Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 566 Something is missing

Chapter 566 Something is missing

Although Liu Zhaoyuan and Jiang Chengfeng used to be brothers, but after so many things, what Jiang Chengfeng did to him made him only hate Jiang Chengfeng and have no brotherhood. He will never show mercy to Jiang Chengfeng again .


There was a scream, and Ye Wentian covered Ye Xue's eyes. Ye Wentian didn't want Ye Xue to see such a scene where life would be worse than death.

In fact, what Ye Wentian didn't know was that the Ye Xue at this moment was no longer the former Ye Xue, and something happened to her that Ye Wentian could never have imagined.

How the roulette wheel of fate will turn, what kind of path the blood-related brothers and sisters will eventually take in this life, everything seems to have been arranged in the dark.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm an adult!" Ye Xue pouted, pushed Ye Wentian's hand away, and saw that Jiang Chengfeng had fainted to the ground.His ankle was bleeding, and so was one of his hands. She knew that Jiang Chengfeng only had one hand intact, and he might only be able to live with one hand for the rest of his life in the future.

Ye Xue didn't have much feeling in her eyes, she just ignored it, as if she was used to this kind of scene.

Ye Wentian felt a little puzzled, took a deep look at Ye Xue, and felt that Ye Xue had changed a lot, the only thing that remained the same was that she was too attached to him, this attachment was beyond brother and sister.

Ye Wentian didn't think much about it. In his opinion, as long as Ye Xue was the Ye Xue he knew before, it would be fine. After all, people have to grow up!

"Teacher Liu, did he arrest you because he wanted you to make alchemy?" Ye Wentian glanced at the medicinal materials and alchemy furnace on the ground, and stretched out his hand, a batch of medicinal materials jumped into his hands.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the medicinal material for refining the Xiantian Pill." Ye Wentian said.

"That's right." Liu Zhaoyuan nodded, and looked at Ye Wentian meaningfully: "Wentian, can you refine this pill?"

"This kind of elixir is not difficult." Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "Mr. Liu, can you give me the remaining medicinal materials?"

"Of course, you can even kill me now." Liu Zhaoyuan smiled.

"Ms. Liu, if I dare to kill you, Brother Hu won't fight me!" Ye Wentian laughed.

"Hehe~~" Liu Zhaoyuan smiled happily, and glanced at Hu Tiequan beside him. At this moment, he felt so happy.

"Teacher Liu, it's reciprocal, and I'll give you something too." Saying that, Ye Wentian flicked his fingers, and shot a pill at Liu Zhaoyuan.

Liu Zhaoyuan stretched out his hand to take it, and his eyes suddenly became bigger than a bull's.

"Extreme...Extreme Great Qi Gathering Pill!" Liu Zhaoyuan looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

The Killing God and Ye Xue beside him were also shocked. Although Ye Xue had taken the best Qi Gathering Pill before, it was before the change. Seeing it again at this moment, she felt a little excited.

"Brother, I want it too!" Ye Xue pouted, begging to grab Ye Wentian's arm.

"You are my younger sister, how can I miss you." Ye Wentian scratched Ye Xue's little Qiong's nose, and put a top-grade Qi Gathering Pill into Ye Xue's hand.

Ye Xue took it, and was as happy as a bunny.

"Brother, can you give me this alchemy furnace as well?" Ye Xue asked.

"If you want it, you have to ask Teacher Liu." Ye Wentian didn't ask much about Ye Xue's desire for an alchemy furnace. "Now it's Wentian who has the final say." Liu Zhaoyuan smiled slightly.

Ye Xue was overjoyed immediately, and looked at Ye Wentian charmingly. Ye Wentian handed the alchemy stove to Ye Xue, and Ye Xue immediately hugged it, as if holding a big baby. God is a little funny. "Brother Hu, go ahead." Ye Wentian gave Hu Tiequan a top-grade Qi Gathering Pill, and then gave him a Killing God.

"Thank you, son." Killing God was overjoyed. With this top-quality Great Qi Gathering Pill, with his talent, he could break through to the late stage of the heavenly level, and even break through to the peak of the late stage of the heavenly level soon.

"Ask the sky, I won't thank you." Hu Tiequan said with a smile.

"Didn't you already thank you?" Ye Wentian shook his head, and then said: "Brother Hu, your cultivation base is still too low, wait until you reach the prefecture-level realm before taking it."

Hu Tiequan nodded and put away the pill.

Liu Zhaoyuan knew that these peerless pills were probably made by Ye Wentian himself, but he didn't ask too much, just keep this kind of thing in mind.

A group of people left one after another, and Liu Zhaoyuan carried Jiang Chengfeng and threw them into the trash can in the Yanjing neighborhood.

Looking at Jiang Chengfeng who was still unconscious in the trash can, Ye Xue felt a little sick, and pulled Ye Wentian away quickly.

Knowing Hu Xiaoxiao's whereabouts, Liu Zhaoyuan and Hu Tiequan were relieved a lot.In the evening, Ye Wentian dragged Liu Zhaoyuan to stay at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's home.

In fact, Ye Wentian didn't even know that he had already regarded this place as his own home invisibly, completely like a master.

And Ye Wentian didn't know that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu had asked the most trusted lawyer to make a will, and the beneficiary was him. Although there was a part of Wang Ma, it was just a drop in the bucket compared to Ye Wentian.

"Wang Ma, you rest, I will help brother." Ye Xue looked at Wang Ma and said with a smile.

"You child!" Seeing Ye Xuetian's lively appearance, Wang Ma felt a little helpless, so she had no choice but to walk out of the kitchen.

Ye Wentian couldn't stop Ye Xue from coming to help. He knew that this girl wanted to spoil him, and she only wanted to get close to him all the time, but he didn't know that Ye Xue was like this at the moment, and there were other little girls. thought.

Soon, Ye Xue prepared all the prepared ingredients.

"Brother, teach me how to cook." Ye Xue hugged Ye Wentian's waist from behind, poking out her small head from Ye Wentian's armpit.

Ye Wentian couldn't stand it, after all, Ye Xue was a beautiful woman, feeling the softness behind her, she almost jumped up.

"I said Xueer, although I am your brother, after all, men and women can't tell each other, so keep a little distance." Ye Wentian felt dizzy for a while.

"Because you are my elder brother, I don't care what men and women can't understand. Besides, I'm going to stick to you like this for the rest of my life, and I won't marry you!" Ye Xue pouted and looked at Ye Wentian with a desperate expression. what you look like.

"Okay, I've convinced you, but don't you know how to cook?" Ye Wentian said speechlessly.

"But the ones I cook are not as delicious as yours." Ye Xue found a suitable reason.

"Actually, your cooking skills are not much worse than mine. The key is the spices." As he spoke, some powder suddenly appeared in Ye Wentian's palm, which was very fragrant and refreshing.

"Wow~~Brother, can you give me a little bit." Ye Xue stretched out her green fingers and gestured a little bit.

"You! I almost gave you my heart, liver and lungs." Ye Wentian was a little helpless, so he had to give Ye Xue a third of the few spices.

The meal that could have been prepared in only four to ten minutes took more than an hour this time.

After the dinner was ready, everyone gathered around the big table, talking and laughing, Ye Wentian suddenly felt that something was missing.

"My lord, the lady hasn't come back yet." Phantom whispered in Ye Wentian's ear.

Ye Wentian frowned: "Have you sent someone to investigate?"

"I have already sent people, but the battle was very fierce, they dare not approach, they only suddenly saw two afterimages flying away, and all the people from the three major organizations were dead, even the six who came The powerhouses of the second and third heavens of the innate level are all dead."

(End of this chapter)

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