Chapter 495
In the distance, Yan Suifeng was still watching from a distance, seeing Yang Jing looking over, he waved quickly, as if the two of them knew each other very well.

Yang Jing hated her teeth so much that she really wanted to slap this guy, but the opponent's lightness kung fu is indeed not weak, even if she uses all her strength, she is still slightly inferior to him.

"Miss, Mr. Xiang left beforehand. After a while, I will go to Yuejiao to find you for my husband." Yan Suifeng shouted loudly.

Hearing this sound, even the man in black, who had been running away for a long time, almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Get out!" Yang Jing's voice was like thunder, and it reached Yan Suifeng's ears from afar.

Yan Suifeng was startled, took one last look at Yang Jing, and then left.


On a mountain path, Ye Wentian and the others were running fast.

Xiaofeng sat straddling Ye Wentian's neck, while Liushu and Xiaowei were hugged by Ye Wentian, and Dongfang Ning followed closely with Ah Shui, Hu Xiaoxiao and Xiaohua.

"Brother Tian, ​​it feels so good to fly!" Xiaofeng was so happy that he went crazy, and almost danced with his hands and feet. "You little guy, you're comfortable. Brother Tian, ​​I'm almost exhausted." Ye Wentian had to stop, and walked for nearly an hour, avoiding those followers, and it was already noon.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm sorry!" Xiaofeng stretched out his sleeve to wipe Ye Wentian's sweat.

"Even if you still have a little conscience, come down and go into the woods ahead, and I'll cook you something delicious." Ye Wentian said.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't you have a big meal?" Xiaofeng swallowed, and looked at Ye Wentian with longing.

"Don't you like to eat the big meal that Brother Tian cooks for you?" Ye Wentian pinched Xiaofeng's cheek.

"But...but..." Xiaofeng blinked his big eyes, and looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"Giggle~~ Xiaofeng, if you don't like the lunch made by the master, we won't force you." Hu Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaofeng's cute appearance, and couldn't help giggling.

"No, Sister Xiaoxiao, I like anything Brother Tian makes." Xiaofeng said quickly.

"Then what are you?" Hu Xiaoxiao smiled.

"I...I..." Xiaofeng was speechless, her little face flushed, and she looked at Hu Xiaoxiao embarrassedly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what do you need me to do?" Ah Shui walked up to Ye Wentian and asked softly, getting close to Ye Wentian, looking at Ye Wentian's handsome face, a little heart thumped .

"No need, just pick up some dry firewood with Ning'er." Ye Wentian shook his head, moved his feet, and disappeared in place instantly.

"You're so handsome!" Ah Shui's face was full of nympho, leaving Xiao Hua speechless for a while.

"Ah Shui, Ah Shui..."

"Ah~~Xiao Hua, what's the matter?" Ah Shui realized, her pretty face flushed.

"Let's go pick up some dry firewood." Xiao Hua said.

"Oh." Seeing Dongfang Ning, Hu Xiaoxiao, and Xiaowei in the distance collecting dry firewood, Ah Shui hurried over.

Soon, Ye Wentian came back with some fruits, two pheasants and a hare. Everything was ready, and everyone watched Ye Wentian show off his skills.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't I come." Ah Shui suggested.

"Okay, Sister Ah Shui's cooking skills are the best." Xiaofeng immediately cheered up.

"Ahem~~Xiaofeng, you just don't believe in Brother Tian's cooking skills." Ye Wentian rolled his eyes.

"Brother Tian, ​​I..." Xiaofeng didn't dare to look Ye Wentian in the eye.

"Ah Shui, today is an eye-opener for you. I think it was my specialty to bake delicious food in the wild back then." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, lit the fire, and quickly started to operate it skillfully.

But a little, Ye Wentian put the seasoning, bursts of seductive aroma hit, Xiaofeng's saliva was about to flow out.

"Xiaofeng, what, I want to eat." Ye Wentian held back his smile.

"Brother Tian, ​​I knew that the food you cook is the best." Xiaofeng flattered him.

"You little brat." Ye Wentian rolled his eyes.


After everyone finished eating, Xiaofeng's stomach was so distended that he didn't want to move anymore. He lay down on the carpet prepared by Ye Wentian and fell asleep.

This is a land of mountains and forests, the woods are dense, but it is ventilated and cool, which provides a good environment for Xiaofeng to sleep.

"Brother Tian, ​​I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good!" Ah Shui looked at Ye Wentian almost to the point of stardom.

"Ahem~~ It's okay." Ye Wentian glanced at Dongfang Ning consciously, and then said: "Since Xiaofeng fell asleep, let's rest for a while, and you all should sleep too."

"Brother you that day?" Ah Shui asked quickly, but she sensed something wrong, so she gave Dongfang Ning a weak look, seeing that she was resting with her eyes closed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course I'll take a nap too." Ye Wentian smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Ah Shui lay down next to Xiao Hua, but after a little drowsiness, she soon fell asleep. In the dream, everything she thought of came true, and there was a crystallization of love between her and her beloved. The family lives happily.

Ye Wentian opened his eyes, looked at the sweetness at the corner of Ah Shui's mouth, and smiled helplessly. Suddenly, Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and looking not far away, Dongfang Ning also opened his eyes.

"Ning'er, I'll meet him." Ye Wentian sent a voice transmission to Dongfang Ning.

Dongfang Ningxiu frowned slightly, but thinking that Ye Wentian at this moment is not what it used to be, she frowned and nodded.

With a flash of Ye Wentian's figure, his whole body instantly disappeared in place, and he appeared a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. Such a fast speed was already comparable to a strong person in the third heaven.

Yan Suifeng stopped and looked carefully. This guy's tracking skills were really good, and he was able to find the route Ye Wentian and the others were walking.

"Uncle, what are you looking for?" Ye Wentian's voice suddenly sounded behind Yan Suifeng.

Yan Suifeng was startled, he ran the ghost image for nine steps, and soon reached the top of the tree.

"Uncle, why are you so afraid of me?" Ye Wentian was a little funny, looking at Yan Suifeng, Ye Wentian couldn't help admiring that this is really a handsome man who is the most beautiful man in the world, even he would be willing to bow down.

"Ye Wentian!" Yan Suifeng could not help but be taken aback when he saw the person coming, and at the same time felt that things had seriously exceeded his expectations.

"You know me?" Ye Wentian was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "That's right, how can anyone who comes to trouble me not know me."

"How far is your kid's cultivation level? I, Yan Suifeng, have always been quite proud of my lightness kung fu, but facing you, I feel ashamed." Yan Suifeng's face was a little dignified.

"You are Yan Suifeng!" Ye Wentian was startled.

"It's right here." Yan Suifeng cupped his fists towards Ye Wentian.

"It seems that you should have met Muto Youlan and the others." Ye Wentian thought for a while and said.

"You are really smart, you can think of all this." Yan Suifeng smiled.

"It's very simple. Elisa is still in the Ling's Hotel. Only when you find Muto Youlan and the others can you know that the Demon Sword is in my hands." Ye Wentian said.

(End of this chapter)

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