Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 533 The reason

Chapter 533 The reason
Meng Tianfang looked at Ye Wentian quietly, as if he didn't intend to take advantage of others' danger.He stared at Ye Wentian closely, his thick eyebrows frowned slightly, and then he regained his composure.

"Young man, you are very good, but it's a pity that you have come to a place you shouldn't have come." Meng Tianfang's voice was powerful, with a sense of shock. Such momentum.

"Meng Tianfang, General Meng, my name is Ye Wentian. I am very glad to meet you. I never thought that you are still alive after more than 2000 years." Ye Wentian's original divine power circulated for a week, and his expression returned to calm.

"Yeah, I'm still alive!" Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Mengtian saw vicissitudes in his eyes, and this vicissitudes was full of tenderness that was difficult to dissolve.

"General Meng is tough, brave and invincible, and is admired by us descendants. Who knows that there are things that the omnipotent General Meng can't do." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"You... seem to know something?" Meng Tianfang frowned slightly, his eyes were like lightning, staring at Ye Wentian closely.

"It is said that General Meng was entangled with one of Qin Shihuang's concubines. After Qin Shihuang's sudden death, those concubines had to be buried with Qin Shihuang, and one of them was General Meng's confidante. The general's confidante gave you the elixir of immortality she obtained, and she became a pink skeleton and was buried in the tomb of the first emperor." Ye Wentian said without hesitation.

"Unexpectedly, you, a descendant of more than 2000 years, know such a secret thing." Meng Tianfang closed his eyes, a little sad: "You are right, Dong'er used his mouth to pass the immortality pill into me because of me. She swallowed it in her mouth, but she actually chose to commit suicide. I watched her die in front of my eyes, but I was helpless. Who can understand the pain of a loved one dying in front of me!"

"I didn't expect General Meng to have such a tender side." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and continued: "But I'm curious, can the Immortal Pill really keep you alive?"

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Meng Tianfang opened his eyes suddenly, stared at Ye Wentian for a while, and then said: "For the sake of you being a dying person, I will tell you the whole story."

Meng Tianfang sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Actually, very few people know that I studied under Guiguzi, and Guigu's mentor secretly taught me all the skills, and then he never appeared again. The teacher came later and found me.

That night, I talked with my mentor all night, and I learned that my mentor was seriously injured, and Xu Fu was probably even more seriously injured... When my mentor left, he gave me a gold thread silkworm robe and told me about it. The magic thing, he said that he once used the number of gossip to figure out a trigram for me: how does the fate arise and die, and the fate will be renewed after a thousand years.

At first I didn't understand the meaning of my mentor, but I didn't realize it until I saw Dong'er dying in front of my eyes. "

"So it's that gold-threaded silkworm dress that made you live to this day?" Ye Wentian frowned slightly, not because he thought Meng Tianfang's words were false.

"That's right!" Meng Tianfang nodded: "The Immortal Pill refined by Xu Fu is indeed extremely effective. It can not only improve the cultivation level but also regenerate people. Prolonging life is also certain, but it cannot make people live until now."

"So that's it, it's exactly the same as my reasoning." Ye Wentian smiled heartily, which was an affirmation of his own wisdom.

"Now, it's time for us to make a break." Meng Tian flipped his sword, and the sand and stones around him suddenly flew up.

"Okay, let me talk about what the ancients are capable of." A look of excitement flashed across Ye Wentian's face, his consciousness strengthened again, and he felt that Meng Tianfang's cultivation had reached the fifth level of the innate level The realm of Heavenly Consummation is only some distance away from the realm of half-step Golden Core. After all, the gap between the Xiantian level and the Golden Core stage is too great. There is not a small distance.

Some people have spent hundreds of years from the fifth heaven of the innate level but have not been able to break through to the golden core stage. It can be seen how difficult it is to advance to the golden core stage. It depends not only on comprehension, but also on chance.

Meng Tianfang didn't dare to underestimate Ye Wentian, because he couldn't see through the cultivation of the young man in front of him, but Ye Wentian's instantly stronger aura was enough to make him take it seriously.

"With your talent, even in my era, you can be said to be the number one!" Meng Tianfang said with a serious face.

"General Meng has won the award." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and then his expression changed, seeing Meng Tianfang approaching in a flash, with a thought, a silver needle appeared in his hand, and shot toward Meng Tian.


The silver needle collided with Meng Tianfang's sword, a burst of sparks splashed out, and the powerful power surged towards the surroundings in an instant.


Both of them have the strength of the innate fifth level, even stronger. The collision and superposition of two such powerful forces quickly cracked the surrounding mountain walls. Rolling and falling.

"No, if this continues, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor might collapse!" Ye Wentian retracted the silver needle, looked at Meng Tian and said loudly.

"It's really not suitable for the two of us to do it here." Meng Tianfang frowned, stretched out his hands, and used his skills to resist the tendency of the mountain wall to continue to crack.

When Ye Wentian saw this, with a thought, a few jade stones flew out quickly, floating in front of his eyes, and as Ye Wentian waved his hands, one after another runes were printed on the jade stones.

"to make!"

With a big wave of Ye Wentian's hand, the five jade stones were arranged in the shape of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Following the movement of the five elements, the five jade stones emitted a ray of light, which was reflected in the big stone house.

Soon, the entire tomb stopped shaking and gradually returned to calm. The cracks showed no tendency to continue to open.

"I didn't expect you to know formations, you are really a monster!" Meng Tianfang was taken aback, and looked at Ye Wentian like a monster.

"Congratulations." Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "Let's go out and fight, how about it!"

Ye Wentian's voice was very loud, just to tell Huang Xiangling that they had gone out.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ye Wentian's voice, Huang Xiangling and everyone were overjoyed, and quickly got up and ran outside.

"Okay." Meng Tianfang was aroused bloody, nodded: "I'll wait for you outside!"

"Tudun!" Meng Tianfang put his sword back and stood up, squeezed a formula with both hands, and then his whole body rose into the sky, merged into the stone wall, and rushed out like a stream of light.

"Not bad." Ye Wentian's eyes lit up when he saw that Meng Tianfang knew the art of earth escape, and he thought to himself, "But it's better to fight quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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