Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 592 Shaking Again

Chapter 592 Shaking Again

Feng De spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole face was extremely pale, and was quickly caught by Charlie De.

"Young Master Ye, you are so ruthless!" Charlie Elena looked at Ye Wentian coldly, wishing she could eat Ye Wentian.

"I'm ruthless! Hmph~~ Yes, I will never show mercy to my enemies. You have committed so many evils that you should have been punished long ago." Ye Wentian said coldly.

"It seems that our Charlie family is doomed to decline." Charlie secretly hated him. He was a wise man, but he didn't expect to fall down in his old age.

"I didn't see you crying bitterly. Hurry up and do it. Otherwise, I will personally send them to hell." Ye Wentian glanced at those who came around.

Ye Wentian's gaze was like an extremely sharp blade, and after a glance, everyone felt that their whole bodies were half cold.

"You are too deceitful!" Charlie Elena looked at Ye Wentian bitterly, her lower lip was bitten with blood.

"It's you who bully people too much." Ye Wentian glanced at the guy secretly holding a rocket launcher ready to launch, and slapped him hard.



Ye Wentian's powerful palm shot the man directly into the soil, and the rocket launcher was changed direction, blasting towards those Charlie family members.


There were screams one after another, and the flames shot up into the sky. Just this cannonball killed more than a dozen people in the Charlie family and injured more than [-] people.

"All retreat!" Charlie frowned, how could they be able to sneak attack such a strong man.

After receiving the order, those subordinates immediately fled crazily, not even daring to look at Ye Wentian's eyes again.

"It's a waste of my time if you don't do it yet, it seems that I have to do it again." Ye Wentian said reluctantly.

"Stop!" Charlie De looked at Ye Wentian, gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at Charlie Elena and said, "Daughter, you and De'er will be ordinary people from now on, Charlie family, there is no hope!"

"I hope you keep your promise!"

Charlie looked at Ye Wentian again, closed his eyes, clenched his fists tightly, his heart was cut off with a jolt of movement, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the ground slumped.

"Dad! No~~" Charlie Elena cried bitterly while hugging Charlie's dead body, almost heartbroken.

Her husband died, one of her sons died, her other martial arts was abolished, and now her father also committed suicide. All of a sudden, she felt as if the sky had fallen.

"I didn't watch you cry, you should do it too." Ye Wentian said coldly.

" are a devil!" Charlie Elena gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Wentian.

"I'm a devil, huh~~ Yes, I'm a devil who punishes devils. Do it, otherwise, I will make your son's life worse than death!" Ye Wentian said without mercy.

Charlie Elena's heart was ashamed, and she slapped her dantian with a palm. With a muffled sound, the whole person suddenly fell to the ground like a deflated ball.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei clenched her little hands tightly. Although her heart was a little touched, her mind was completely filled with hatred when she thought of what they had done to her.

"Let's go." Ye Wentian led Lin Fei to the Charlie family's garage.

"My God, where are we going next?" Lin Fei asked.

"Go and get rid of Jason." Ye Wentian said.

Lin Fei nodded, Ye Wentian started the car, and quickly rushed out of the Charlie family. The subordinates of the Charlie family saw someone taking advantage of the fire and wanted to stop them, but when they saw it was Ye Wentian, they immediately acted like a mouse seeing a cat , run as far as you can.

As soon as Ye Wentian and Lin Fei left, the news that the head of the Charlie family was killed immediately flew to the ears of several major forces in New York City as if they had grown wings.

In the hall of the Dulong organization, the just-disbanded meeting brought everyone together again.

"I just got the news that that old guy Charlie was killed by Ye Wentian." Howard glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.

"What!" Everyone was taken aback.

"Charlie was killed!"

"Charlie is the same character as you, the leader!" Lamb looked at Howard in disbelief.

Howard took a deep look at Lamb, and then said: "Show you a video, and you will understand."

Soon, a video was played. Although the picture was slightly blurred and there was no sound, everything that Ye Wentian did in the Charlie family caught everyone's eyes.

Especially the destructive power caused by Ye Wentian's casual blow deeply shocked everyone.

"So strong!" Lamb and the others gasped.

"How can you be so perverted? It is said that Ye Wentian is only this year!" said one person.

"That's right, he's so perverted. In a short time, I'm afraid he will become a legendary figure!" Lamb nodded approvingly.

"Boss, if Ye Wentian comes to trouble us, I'm afraid we will all suffer." Everyone looked at Howard worriedly.

"That's right, if Ye Wentian comes to trouble us, we won't be able to escape." Howard's brows were almost frowning.

Hearing Howard's words, everyone fell into a brief silence.

"Now, there is another way." Lamb said suddenly.

"What way?" Howard asked quickly.

"Be the first to act!" Lamb solemnly transmitted to Howard.

Howard's expression froze, and he said via voice transmission: "You mean to hire a killer?"

"That's right, only in this way can we protect ourselves and get rid of Ye Wentian." Lamb continued to transmit voice.

"Lamb stay, the others go first." Howard looked at the crowd and said.

Although the others were curious about what Lamb said to Howard, they didn't want to ask too much. They didn't dare to say more about such a sensitive matter.

"Judging from the screen, Ye Wentian's strength is at least that of the innate third-layer late stage, or even stronger. Which killer organization's killers are so perverted?" Howard looked at Lamb suspiciously.

"Only the number one killer organization can do it," Lamb said.

"Do you know the number one killer?" Howard asked.

"Well, I have contacted it once. This killer organization is called Hei Prison, which means the prison of the night. As long as they take action, there is no task that cannot be completed." Lamb said.

"Okay, if that's the case, you should contact the black prisoner immediately, and you must get rid of Ye Wentian!" Howard said coldly.

"But the asking price for black prisoners is very high," Lamb said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can kill Ye Wentian, it doesn't matter how much it costs." Howard said immediately.

Lamb nodded, and sent someone to send over a computer. After inputting a series of things, the screen was adjusted.

Lamb communicated with the people in the black prison organization for a while, and when he learned that he was killing Ye Wentian, the person immediately turned off the video screen.

(End of this chapter)

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