Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 486 Little Warning

Chapter 486 Little Warning

"The woman may know the old man. I just saw the communication between the two with my spiritual sense. The eyes between the two of them have already told me some information." Dongfang Ning sent a voice transmission to Ye Wentian at this time.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and nodded slightly.

"Young Master Ye, Miss Dongfang." When she got closer, Yilan gave Lian Feng a deep look, then turned her head to greet Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning.

"Sister Yilan, it's true that we don't meet each other in life. We just separated, and now we meet again. It seems that the fate between us is really not shallow." Ye Wentian stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "No If you mind shaking hands with Miss Yilan, let's get close!"

"Mr. Ye is a dragon and phoenix among people. It is really a blessing to be able to make friends with Mr. Ye." Yilan looked at Ye Wentian with a smile, and reached out to shake hands with Ye Wentian.

"Sister Yilan's hands are so soft and slippery!" Although Ye Wentian said so, he was shocked in his heart.

"Hehe~~ Mr. Ye is really a man of temperament, but if you tease your sister like this, you won't be afraid of your fiancée being sad." Yilan laughed.

"Don't worry, I understand what kind of person Brother Tian is." Dongfang stared at Yilan and said calmly.

"Sister Yilan, it's useless to see, brother's way of picking up girls is not bad." Ye Wentian said triumphantly.

"It's hard to imagine that there is such a reasonable fiancée!" Yilan still smiled politely.

"Yeah, that's why I love my fiancée so deeply." As he spoke, Ye Wentian hugged Dongfang Ning's willow waist, and then looked at the people behind Yilan: "Sister Yilan, they seem to be Are you from the Crazy Wolf Gang?"

"It is indeed a member of the Wild Wolf Gang. I heard that they had a misunderstanding with Mr. Ye, so I came here to clear up the misunderstanding." Yilan said.

"Really?" Ye Wentian raised his eyebrows.

"Young Master Ye, Xia Lianfeng is the top speaker of the Mad Wolf Gang. This time we are here to clear up any misunderstanding with you." Lianfeng said hastily, and he dared not listen to Yilan's hint. .

"Yu Long, is that bastard?" Ye Wentian looked at Yu Long and asked in a cold voice.

"Master Ye, this is the place of the Ling family after all, we dare not offend the Ling family, so we put that damned guy on the territory of our Wild Wolf Gang." Yu Long changed his mind and said hastily.

"Yu Long, if you are allowed to be the leader of the Dire Wolf Gang, I believe that the lifespan of the Dire Wolf Gang may be very, very long. Okay, I won't talk more about these nonsense, let's lead the way." Ye Wentian said lightly Said.

"Master Ye, there is our car outside, please!" Lian Feng said quickly.

"Okay." Ye Wentian nodded and looked at Yilan: "Sister Yilan, go ahead, I'll go first."

"Mr. Ye, Miss Dongfang, and this little girl, you all have a good journey. If you need to contact me for anything, you can just talk to Manager Ling here. I am happy to serve Mr. Ye." Yilan said.

"Don't worry, I'll find Sister Yilan if I have anything to do." Then Ye Wentian and the three got into the car and gradually left.

Looking at the car where Ye Wentian and the three left, a smile appeared on the corner of Yilan's mouth, but at this moment a figure appeared beside Yilan in an instant.

"Third Elder!" Yilan nodded towards the visitor.

"Fifth Elder, did you find anything on Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning?" the Third Elder asked.

"They are not simple, especially the woman from Dongfang Ning. I'm afraid her strength is not inferior to mine, but her cultivation level..." Yilan was a little surprised by this.

"Could it be that her cultivation level is lower than yours?" The third elder was surprised.

"It should be under me, after all, age is where it is, and when I shook hands with Mr. Ye just now, I found that his cultivation base is only in the middle stage of the earth level, but his strength seems to be much stronger. I am afraid that he is invincible among his peers." existence." Yilan said.

"It seems that Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning's exercises are really good!" said the third elder.

"What does the third elder mean?" The fifth elder frowned slightly.

"Although their exercises are powerful, mine are not bad, so I won't waste time modifying their exercises. Besides, we are already very extraordinary now." The third elder said flatly.

"The Third Elder is still wise, unlike the Ninth Elder, I'm afraid this will be the case in this life." Yilan smiled.

"You seem to be very concerned about Ye Wentian!" The third elder frowned slightly.

"Third Elder thinks too much." Yilan shook her head.

"I hope so!" The third elder nodded, and continued: "Someone came to report just now that Xiao En and those three old guys disappeared, but his subordinates are still in the hotel. This is really interesting. It just happened to be auctioned The monitor downstairs in the meeting was destroyed, and Ye Wentian and the others just walked out, and Xiao En and the others also disappeared here."

"Third Elder, do you suspect that Mr. Ye did it?" Yilan was taken aback.

"This possibility is not ruled out." The third elder nodded.


"Ning'er, guess what I found on Yilan just now?" Ye Wentian sent a voice transmission to Dongfang Ning.

Dongfang Ning looked at Ye Wentian questioningly.

"There is actually a mysterious medicinal liquid on her body, and the mysterious medicinal liquid on her body is even more powerful! It seems that the scientific and technological power of that organization is getting stronger and stronger." Ye Wentian couldn't help but look a little dignified.

"No matter how powerful they are, if I mess with you, I will let them die without a place to die!" A cold light flashed in Dongfang Ning's eyes, making Xiaohua beside her tremble uncontrollably.

"Ning'er!" Ye Wentian was very moved to have such a good wife, but it's a pity that he was not a good husband, and he didn't do it wholeheartedly.

"Don't feel guilty, as long as you agree to my request, everything will be worth it." Dongfang Ning leaned gently on Ye Wentian's shoulder, and the two fingers clasped their right and left hands tightly.

An hour later, the car finally stopped.

Ye Wentian and the others were taken to an underground boxing arena, which seemed to be betting on black boxing, but now there is no one boxing here, only a few people are cleaning.

Yu Long clapped his hands, and soon a guy who was beaten bloody was carried over by two strong men, and thrown in front of Ye Wentian like a dead dog.

"Press him and make him kneel!" Yu Long said coldly.

Soon, the two strong men followed suit.

"Xiaohua, is he the one who beat you?" Ye Wentian asked encouragingly.

"It's him, but not all of them! He's the boss!" Xiaohua clasped her hands tightly, thinking of the scene at that time, she was very angry.

"Did you hear that?" Ye Wentian's eyes turned cold.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I was just about to bring them out." Yu Long felt apprehensive, and hurriedly ordered the rest of them to be pushed up again.

Seeing Yu Long's prepared move, Ye Wentian felt a little admiration in his heart, but Ye Wentian would not be soft-hearted when dealing with the enemy.

"This is just a small warning for you!" After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he pointed at Cheng Jian, and soon, several sword auras flashed.

Immediately afterwards, there were horrified screams, and the gurgling blood kept flowing. The tendons in the hands and hamstrings of those people were broken by Ye Wentian, and even the men's parts were crippled by Ye Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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