Chapter 538

Meng Tianfang was stunned, and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Tian Wen's divine sword had a spirit, and he chose Ye Wentian on his own. Just relieved.

"I'm afraid that Ye Wentian is the only monster in the world who can make Tianwen like this divine sword so much." Mengtian secretly thought in relief.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Ruan Xiaoyu couldn't help looking at Yang Jing worriedly when he saw Ye Wentian was motionless.

"Hush~~ Don't worry, Mr. Ye is fine, let's not disturb him." Yang Jing made a motion of silence, and everyone looked at Ye Wentian quietly, motionless. The atmosphere was obviously a little weird.

At this moment, Ye Wentian seemed to have his soul out of his body, stepped into the void, and he actually came to the ancient times.

Everywhere here exudes a strong breath of life, a small grass is so full of vitality, as if just using such a random small grass can refine the supreme panacea.

"This should be the age of the gods." Ye Wentian said softly.

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise that shook the sky. A hundred miles away, on top of a towering mountain, a muscular man was more than three feet tall. His arms were bare and he was wearing only a pair of leather pants of some kind of animal. .

He seemed to have seen some amazing treasure, turned his palm into a knife, and cut off a corner of a towering mountain in a flash.

As the boulder fell, a silver-white stone was revealed on the high mountain. This silver-white stone was extraordinary at first sight. Surround yourself with energy to nourish yourself.

"This stone is psychic." Ye Wentian's heart was surging. Although he had seen it before, he was still shocked.

Ye Wentian thought about it, and when he got close, the giant man couldn't see Ye Wentian at all, so he removed the surrounding rocks, and the silver-white stone appeared in his hand.

The giant sweater grinned, and Ye Wentian was startled by that big mouth alone. This man was really too tall. In front of him, Ye Wentian felt that he was really small and pitiful. The soles of his feet are so big that it seems that the other party can crush him even with a light step.

After getting the baby, Ju Khan was so excited that he turned around and disappeared.

"I'm going, this speed is too fast. The teleportation technique is not an advanced spell that I can practice." Ye Wentian shook his head with a sigh.

While thinking about it, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Not far away, there is a very tall thatched house. In Ye Wentian's eyes, the height of this thatched house is comparable to a building with more than ten floors, and it is more magnificent and sturdy than the tall buildings he has seen.

"Ding ding ding~~" There were waves of knocking sounds from inside the thatched cottage.

"This giant man must be refining weapons." Ye Wentian had a thought, and soon appeared in the thatched hut.

As far as I can see, the giant man is wielding a huge hammer and is hitting the silver-white stone one after another. Feeling the danger, the silver-white stone wants to escape, but the strength of the giant man is too great, no matter how hard it tries, it will not be able to escape. The power of resistance.

The silver-white stone was extremely hard, and Ye Wentian didn't know how long the giant had been hammering. He only knew that he woke up three times, but every time he woke up, the giant was still beating.

Finally, when Ye Wentian woke up for the fifth time, the silver-white stone was completely flattened by the giant man.

The giant man held the hammered silver-white stone in his hand and nodded in satisfaction. Then the giant man looked at the open space in front of him, and a huge divine tripod appeared on the open space. The divine cauldron was burning with flames, as if alive breathing.

Ye Wentian didn't need to think about it, but he knew that the temperature of the flame inside this divine cauldron must be ridiculously high, and even a little touch would dispel even ashes.

The giant man frowned slightly, put the silver-white stone in his hand into the divine cauldron, and immediately closed the lid.

"咚咚咚~~" As soon as the lid of the cauldron was closed, there was a sound of knocking inside the cauldron, and the huge force made the cauldron tremble for a while.

"The divine stone conceived by the heavens and the earth is really extraordinary!" The giant man squeezed a formula with both hands, and then a fire dragon appeared, pouring into the divine cauldron continuously.

With the support of the giant man's flame, the divine cauldron immediately showed its might and tied the silver-white stone tightly.

The silver-white stone was not a vegetarian either, but it still had the strength to hit the lid of the cauldron in an attempt to escape.

Ye Wentian sat there, watching with his chin propped up. He didn't know how long it had passed. When he was about to open his hazy eyes again, he heard a burst of wild laughter.

"Haha~~ My giant spirit god has finally refined a peerless sword. It's time to end the great hatred of the giant spirit clan." The huge light swept out in all directions.

"I'll wipe it, don't play with it like this." Ye Wentian was shocked, and just got up to run away, when he found that the sword light passed through his body, and he was fine, while the surrounding thatched cottages turned into Flour.

"My darling, I'm scared to death!" Ye Wentian wiped off his cold sweat, and cursed at the Giant Spirit God.

But before Ye Wentian's scolding ended, the scene in front of him changed again.

On a tall stone pillar, there are three large characters written——Zhentian Palace!

"Good calligraphy!" Ye Wentian was filled with admiration. These three characters are flamboyant and powerful, and more importantly, they imply the supreme Taoism, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

While Ye Wentian was rejoicing, there were bursts of loud noises from Zhentian Palace, causing everyone around to tremble.

"What's going on?" Ye Wentian was a little puzzled. He flew over to the top of the stone pillar and looked over. A big man with a sword in his hand smashed the things in Zhentian Palace to pieces, and there were four or five people around him. A man as tall as him, but they were bound by huge chains on their hands and feet.

"This shouldn't be the key!" Ye Wentian mused.

Sure enough, after the giant spirit god cut off the iron chains on the hands and feet of those companions with the divine sword, they still hid behind the giant spirit god, unable to help at all.

"You guys go first." The giant spirit god roared loudly, and once again killed several people who rushed towards him with his sword.

"Brother Qiu, we can't leave today. No matter what, I feel at ease if I can die with you." One of the women was quite beautiful, and she looked at the giant spirit with tenderness.

"Shan'er, I have the divine sword in my hand, and no one is my opponent! Brother Feng, take your sister Shan and go!" thrown into the distance.

"Giant Spirit God, originally I planned to keep you guys to help our Zhentian Palace build some magical weapons. Who knew you would be so ignorant of good and evil. Look, can they leave?" At this time, a middle-aged man in white The man appeared, he glanced at the giant spirit god indifferently, and then pointed to the distance.

"Brother Qiu!" A cuckoo's cry of blood reached the giant spirit god's ears.

The giant spirit god turned around, and all he saw was his sister Shan's last sad smile, and then turned into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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