully. She was sure that once she opened the door with Bassoon, the terrorists inside would shoot immediately, and decided not to give up the best chance to kill Bassoon.

Ye Wentian pressed his body tightly against the wall, his consciousness was released, trying to understand the situation inside to the greatest extent possible, but even so, his strength was limited, and even with all his efforts, he could only see the wall 12 meters away from him. range.

In his consciousness, three figures appeared, and another figure was a little blurry, only a pair of toes could be seen, and he was still not sure if it was a terrorist, but at least what made him feel at ease was that the person who spoke just now was this The leader of a group of people, and it's still within the range of his consciousness.

With a thought, three silver needles appeared in Ye Wentian's hand. Suddenly, his mind was shocked, and he lowered his head to look at the silver needles in his hand. He felt that something was different, but he couldn't say exactly what was different. The silver needle is very useful, as if it has a touch of connection with the mind.

"Sister Xiaotong, there is a person on your side. Please pay attention to whether it is a terrorist. I attacked the three people here. Now I can only give it a go. I hope there are not many terrorists inside." Ye Wentian whispered Said.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ye Wentian full of doubts, wondering how he knew the exact location of the terrorists inside.

"It's time, no wonder I!" Just as Zhou Xiaotong was wondering, the voice of the second leader came from inside.

"Do it!" Ye Wentian kicked his feet hard, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string, and immediately knocked the blocked door out. At the same time, Ye Wentian shot out the three silver needles in his hand.

The sudden change was too fast. The second leader was about to shoot a doctor in the head when he suddenly felt his right hand was bitten by an ant. Then his right hand became weak, and the gun in his hand fell down. The needle has been stuck in the meridian of his right hand.

The second leader looked shocked, and the other two people around him also encountered the same situation. Not far away, a young man was standing proudly, with sharp eyes, scanning the entire hall.

Zhou Xiaotong pointed the gun to the left according to Ye Wentian's instructions, ready to shoot at any time, but on this side were some doctors, who were timidly lowering their heads.

Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong felt that the situation was not good at the same time, and sure enough:

"Boom! Boom!"

Two gunshots rang out, and a terrorist among the doctors on both sides shot at the two of them with a gun. Ye Wentian had a strong sense of consciousness, and when he came in, he found the traces of the two terrorists. Considering that Zhou Xiaotong hadn't found the two terrorists yet, after thinking about it, the other party's well-trained terrorists had already taken action.

Ye Wentian turned sideways quickly, trying to avoid the shot, but he considered wasting the best time, the bullet instantly penetrated his left arm and hit the wall of the hall.

Zhou Xiaotong was agile, dodged the blow, and at the same time blasted the opponent's head with a single shot.

At the same time, seeing this, several other terrorists rolled on the ground, picked up the gun on the ground with the other hand, and pointed the black muzzle at Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong.

Ye Wentian ignored the pain in his left arm, and with a thought, three silver needles appeared in his hand again. Before the three of them pulled the trigger, the three silver needles had already shot away, hitting the meridians of the other hand of the three of them.

Zhou Xiaotong quickly shot another terrorist in the head, spraying blood, scaring the doctors into screaming.

Seeing this, the three terrorists pressed their feet, and a sharp knife appeared on the toe of the shoe, and rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

The distance between several people is very short. Although there is still a gap in cultivation, the difference in reaction time is very short.

Two of the terrorists kicked at Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong, and the second leader took advantage of the delay to rush out. His target was Bassong, which was a mission they always kept in mind.

You don't have to die; but, Bassoon, you must kill him!

Seeing this situation, Ye Wentian fixed his eyes, and immediately knew the terrorist's intentions, Zhou Xiaotong naturally reacted, but the opponent entangled her regardless of life and death, and couldn't break free for a while.

And it was the same for Ye Wentian at this time, Ye Wentian just kicked the terrorist away, but what made him dumbfounded was that the opponent hugged his kicked right leg tightly.

Ye Wen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the potential that people can unleash on the edge of life and death is unimaginable.

The opponent is a small master who is not far from the early stage of the yellow class, and Ye Wentian is now a real master at the peak of the middle stage of the yellow class, and he is still the kind who can leapfrog the enemy, but the opponent can force himself to block Ye Wentian's attack one move.

Seeing that the two leaders had already reached the entrance of the hall, a silver needle appeared in Ye Wentian's hand again. With his eyes fixed, the silver needle in his hand passed through layers of atmospheric barriers and shot into the heads of the two leaders in an instant. The penetrating power caused the silver needle to enter from the back of the head of the second leader and exit from the center of his eyebrow.

The second leader only felt a pain in his head, and then his brain consciousness gradually became blurred. He saw Bassong, who was trembling not far away, his goal was so close, but the dark sky engulfed him thickly, and then, the brilliance in his eyes gradually faded away. Slack, he tilted his body, and fell down. Everything in this world no longer had anything to do with him.

"Second leader!"

Seeing that the second leader was dead, the two became even more crazy, but they were always concerned about this mission and wanted to rush out, but how could Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong let them do what they wanted, one person, one palm, and a "knife" in hand The fall broke the bones of the necks of the two, and the final fate of the two terrorists was still not able to escape death.

Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong panted slightly, looked at each other, and smiled slightly. It was rare for the two to have such a tacit understanding when they cooperated for the first time.

Seeing these dead terrorists, Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong had to sigh, the willpower of these people is really not comparable to that of ordinary people, they have clear goals, and they will never stop dying. It is the scariest to meet such people.

(End of this chapter)

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