Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 569 The Beauty of Adulthood

Chapter 569 The Beauty of Adulthood
"Huh~~ There is a sound, it seems to be all right!" The second elder was startled, slowly opened his eyes, and saw that Dongfang Ning was holding a sword and looking at him.

The two elders were puzzled, wondering if there was a person behind him.

But soon, a man appeared in front of several people, very young, about the same age as Dongfang Ning.

"Fortunately, we came in time!" Ye Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the second elder and the first elder, and then walked to Dongfang Ning's side.

"Ning'er." Ye Wentian touched Dongfang Ning's cheek with some distress.

"Why!" Dongfang Ning frowned slightly, and fell down. Ye Wentian saw the opportunity quickly, hugged Dongfang Ning, and used his skills to heal Dongfang Ning.

"Calm down!" Ye Wentian reminded.

Dongfang Ningxiu frowned slightly, and did not obey Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian was a little helpless, he knew that Dongfang Ning was really angry, and he didn't have time to explain to her now, so he forcefully healed Dongfang Ning.

The original divine power entered Dongfang Ning's body, and Dongfang Ning's injury instantly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was only time to eat a bowl of rice, and Dongfang Ning's complexion improved a lot.

Ye Wentian stopped, hugged Dongfang Ning, and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Why?" Dongfang Ning asked again.

"After all, they are members of the Yanhuang Warriors. You can't kill them, and they didn't do anything wrong, and you didn't do anything wrong." Ye Wentian said softly, and gently kissed Dongfang Ning's forehead.

"I'm so tired!" Dongfang Ning said softly, then closed her eyes.

Ye Wentian felt that Dongfang Ning was still very sad, because after she worked so hard, the man she loved actually helped others, even if it was justified, it made her feel very uncomfortable.

Ye Wentian sighed slightly, and pointed, Dongfang fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Wentian picked up Dongfang Ning and walked to the side of the second elder and the first elder, and glanced at the first elder's injury with his spiritual sense. Although it was serious, it was not fatal.

"You guys take care of yourself and don't bother us anymore, otherwise, there's no guarantee that I won't make a move next time." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he stepped on his feet and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"What a fast speed!" The second elder turned pale with shock, and his heart was extremely shocked.

"He should be Ye Wentian!" Due to the severe pain, the First Elder showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"It should be him." The elder nodded.

"It really is a young hero! Two perverts! Ahem~~"


Ye Wentian returned to the villa with Dongfang Ning in his arms. It was already eight o'clock in the evening. At this moment, Zhang Jing was sitting in the hall chatting with Yilan and the girls.

Seeing Ye Wentian coming back, everyone hurried over.

"What happened to Xiao Ning?" Zhang Jing asked.

"It's a long story, I'll explain it to you when I have time." Ye Wentian carried Dongfang Ning up to the second floor, Zhang Jing followed closely, Ye Xue was also going to go, but after thinking about it, he returned to the hall.

"Wen Tian, ​​Xiao Ning seems very sad!" Zhang Jing looked at Dong Fang Ning's expression and said softly.

"Women are really sensitive animals, you can see that!" Ye Wentian sighed inwardly, nodded without speaking.

"Wentian, I know Xiao Ning's feelings for you, why did you hurt her?" Zhang Jing looked at Ye Wentian with some puzzlement.

"Things are not what you think." Ye Wentian pulled Zhang Jing to sit at the foot of the bed together, and then told what happened earlier.

"So that's the case." Zhang Jing nodded, glanced at Dongfang Ning and said, "Xiao Ning will figure it out. Girls always hope that the man they love can protect her and love her, especially when they are in trouble. You are right to do that, Xiao Ning just let out her anger for a while, just wake up."

"You still know better." Ye Wentian lovingly raised Zhang Jing's chin, and kissed him lightly.

"Qiantian, do you have anything else to do?" Zhang Jing said.

"How do you know?" Ye Wentian was taken aback.

"If it's okay, you won't let me go easily." Zhang Jing said, her pretty face flushed.

"Sure enough, they are the parents who gave birth to me, and Jing'er who knows me!" Ye Wentian ruthlessly raged on Zhang Jing's mouth again.

"Help me take good care of Xiao Ning, I'll be back later, and then I will love you well!" Speaking of the last two words, Ye Wentian blinked viciously at Zhang Jing.

"Hmph~~" Zhang Jingqiao blushed, bit her delicate lips, and glared at Ye Wentian with her beautiful eyes.

Ye Wen went downstairs, and a crowd immediately surrounded him.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ning is fine, I'll go out first." Ye Wentian said.

"Brother, I'm going too!" Ye Xueli immediately came to grab Ye Wentian's arm.

"Would you like to follow me when I go to the bathroom." Ye Wentian was a little helpless.

"If you agree, brother, I don't mind." Ye Xue giggled.

"Well, you can stay here, or go home."

"No, I'll stay here!" Ye Xue immediately returned to sit on the sofa, blinking at Ye Wentian with her beautiful eyes.

"Wentian, my grandfather left first, and it's getting late, I'm going back." Hu Tiequan walked quickly to Ye Wentian and said.

Seeing Hu Tiequan, Ye Wentian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately made up his mind.

"Brother Hu, to be honest, do you have a sweetheart?" Ye Wentian asked.

"This..." Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Hu Tiequan seemed to be thinking about something, and his eyes suddenly became much gentler.

"Brother Hu, it looks like you have a sweetheart!" Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "I don't know what my sister-in-law looks like, do I know her?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just unrequited love. We're not even ordinary friends." Hu Tiequan shook his head.

"How did you know each other?" Ye Wentian asked curiously, and got into the car with Hu Tiequan.

"You know Wentian, Xianyun's." Hu Tiequan said indifferently.

"Xianyun's, let me guess, the number one beauty is Xiaoyu." Ye Wentian looked at Hu Tiequan, who shook his head wryly when he saw Hu Tiequan.

"You and the boss don't know each other clearly, how could I get in the way, not to mention that she doesn't like me." Hu Tiequan laughed.

Ye Wentian gave Hu Tiequan a hard look, and then said: "Sister Xiaoyu's secretary Lin Fei is also very beautiful, but it should be impossible for the two of you."

Hu Tiequan nodded in approval.

"In that case, the only ones I know well are the two front desk ladies and Liu Xin, by the way, Liu Xin!" Ye Wentian turned his head to look at Hu Tiequan, and sure enough, this guy was a little embarrassed.

Ye Wen was overjoyed, Hu Tiequan fell in love with Liu Xin without thinking, and fell into his arms.

"Brother Hu, as the old saying goes, a gentleman has the beauty of being an adult. I will create an opportunity for you tonight, brother. Don't say I didn't take care of you." Ye Wentian blinked at Hu Tiequan, which made Hu Tiequan feel baffled.

(End of this chapter)

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