Chapter 483
As the woman gradually opened the black cloth, everyone's eyes were fixed on it, and they even forgot to breathe.

Soon, a piece of parchment that was the size of the incomplete picture in Ye Wentian's hand appeared in the transparent box. From the screen, it could be seen that the pattern drawn on the incomplete picture was clearly visible, but it was a pity that it was incomplete. It is impossible to know where the painting is.

"What secrets are hidden in this residual picture?" In fact, most people still don't know the secrets.

"How many complete pictures are there?" Someone asked again.

"Little girl, you should know the secret of this remnant picture, right?" An old man asked lightly with a twinkle in his eyes.

"En." The woman on the stage nodded: "This fragmentary picture has a history of more than 2000 years, and it is the tomb of an alchemist who appeared in the period of Qin Shihuang. I think everyone should know who this person is Who is it?"

"Could it be that Xu Fu can't do it?" the one-day-level powerhouse said suddenly.

"That's right, it's Xu Fu." The woman on the stage nodded with a smile.

"Xu Fu really exists?" Many people were puzzled.

"Xu Fu not only really existed, but also a genius in both martial arts and alchemy. According to legend, his cultivation had reached an unimaginable level at that time, but he died later. I have to say that good fortune tricks people.

Once Qin Shihuang wanted to ask him to make alchemy for the elixir of immortality, he agreed, and heard that such a magical elixir had been refined, but Qin Shihuang's lifespan was approaching, so he had no chance to get this elixir, and since then the elixir of immortality has disappeared . "

"Doesn't that mean that the elixir of immortality is likely to be in the tomb of Senior Xu Fu?" Some people became enthusiastic.

"However, little girl, do you know how Xu Fu died?" an old man asked.

"Yes." The woman on the stage nodded.

"Speak quickly!" Someone couldn't wait.

"Unfortunately, at the same time as Xu Fu, there was another genius in martial arts and alchemy, known by the world—Ghost Valley!" The woman said with a last word.

"What! It's Senior Guigu!"

"Senior Guigu!"

Hearing this name, everyone was in awe.

After a pause, the woman continued: "Senior Guigu thought about the common people in the world, and he didn't want Senior Xu Fu to disturb the cause and effect of the world, so he fought with Senior Xu Fu, and the final result was that the two died one after another. No one is as good as these two seniors, let alone surpass them."

"I didn't expect it to be like this." The crowd suddenly realized.

"However, I heard that senior Xu Fu practiced two elixir of immortality, one was swallowed by a concubine of Qin Shihuang, and finally buried with Qin Shihuang, and the other was swallowed by Zhao Gao, but Zhao Gao was swallowed by Ziying. Kill, now, what people look forward to is that Qin Shihuang's beloved concubine is still alive." When this person said, everyone felt a little bit of anticipation, and at the same time thought of Qin Shihuang's real tomb.

"I don't know if the girl knows the real tomb of Qin Shihuang?" Suddenly, someone asked about it.

"Hehe~~ The guest is joking, I am just a little girl, how can I know so many things." The woman on the stage was a little surprised, and then smiled slightly.

"The old man was rude." The old man also felt that he was talking too much.

"Little girl, the Immortal Pill is impractical, you seem to have forgotten the important point." At this moment, the man's voice came.

"It seems that the guest knows a lot." The woman on the stage smiled slightly, and then said: "The guest is right, the immortal pill is really unrealistic, and the next thing I want to talk about is the key point."

"So it doesn't mean that the magic pill is fake!" Everyone couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"That's not true." The woman on the stage smiled slightly: "I'm just saying that it's unrealistic. After all, if there really is a elixir of immortality, then how can those ancient powers not be refined, and gradually die of old age."

"That's true." Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads one after another. It is impossible for the Immortal Pill to really make people immortal.

"In fact, in addition to refining the elixir of immortality, senior Xu Fu also refined a lot of elixirs, such as the Juyuan pill. I believe everyone understands the efficacy of the Juyuan pill. Consummated cultivators are promoted to the elixir of the golden elixir stage, this elixir is not only difficult to find, but also no alchemist can refine it." The woman on the stage said.

"Juyuan Pill!" Hearing this name, everyone's breathing became short of breath. Although this pill is useless to them now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future.

"I believe that there must be other elixirs in Senior Xu Fu's tomb. If there are those elixirs, it will definitely not be a problem to advance to the golden elixir stage."

"Okay, I've said so much, it's time to get back to the topic, let's start bidding now." The woman smiled slightly, as if she was satisfied with her explanation.

"I offer a 500-year-old Qingyuan fruit!" Ding Buhui was the first to bid.

"The 500-year-old Qingyuan fruit happens to be the main medicine for refining the Juyuan pill. I really don't know if Ding Buhui really doesn't know or is doing it on purpose." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and then said: "But it seems He doesn't know the formula of Juyuan Pill, and no one here seems to know it, maybe there are very few alchemists."

"If you want to become an alchemist, the requirements are very high, especially the control of the alchemy fire. Nowadays, there are no cultivators. Those who can become an alchemist are those with a good fire physique. Scarcity." Dongfang Ning said.

"I'll offer two 300-year-old angelica!" At this time, someone increased the price.

"I really don't know if these people did it on purpose, but they even mentioned the main medicine of Yiyuan Pill, and the Juyuan Pill refined by adding this heavenly fairy grass is more powerful." Ye Wentian shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I want this remnant picture, ten high-grade rejuvenation pills!" the cultivator said in a cold voice, with a trace of irresistible majesty in her words.

Judging from Ye Wentian's previous observations of her, what she was looking for was not Juyuan Pill, but the Immortal Pill.


Everyone was stunned, some of them were planning to increase the price, who knew that the price would be raised so high all of a sudden, what a fart they would add!
"Ten high-grade rejuvenation pills, very good! I will give out fifteen low-grade spirit stones, but I warn everyone, whoever dares to fight against me will be responsible for the consequences!" The man's voice was mixed with a trace of internal force, which was not scattered. .

"It seems that he is a strong person at the innate level!" Everyone's heart trembled.

"Really! Who do you think you are if you dare to threaten me!" The comprehension woman's tone was also cold.

"Hmph~~Maybe you all forgot: 30 years of reincarnation, Yinzong rules the world!" the man proudly said.

"Hidden sect?"

"It turned out to be Yinzong!"

"Could he be a member of the hidden sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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