Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 547 The ass was bitten

Chapter 547 The ass was bitten

Only 20 meters away from Zhou Mei, in the bushes covered with thorns, a pair of deep eyes stared at her closely.

The huge monster kept pouring out the letter, swung its body, and slipped out from the thorn bushes.

Soon, the whole appearance of this huge monster was revealed. It was a giant python about ten meters long. The back of this giant python was black, and its body was as thick as the bust of an adult.

After a short period of fear, Zhou Mei quickly thought of ways to survive, but at this moment, the snake venom on her legs was getting deeper and deeper, and she couldn't run away.

Zhou Mei picked up the wooden sword, and although she was still about to make a dying struggle, she had almost resigned herself to her fate.

Although she thought about calling Ye Wentian for help, but when she thought that she was already a broken body, her desire to survive was not so strong.

It's just that she was swallowed by the giant python like this, and she couldn't bear it deep in her heart to suffocate her alive.

"Why did God treat me like this!" Zhou Mei leaned against the big tree, raised her long sword to face the giant python, her cheeks were wet with tears.

She hates, she hates God's injustice!She hates, she hates herself, even death is a tragedy.

The giant python doesn't understand Zhou Mei's pain, and doesn't want to understand, because, in its eyes, Zhou Mei is already a delicacy in its belly.


Finally, after a period of stalemate, the giant python couldn't wait, opened its mouth wide, and bit towards Zhou Mei.

Zhou Mei swung the wooden sword with all her strength, but the giant python's head just touched it lightly, and the wooden sword flew out, hitting the big tree not far away fiercely.

Seeing a bloody mouth descending from the top of her head, Zhou Mei completely gave up this time, closed her eyes in despondency, and waited for death to come.

What she didn't expect was that after waiting for a while, it seemed that what she was breathing was still fresh air, and what she was smelling was the fragrance of the surrounding plants and flowers.

"Could it be that the giant python took pity on me and left?" Zhou Mei thought to herself, so she slowly opened her eyes, and she saw a familiar man leaning on a giant python with his hands crossed, and the giant python turned his head at this moment. He was tied to a big tree by something and hung up, motionless, and died without a sound.

"Woo~~" Seeing Ye Wentian, Zhou Mei could no longer hide the grievance and panic in her heart, and threw herself into Ye Wentian's arms desperately, crying continuously, tears soon wet Ye Wentian. Ask the clothes of the sky.

Fortunately, the distance between the two is very close, otherwise Zhou Mei's unconscious leg would not be able to exert force.

"It's okay." Ye Wentian patted Zhou Mei's soft back lightly, and comforted him softly.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Zhou Mei felt relieved a lot, the crying gradually disappeared, and her body gradually became cold.

"No, I almost forgot that she was poisoned by the snake!" Ye Wentian sensed that something was wrong, and quickly put Zhou Mei in his arms.

At this moment, her complexion was pale, she didn't even have the strength to speak, and she looked at Ye Wentian with half-open eyes.

Ye Wentian leaned down and sucked out the poisonous blood from Zhou Mei's wound one by one. Seeing that the blood turned red, he stopped and used his original divine power to heal Zhou Mei.

Seeing that Zhou Mei's injury was getting better gradually, her complexion was gradually turning rosy, and the sound of a wolf howling came from a distance.

"Could it be that Wang Fang is in danger again?" Ye Wentian frowned, picked up Zhou Mei and flew away, came to the top of the tree and looked in Wang Fang's direction.

"I'm going, a pack of wolves dances together!"

Ye Wentian was in a hurry, and with a thought, he put away the big snake and hurried towards Wang Fang.

At this moment, Wang Fang was fighting with a ferocious wolf, and there were more than a dozen wolves rushing not far away.

Wang Fang took the wooden sword and slapped the ferocious wolf vigorously, but her strength was a little weak, so it didn't do much harm to the ferocious wolf.

"Wow~~" The ferocious wolf let out another long cry, and more than a dozen wolves around had already wrapped Wang Fang up.

Wang Fang was so frightened that she trembled, the wooden sword in her hand almost fell from it. Looking at a tree beside her, Wang Fang got a quick wit and dropped the wooden sword and climbed up the big tree.

The big tree had some branches which were easier for her to climb, but to her horror it was also easy for the wolf.

The ferocious wolf reacted aggressively. Seeing Wang Fang climbing towards the big tree, he jumped up and bit Wang Fang's ass.

"Ah~~" Wang Fang cried out in pain, her hands softened, and she fell down to the wound, and another burst of severe pain spread to the brain nerves.

"Wow~~" The ferocious wolf spat out his clothes and a small piece of meat, and looked at Wang Fang with bright eyes. A dozen other wolves also surrounded him, licking their tongues, as if preparing to enjoy a delicious meal.

"Ahem~~ It seems like you bastards are our dinner." Ye Wentian's voice came from behind them.

The leading wolf looked up at Ye Wentian, barked a few times in a low voice, and then six of them rushed towards Ye Wentian quickly.

"Since you're looking for death, I'll give you a ride first." With a thought in Ye Wentian's mind, six silver needles whizzed past, and then the six-headed wolves who were just about to jump fell to the ground, twitching non-stop. There was no breath in the room.

"Wow~~" The leading wolf realized that Ye Wentian was not to be trifled with, and quickly turned around to leave, but as soon as he took a step, not only it, but also the rest of the wolves fell to the ground. There was no sound.

Ye Wentian put Zhou Mei down and helped Wang Fang up, who knew that the branch on the ground just hit Wang Fang's wound, and she shed tears from the pain.

"Woo~~" Wang Fang sobbed softly, and wanted to stop her tears, but in front of Ye Wentian, she just wanted to cry, and wanted to cry out all the grievances she had suffered in the past few days.

"Okay, it's okay, everything is over." Ye Wentian whispered: "Come on, let's heal your injury first."

"Yeah." Wang Fang sobbed and nodded, but felt embarrassed again thinking of her own wound.

Seeing Wang Fang's pause, Ye Wentian also reacted. Seeing Wang Fang's blushing face, he didn't know what to do.

"God... Brother Tian, ​​my wound..." Wang Fang said in a low voice, turned around, and exposed her beautiful buttocks in front of Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian looked at the whiteness of the wound, his whole body was stunned, and he coughed dryly twice to cover up the embarrassment in his heart.

The ferocious wolf did not have any symptoms, and the bite was not a serious problem. Ye Wentian relieved Wang Fang's pain, applied some herbal medicine, and asked her to lie like this for a while.

"It's getting late, I'll make you some lunch first." Ye Wentian said, and with a thought, put away the dozen or so wild wolves.

Wang Fang and Zhou Mei were taken aback, but seeing that Ye Wentian didn't say anything, they obediently didn't ask any further questions.

Wang Fang originally caught some game, but when he was fighting with wild wolves, he dropped it and basically ran away, leaving only a fat rabbit.

Ye Wentian got everything ready and began to grill the delicious food skillfully. Soon, as soon as the spices were sprinkled, the mouth-watering delicious food was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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