Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 575 House arrest

Chapter 575 House arrest
Ye Wentian stepped on the middle-aged man's stomach, followed by another cry of pain.

The stewardess standing on the side looked at Ye Wentian with some horror. She didn't expect the handsome young man in front of her to be so cruel.

"Beautiful sister, I don't understand. Could there be a future with this guy? I really don't understand you girls." Ye Wentian shook his head: "Forget it, you go."

"Thank you sir." Upon hearing Ye Wentian's words, the flight attendant immediately looked at the middle-aged man who was foaming at the mouth as if she had been pardoned, and ran out quickly.

Ye Wentian looked at the middle-aged man under his feet, and shook his head: "Ordinary people really don't need to be beaten, just play a few times casually."

Afterwards, Ye Wentian stuffed the middle-aged man into the toilet, made him drink a few mouthfuls of water in the toilet, knocked him out after he was fully conscious, and then locked the door of the toilet.

After Ye Wentian went to the toilet comfortably, he opened the door, and a woman was looking at him anxiously.

"Beautiful sister, you haven't left yet, what's wrong?" Ye Wentian was a little puzzled.

"Sir, how is he?" The stewardess pointed towards the toilet.

Ye Wentian knew what she meant, so he said: "I knocked him out, threw him into the toilet, and the door was locked. Don't worry, this guy won't wake up until it's time to get off the plane."

"That's good." The stewardess was a little relieved, but her eyebrows were still slightly frowned, and she looked at Ye Wentian and said worriedly: "Sir, after getting off the plane, you should leave New York as soon as possible, it is best to return, I can help you Immediately arrange a return flight."

"Why? Is this guy still a powerful person?" Ye Wentian wondered.

"That's right. In New York, he has a lot of contacts. You can't beat him, sir." The stewardess said.

"Who is he?" Ye Wentian became curious.

"Sir, I can't tell." The stewardess shook her head repeatedly.

"Okay, sister beauty, I won't embarrass you." After a pause, Ye Wentian continued: "Sister beauty, I don't think you have a bad heart, I wonder if you have thought about doing something else, such as Be a marketing manager or something."

"I thought about it too, but he was following him, and it was too difficult to escape." The stewardess shook her head.

"Meeting me may be a turning point in your life." Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "My name is Ye Wentian, you should have heard of Wentian Pharmaceutical's beautiful sister, right?"

"Ah~~ You are the president of Wentian Pharmaceutical!" The stewardess was startled, and looked at Ye Wentian carefully again: "No wonder I thought Mr. looked familiar before, it turned out to be you!"

"How about it? Do you want to go to the branch of Yanjing Wentian Pharmaceutical Industry? I believe the treatment will not be worse than if you stay here. If you do well, the annual salary of one million is not a problem. If you have the ability, the annual salary of tens of millions is also okay It is possible, and I assure you, the treatment will not be worse than your current one."

"President, is this... is this true?" The stewardess almost fainted from happiness, but she didn't expect that she would get a big chance by mistake.

"Is what I said false, don't worry, I have arranged experts to protect you there, no one will dare to attack you." Ye Wentian said.

"Yes." The stewardess nodded: "President, my name is Ye Xiaoyun. It's a great honor to meet the president. When I get off the plane, I will return to the company and report to the company immediately."

"Ye Xiaoyun. Hehe~~ It seems that we are still a family, no wonder we can meet here." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Ye Xiaoyun smiled even sweeter.

At this time, two bodyguards in black walked over.

"Miss Ye, where is the boss?" The two bodyguards showed strange expressions.

"Sister Yun, are the two of them under that dead pig?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Yeah." Ye Xiaoyun nodded.

"Boy, did you do something to our boss? If that's the case, you will only die!" one of the bodyguards said coldly.

"Really!" The corner of Ye Wentian's mouth showed a curve, and his figure flickered. Before the two bodyguards could react, their bodies were drooping like dead pigs, and Ye Wentian held them one by one.

"Ah~~" Ye Xiaoyun covered her small mouth tightly with both hands, her eyes opened wide, and she looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

"Okay, now just wait to get off the plane, and then prepare to return to my company." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"President, you..." Ye Xiaoyun looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

"Okay, don't be surprised, go do your own thing. Oh~~ By the way, order some noodles for me, I'm hungry." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay, okay." Ye Xiaoyun nodded and was ready to go immediately.

Ye Wentian also threw the two bodyguards in black into the toilet, and the three of them piled up together.

"It's done." Ye Wentian clapped his hands, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

After returning to her seat, Elisa looked at Ye Wentian with some doubts.

"I met a few guys who didn't have long eyes just now, so I taught them a lesson." Ye Wentian laughed.

Eliza nodded without saying anything.

Soon, the noodles cooked by Ye Xiaoyun herself arrived.

"President, your noodles." Ye Xiaoyun handed the noodles to Ye Wentian, glanced at the foreign woman beside Ye Wentian, was startled, and immediately fixed on a message in her mind, and that message happened to be inserted I took some pictures, and those pictures were all about the woman in front of me.

Elisa noticed Ye Xiaoyun's surprise, and nodded with a smile as a greeting. If it was someone else, Elisa would not lower her posture like this.

Ye Xiaoyun was very excited. She didn't expect the legendary world's number one strong woman to greet her. What made her even more excited was that it seemed that this strong woman had an unusual relationship with her president.

With this relationship, Ye Xiaoyun will be less afraid of that middle-aged man again.

"Well, the taste is good. It seems that Sister Yun is a good woman who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen." Ye Wentian gave a thumbs up.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Ye Xiaoyun's expression darkened, and she smiled forcedly. She no longer felt that she was a good woman.


In New York City, a certain bedroom in a large mansion in the suburbs.

At this moment, a tall man in a white suit was sitting at a small table, gently shaking the wine in his glass.

"Xiaoyu, you can't think of it, Lin Fei is the person I deliberately placed next to you. She has done a good job, gained your trust, and tricked you over." Feng Shaofeng took a sip of the wine in the glass, with a full face Looking proudly at the beautiful woman whose hands and feet are chained.

This woman is none other than Xuanyuan Xiaoyu who came to New York.

"Hmph~~" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu snorted coldly. In fact, she already knew that this was a scam, but she still came.She had already made two plans, either to be rescued by Ye Wentian, or to die.

(End of this chapter)

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