Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 535 Zhao Min, Han Donger

Chapter 535 Zhao Min, Han Donger




All kinds of birds and beasts in the jungle ran restlessly, hating their parents for losing two legs, and not running fast enough. Seeing the sword light in the sky, they almost knelt down in horror.

"It's so strong!" Ye Wentian's eyes froze, trying to mobilize the original divine power in the cells is no longer possible.

"Running is the best policy!" Ye Wentian made up his mind, and pointed at Cheng Jian, a sword light rushed towards the opponent's sword energy.


With a loud noise, Ye Wentian's sword light rushed up, as if a stream had met Jianghai, it was swallowed up without the slightest resistance, and rushed towards Ye Wentian in an instant.

Just as Ye Wentian moved aside, a piercing sword light flashed by his side. Although he missed him, the powerful momentum sent him flying.

"Ye Wentian, don't even think about running away, it's time to end." Meng Tianfang knew Ye Wentian's plan, and the sword in his hand condensed again.

"The ultimate form of Qiankun swordsmanship——Hundred Step Flying Sword!" Meng Tian let out a sharp shout, his sword was like a dragon, screaming continuously.

The sword soaring towards the sky crushed towards Ye Wentian like a stream of light.

"Damn it, I would have prepared a defensive bracelet for myself if I knew it earlier, maybe I could withstand it for a while." Ye Wentian regretted it in his heart.

"What! The legendary hundred-step flying sword!" Hearing Meng Tianfang's roar, Yan Suifeng, Gong Zhichou, and Zeng Zhi were all terrified, staring fixedly at the streamer rushing towards Ye Wentian in the distance.

"Ah~~~" Huang Xiangling and the girls screamed in fright.

Ye Wentian was still retreating, but the tyrannical Jianguang was getting closer.

Yang Jing held her sword tightly, and her heart was in her throat, but it was still too far away, and she couldn't help in time.

Ye Wentian gritted his teeth. Before Jian Guang came, his whole body was already sweating profusely from the pressure of this momentum.

"I can't control so much anymore!" Ye Wentian resisted the tyrannical pressure, and with a thought, he swallowed three top-quality large Qi gathering pills.

"Digest quickly!" Ye Wentian's veins bulged, and he frantically operated the Grandmist Dao Hua Jue.

Hongmeng Daohua Jue is worthy of being the supreme exercise in the heaven and earth, and it digested a top-grade Great Qi Gathering Pill in an instant, but it was not enough.

"I can't give up!" Ye Wentian yelled up to the sky, and a body-protecting true energy appeared, blocking the front.

However, at the moment when the body-protecting qi appeared, Jian Guang swallowed Ye Wentian whole.


"No! Brother Tian!"

Huang Xiangling, Ruan Xiaoyu, Xiao Yuxin, Bai Qiushuang, Mei Xiaoyan, and Zhao Min shouted loudly, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

Wu Qianqian was also teary-eyed, holding Yan Suifeng's clothes tightly with both hands.

"It's dangerous!" This was the last and only thought in Ye Wentian's mind.

At the moment when Meng Tianfang's sword light engulfed Ye Wentian, the Tiandi Qiankun Pearl sensed the danger of its master, and suddenly a stream of light hit the top-grade Qi-gathering pill, dissolving the medicinal power of the top-grade Daqi-gathering pill in an instant, Transformed into a tyrannical body protection infuriating energy.

In the night sky, a meteor streaked across and rushed towards Yang Jing's side.

With a thought, Yang Jing jumped, stepped on the sword, and led her towards the place where Ye Wentian fell.

"Flying with the sword!" Gong Zhichou, Zeng Zhi, and Yan Suifeng were stunned. They didn't expect Yang Jing to be able to fly with the sword.

Yan Suifeng was a little surprised, but then he was relieved. After all, he was once a legendary Jindan stage strongman, and flying with the sword was not a piece of cake for her.

Ye Wentian fell very fast, Yang Jing frowned slightly, drawing arcs with both palms, a gentle force rushed towards Ye Wentian.


With a muffled sound, Ye Wentian's powerful impact shook Yang Jing, and Fei Jian took the opportunity to release part of his strength to properly touch Ye Wentian. He turned around and returned to the ground with the seriously injured Ye Wentian.

"Brother God!"

"Brother Tian, ​​how are you doing?" As soon as he landed, the girls of Huang Xiangling asked warmly, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Cough cough~~" Ye Wentian opened his eyes weakly, spitting out a stream of blood every time he coughed.

"I... I'm fine!" Ye Wentian looked at the girls and forced a smile, but this smile was uglier than crying.

"Young master Ye, eat this elixir." Yang Jing took out a bottle of elixir and poured it out. There were only three pills, but she still took out one and put it into Ye Wentian's mouth.

After taking the elixir, under the guidance of Hongmeng Daohua Jue, it quickly flowed through the whole body, a cool breath flooded the whole body, and those intense pains were quickly improved.

Ye Wentian closed his eyes, adjusted his breath quietly, lying in Yang Jing's arms, smelling the unique fragrance of her body, he was really drunk.

But the good times didn't last long, and a voice that made him helpless sounded.

"Ye Gongzi, since I debuted, you are the first person who can survive my strongest blow." At some point, Meng Tianfang appeared on the top of the cave, looking down at them , as if a high-ranking king despises these humble people.

Hearing the sound, everyone was startled. Looking at the sound, a burly man in armor was standing proudly, his eyes were like lightning, and he was king of them.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing the person coming, Zhao Min was the first to block Ye Wentian.

Earlier, because Zhao Min turned his back to Meng Tianfang, Meng Tianfang didn't see Zhao Min's appearance, but at this moment, he was stunned, looking at Zhao Min without blinking, his originally serious eyes suddenly became A spring water so thick that it cannot be melted.

His thoughts suddenly returned to more than 2000 years ago. He and his confidante Han Donger met under a big tree in Qin Shihuang's palace.

At that time, he was handsome, younger and more charming than now. The moment he met Han Donger, his heart was surging. He never thought that his battle-tested and callused hands would hold a pair of Soft and delicate hands.

"Could it be, this is love at first sight." He thought to himself at that time.

Han Donger is beautiful, intelligent, and especially her graceful dancing posture. The two are infatuated. They met under the witness of the big tree, knew each other, and fell in love at the end. One word, it is gut-piercing poison, I will never forget it...

"Dong'er!" Meng Tianfang's eyes were hazy, and these eyes were not only filled with tears, but also filled with endless lovesickness.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect General Meng Tian Fang Meng, who was standing in front of him, to cry.

"What's going on here?" Big question marks popped up in everyone's minds.

Following Meng Tianfang's gaze, everyone turned their attention to Zhao Min, this beautiful, lovely and young ordinary woman.

Zhao Min was also confused, looking at Meng Tianfang's tender eyes, his whole body had goosebumps.

(End of this chapter)

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