Chapter 572

Li Huai'an screamed loudly and kept beating the burning flames on his body, but everything was in vain.

When Su Meiniang arrived, she only saw a cloud of sparks, which then disappeared into nothingness. There was no sign of Li Huai'an in the room.

"Ye... Mr. Ye, Li Huaian, are you there?" Su Meiniang looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"In the future, I hope that the two of us will not have any intersection again." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, the figure had disappeared without a trace.

Su Meiniang was stunned for a moment, her expression darkened, she walked into Li Huaian's bedroom and searched carefully, but she still couldn't find anyone. Thinking of the last gleam of fire she saw, Su Meiniang couldn't figure it out.


Back in the car, he took out his mobile phone. The call was from Hu Tiequan. This was the third time Hu Tiequan had called.

Thinking of Hong Yiyi's tragic death, Ye Wentian was in a bad mood, so he put the phone back and didn't answer it.

Back at the villa, Ye Wentian greeted the crowd, and then went upstairs.

Everyone was not very excited when they saw Ye Wentian. It was obvious that something had happened, but they didn't want to ask too much.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Ye Xue caught up with Ye Wentian, looking at him anxiously.

"It's nothing, go to bed early, I'm tired." Ye Wentian forced a smile and returned to the room.

Ye Xue stared blankly, a little at a loss.

Ye Wentian opened the door. Zhang Jing was practicing in a shirt and shorts. Her curvy figure was unmistakably prominent. When she heard the sound of the door opening, Zhang Jingxiu frowned, because she remembered that the door was locked. When he saw that it was Ye Wentian, he immediately felt relieved.

"Wentian, you are back." Zhang Jing got up and came to Ye Wentian's side.

"Yeah." Ye Wentian nodded, forced a smile, and pecked Zhang Jing's small mouth: "I'm going to take a bath."

Before Zhang Jing could say anything, Ye Wentian had already walked into the bathroom without even taking a change of clothes, but he had a lot of clothes in his Qiankun ring, so there was no need to worry.

Cold water poured down from the nozzle, dripping from the top of his head to his feet. Ye Wentian squeezed his eyes and quietly let the cold water drench like a puppet.

Zhang Jing watched quietly. Although she couldn't see the scene inside through the door, she could feel it.

After a little silence, Zhang Jing took off her clothes, revealing her beautiful jade body, opened the bathroom door, and walked in.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, then returned to the original state, raised his head, just to allow the cold water to drench more thoroughly.

Zhang Jing didn't say anything, but hugged Ye Wentian tightly from behind, and kissed Ye Wentian's shoulder with her delicate lips.

"Wentian, I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that if you vent your anger now, it will be much better." Saying that, Zhang Jing moved her hand to Xiao Wentian.

Ye Wentian's heart softened, the place was already furious, turned around, looked at Zhang Jing's pretty face, and pressed against each other tightly again.

"Jing'er, it's great to have you!" Ye Wentian was very moved.

"I'm your woman, this is my job." Zhang Jing hugged Ye Wentian tightly, somewhere she was challenging Ye Wentian's authority.

"Wentian, I want to be your woman tonight, I don't want to wait any longer." Zhang Jing looked at Ye Wentian seriously.


"No but." Zhang Jing covered Ye Wentian's mouth with her tender little hand, while the other hand had already begun to guide.

Seeing Zhang Jing's determination, Ye Wentian nodded.Following Zhang Jing's muffled snort, it indicated that Zhang Jing had bid farewell to Girls' Generation.

The two of them were having a heated conversation. Since they were both cultivators with strong physiques, coupled with the supply of Ye Wentian's original divine power, Zhang Jing not only gained happiness, but her own cultivation level also increased sharply. At the peak state of the late Xuan level, under Ye Wentian's final impact, Zhang Jing even stepped into the prefecture-level state that many people dream of.

Since Ye Wentian has been helping Zhang Jing improve his cultivation, he has not improved much himself.

Feeling the changes in her body, Zhang Jing was very moved, and she catered to Ye Wentian's love even more.

After a great battle, Zhang Jing couldn't take it anymore, and finally could only beg for mercy. Seeing Zhang Jing's obsequiousness, Ye Wentian smiled slightly, wiped himself clean, and embraced Zhang Jing on the bed.

Dongfang Ning was still in a coma, and Ye Wentian had set up a ban to isolate her from outside noises, so she couldn't hear Ye Wentian and Zhang Jing.

"Wentian, can you tell me what happened today?" Zhang Jing lay quietly in Ye Wentian's arms, his beautiful eyes blinking, very charming and cute.

Ye Wentian was silent, and Xu Shaocai said: "A friend of mine died. Although I helped her avenge her, what's the use of that?"

Zhang Jing didn't ask any more questions, but just kept comforting Ye Wentian.


The morning sun is soft, and when it shines on Liu Xin's peaceful and pretty face, it becomes even more dazzling.

Liu Xin opened her eyes, her whole body felt comfortable, as if she had had a good night's sleep, her whole body was full of vigor and energy.

Hu Tiequan, who was lying on the bed, sensed the movement of the person on the bed, raised his head, and the two looked at each other, Liu Xin immediately screamed loudly in shock.

"You... why are you here?" Liu Xin pulled the quilt tightly, moved to the corner of the wall, and looked around: "My God, where did he go?"

"Liu Xin, don't get excited, I didn't do anything." Seeing Liu Xin's reaction, Hu Tiequan sighed secretly, and then said: "Wentian left last night, he asked me to come here .”

"It's Wentian who asked you to come here!" Liu Xin's good mood just now sank to the bottom of the valley, looked at Hu Tiequan and said sadly: "You go."

"But, Liu Xin, you..." Hu Tiequan was a little worried.

"Get out!" Liu Xin was really heartbroken and couldn't help shouting.

"Okay, okay, I'll go out." Hu Tiequan felt a little bitter in his heart, and then walked out, but he didn't leave, and kept paying attention to the movement in the room.

Unwilling to give up, Liu Xin found a mobile phone and called Ye Wentian, but after calling again and again, Ye Wentian still didn't answer his call.

Then I just received a heartless text message from Ye Wentian.

"Sister Xin, I'm sorry, since it's a fruitless love, why bother to hurt yourself in this way. You are a good woman, if I get to know you earlier, maybe we can walk together, but you should know that in life, No if!
Brother Hu is a good person. In fact, he has always liked you. I am very relieved to have him by your side. He can make you happy and make you happy. I hope you can get together soon.Your eternal confidant - Ye Wentian! "

After reading the text message, Liu Xin was completely paralyzed, looking at the ceiling in despair, tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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