Chapter 509
"Fix it yourself!" The burly man gave the red-robed man a cold look. The relationship between the two didn't seem to be very harmonious.

"Hmph~~" The man in the red robe pouted and glared at the burly man with dissatisfaction: "You can solve it yourself!"

"Girl, I see that you are about the same age as me, so I won't bully you, as long as you can pass a trick under my hands, then this matter will be fine, how about it?" the red-robed man said lightly.

"Hmph~~ If you fight against a pervert who is not a man or a woman, isn't it self-defeating the identity of Miss Ben?" Wu Qian knew that she was not the opponent's opponent, she rolled her eyes and said quite proudly.

"Dare to insult me ​​again, court death!" The red-robed man's eyes turned cold, but he didn't see any movement, and then a piercing voice came towards Wu Qian.

"What a weird kung fu!" Gong Zhichou's eyes froze, and the others were also extremely shocked.

"Sure enough, talented people come out from generation to generation!"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new people in the world surpass the old ones. It seems that we are all old." Zeng Zhi said to the people around him.

"That's fine with Mr. Ye before, but the two young people in front of me are probably not so simple." Wu Guangren sighed.

"Spiritual weapon!" Yang Jing was startled, and quickly pulled Wu Qian behind her, while hitting the tiny silver needle with her palm.

Yang Jing never thought that the other party possessed such a rare weapon as a spiritual weapon. You must know that most cultivators on the earth today use the Zong weapon, and such treasures as spiritual weapons are only available to the top figures of various sects. Some sects don't even have a ninth-rank spiritual weapon, and the silver needle in front of the other party doesn't seem to be a ninth-rank, even a seventh-rank.


With a loud noise, the swiftly approaching silver needle met Yang Jing's solid palm and was instantly knocked out. At the same time, Yang Jing's powerful palm hit the two people on the top of the tree.

"Hmph~~" The burly man's complexion darkened, he stepped lightly, and slapped Yang Jing's palm extremely fast.

At this moment, the burly man's hands hesitated like a red-hot iron, and a wave of heat hit Yang Jing's side.

"Fire Sun Palm!" The members of Moon Sect and Sun Sect were shocked at the same time.

"This Lieyang Palm seems to be much stronger than our Lieyang Palm!" Wu Zheng said to an old man beside him.

"Could it be that this young man has obtained all the cheats of Lieyang Palm?" The old man's eyes moved, and he stared at the young man closely.

When the vigor intersected, the burly man's eyes froze, and he quickly struck out with the other palm.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the burly man flew back to the top of the tree with the help of his remaining power.

"You are very strong!" The burly man looked at Yang Jing coldly, his vigilance aroused.

"Brother Shan, it seems that we can defeat this stinky woman only by using some means." The red-robed man's voice was very soft, and with a movement of his finger, a silver needle that had been buried in a tree not far away quickly returned to his hand.

"What kind of method is this!" Gong Zhichou and the others looked at the two with solemn expressions.

Even if he was at the peak of the second heavenly level, he couldn't easily suck the silver needle from such a long distance, but the strange man in front of him did it.

As a cultivator, Yang Jing naturally knew that this was not some kind of kung fu, but the specificity of the spiritual weapon, which could move with the master's thoughts.

"No!" The burly man said coldly.

"Hmph~~ You're lucky!" The red-robed man pointed at Yang Jing seductively.

"Who are you? The half-step innate realm actually possesses strength no less than that of the innate realm." Yang Jing looked at the two solemnly. She was not afraid of the two in front of her, but worried about the people behind them.

"You don't deserve to know." The burly man glanced at Yang Jing, then said, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Hmph~~" The man in the red robe glared at Yang Jing, and then followed the burly man into the cave.

"Master." The appearance of these two people has already seriously hit Wu Qian's arrogance. She knew that if her master hadn't been here today, she would have become a cold corpse at this moment.

"Now you know that there are mountain people outside the mountain, and there are people outside the mountain." Yang Jing said in a deep voice.

"En." Wu Qian clenched her fists tightly, bit her lips, and nodded, not daring to look into Yang Jing's eyes.

"Let's go, let's go in too." Yang Jing and Liu Mingyu said together.

"Yes, Supreme Elder!" Liu Mingyu and the others nodded.

Following Yang Jing's entry, other people entered one after another, but there were still some powerful people who stayed behind to guard the entrance of the cave.


The inside of the cave is pitch black, without any light, and the smell of corrosion enters the nose along with the strong smell of dust, making people feel nauseated.

"Brother Tian, ​​I...I..." Zhao Min grabbed Ye Wentian's arm tightly, and she felt a burst of fear in the cave where she couldn't see her fingers.

The same is true for Mo Xiaoyan, Bai Qiushuang and Wu Qianqian at this moment. After all, they are ordinary people and girls. They are instinctively afraid of dark places, let alone such a person who makes people feel uncomfortable all over. comfortable place.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." The voices of Ye Wentian and Yan Suifeng rang out at the same time.

"Uh~~" Ye Wentian looked at Yan Suifeng strangely, he didn't expect that this guy was really planning to find a wife, and he was also a young lady in the secular world.

"Ahem~~Well, Mr. Ye, there seems to be a corpse in front!" Yan Suifeng couldn't bear Ye Wentian's gaze, and quickly diverted everyone's attention.

"Corpse!" Hearing these two words, the girls were shocked again.

"Let's go and have a look!" Ye Wentian quickened his pace, quickly condensed a formula with his hands, and suddenly a fireball shot out from Ye Wentian's palm, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​the cave.

Seeing this fireball, Yan Suifeng was surprised, but considering how powerful Ye Wentian is, there is nothing to be surprised about.

"Wow~~Brother Tian, ​​how can your hand conjure a fireball?" Zhao Min's eyes were full of splendor, seeing that Ye Wentian's eyes were full of little stars, and then he smiled happily, stretched out his jade finger and pointed at the fireball. touch.

"Don't touch it! My aunt's, my fireball is enough to melt you to pieces!" Ye Wentian gave Zhao Min a hard look.

"Oh." Zhao Min stuck out his tongue embarrassingly.


Suddenly, Mo Xiaoyan screamed and pointed forward with a face full of horror.

"Dead...dead!" The four girls hid behind the two big men in fear. As for Wang Hu, the four girls completely ruled them out.

Everyone looked over, and there was a shriveled corpse lying in the place where Ye Wentian's fireball faintly illuminated.

Ye Wentian walked over first, Zhao Min and the others were even more startled, and quickly covered their eyes, trembling with fright.

"So many people died!" Ye Wentian flicked his fingers, and the fireball shot out quickly. There were six or seven shriveled corpses lying on the ground, and there were some skeletons that had been dead for many years on the ground.

"Master Ye, how did they die?" Yan Suifeng asked in confusion.

"The essence is exhausted, and he died after being sucked dry by those Yin spirits." Ye Wentian frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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