Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 49 The Power of the Bomb

Chapter 49 The Power of the Bomb

"Captain!" At this moment, Xiao Li came over with a group of police officers.

"Yeah." Zhou Xiaotong nodded: "Take care of these corpses, check whether there are still potential safety hazards on all floors, and send someone to bring Bassoon back to the top floor."

"Okay, Captain." Xiao Li nodded.

"By the way, bomb!" Hearing Zhou Xiaotong's words, Ye Wen only remembered that there was still a bomb in his Qiankun ring. He was shocked, and his thoughts came in to see. Fortunately, there were still 10 minutes left. The Qiankun ring can delay time, otherwise it would have exploded by now.

It's just that what Ye Wentian doesn't know is how powerful the bomb is, otherwise, he would never be so calm now.

Ruan Feng and Ruan Xiaoyu's legs almost went limp when they heard the word bomb, and they fell limp to the ground, looking at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

"Bomb?" Zhou Xiaotong looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously: "Have you ever seen a bomb?"

"Yes, I found a black suitcase in the equipment room on the third floor, there is no doubt that there is a bomb in it." Ye Wentian said hastily.

"Black suitcase!" Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong was taken aback, recalling the previous scene, when there were four terrorists, and one of them was holding a black suitcase, but now there are five people here, Ye Wentian found a black suitcase on the third floor, which meant that there was another black suitcase.

"No, Xiao Li, hurry up and take someone to check the fourth, fifth and sixth floors. I remember that when I met them on the sixth floor, one of them was carrying a black suitcase. If the prediction is correct, there must be a bomb inside. "Zhou Xiaotong said hastily.

"What! There is another one!" Ye Wentian was stunned, and there was another one, combined with time, it must be about to explode.

"Want God, where is the bomb you found? Hurry up and let us defuse it," Zhou Xiaotong said.

"Sister Xiaotong, that's not necessary. I've already dealt with the bomb. The most important thing now is to find another black suitcase. Let's look for it on the sixth floor." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay." Now that the situation was urgent, Zhou Xiaotong had no choice but to trust Ye Wentian.

The two of them took the corridor as the boundary, each chose a side, and quickly searched. Ye Wentian possessed spiritual consciousness, and the search was very fast. He searched all the rooms, but found nothing.

The sixth floor is mainly the conference hall, the monitoring room and a few wards, so there are not many rooms, but there are a few. Zhou Xiaotong, who is opposite, also finished the inventory, shook his head, and said that he did not find anything.

It stands to reason that the bomb was most likely placed on the sixth floor, because Zhou Xiaotong didn't see the terrorist carrying the black suitcase going downstairs or going upstairs, and there was no black suitcase in the room, so there was only one possibility.

"Elevator!" Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong were startled at the same time, looked at each other, and quickly ran into the elevator.

Zhou Xiaotong ran into the elevator where he met those terrorists, while Ye Wentian entered the elevator near the lobby.

After entering the elevator, Ye Wentian let go of his consciousness, and immediately found the trace of the black suitcase. It was on the iron rod of the elevator, and the black suitcase was fixed on it with wire. Looking at the time, there were only five seconds left.

"It's time to play Dafa!" Ye Wentian's heart was full of enthusiasm, he stomped his feet, punched the roof, jumped to the top of the elevator, pulled away the wires, and looked at the time, only three seconds left With a thought, he immediately put the black suitcase into the Qiankun ring.

Ye Wentian didn't know what would happen if the bomb exploded in the Qiankun Ring, but he thought it would never be a good thing, maybe he would be killed by the bomb.

Time was too tight, a strong worry surged into his heart, Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly, and the Hongmeng Dao Hua Jue in his body was running crazily, a potential energy slowly poured into his body, gradually, that energy gradually Speed ​​up, flooding the whole body like lightning.


pain!Intense pain!Pain like never before!
That super-powerful energy permeates the whole body, breaking through barriers in the body, the meridians in the body, the flesh and blood are constantly strengthening, and even the spiritual consciousness is multiplying, but Ye Wentian feels every cell in the body is active degree is gradually decreasing.

Because those super-powerful energies emerged from every cell, he knew that it was the real source of divine power, a super-powerful mysterious power.

Ye Wentian's cultivation increased rapidly, he suddenly broke through the barrier of the middle stage of the yellow class to the late stage of the yellow class, and then broke through the barrier of the late stage of the yellow class, reaching the early stage of the mysterious class, and then broke through the entrance again and again, all the way straight up, One can imagine how much pain there was.

Ye Wentian felt that his whole body was about to explode, after all, his current body simply couldn't bear such a powerful energy.

A blue meridian covered Ye Wentian's body, exposed on the skin, which looked extraordinarily weird, and then his whole body was boiling with blood, turning red, like a red-hot iron furnace.

The cultivation base is still growing, and has been growing to the peak of the late prefecture level, and finally the heaven, earth, universe pearl in the body moves.

A flash of light was like a golden protective shield, instantly enveloping Ye Wentian, calming down the riot in his body.


Ye Wen raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, causing the surrounding elevators, iron pillars, and ropes to tremble.

Ye Wentian stomped his feet, and a deep footprint appeared on the elevator under his feet.

All the way up, along the trajectory of the elevator, there was a thick layer of concrete on the top of the head. Ye Wentian originally wanted to rush over to vent the energy in his body, but he held back deeply, jumped out of the elevator, and faced the window. leap.


The glass window shattered in an instant, and pieces of debris fell down like a rain of flowers.

Under the feet, there is a high-rise of tens of meters. If you fall, even the undead will peel off their skin.

Ye Wentian turned his whole body, stepped on the glass window with one foot, and his body was lifted up again, like a flying swallow soaring into the sky, breaking through the wind and rain, soaring into the blue sky.

Ye Wentian landed on the roof of the building, took out a black suitcase in an instant, faced the blue sky, and threw it into the sky with all his strength.

With a huge force of tens of thousands of catties, the black suitcase ran a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. In his consciousness, he saw a display on the black suitcase that was repeatedly zero, followed by a loud "boom", and the entire blue sky instantly Covered by a red light, the huge heat wave pushed away the surrounding clouds in an instant, and even Ye Wentian, who was more than 200 meters away, could feel the strong wind, blowing away his hair and tearing his broken clothes.

The power of this bomb is really too powerful. If it explodes in the hospital, it will definitely destroy the whole hospital in an instant. It is more difficult for the people in the hospital to survive than ascend to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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