Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 602 The Hero Who Fell From the Sky

Chapter 602 The Hero Who Fell From the Sky

"Qingqing, the two of us made a fool of ourselves." Xiaomao scratched his head embarrassingly.

"It's all your fault." Qingqing glared at Xiaomao bitterly.

"I... I didn't know it would be like this." Xiao Mao said weakly.

The big man plugged in the TV again, Xiaomao and Qingqing did not kneel down again.

The three big men fell asleep one after the other, but Xiao Mao and Qing Qing were still watching TV with relish, especially watching the gods on TV with their all-powerful skills, the two little guys were fascinated for a while.

"Qingqing, do you think we will be so powerful in the future?" Xiao Mao said.

"We will definitely be stronger than them." Qingqing said seriously, clenched her fists.

"Yeah." Xiaomao nodded.

Soon, after ten o'clock, the immortal blockbuster was gone, and another martial arts drama was replaced.

Although the people in martial arts dramas do not have that kind of exaggerated strength, they are indeed very skilled, especially those incredible movements. It is impossible for any actors to complete such movements without special skills or the help of foreign objects, but those fighting Skills are undoubtedly of great help to Xiaomao and Qingqing.

"These fighting skills are really good." Xiaomao jumped up from the bed like a carp, imitating the martial arts masters on TV, constantly dancing his fists and feet.

Not to be outdone, Qingqing practiced quickly.

The two little guys are little perverts among cultivators, and their memory is super strong. The people on the TV only practiced it once, and the two little guys were able to fully display it, and they became more and more handy.

"Qingqing, why don't you two have a sparring session?" Xiao Mao couldn't help but suggest in his excitement.

"Okay, let's see how I beat you." Qingqing nodded, and immediately punched Xiaomao.

"Qingqing, why did you do it!" Xiao Mao was startled and reacted quickly.

"Didn't you see that soldiers never tire of cheating." Qingqing said proudly, applying what she learned.

"Okay, look at me." Xiaomao nodded, swayed his body, avoided Qingqing's punch, and kicked Qingqing's calf at the same time.

Qingqing stepped hard, jumped up quickly, and punched Xiao Mao on the shoulder.

Xiaomao reacted quickly, shortened his body, put one hand on the bed, and kicked towards Qingqing's fist with the other.


With a muffled sound, the two little guys separated again.

Xiao Mao didn't attack again, Qingqing landed on the bed steadily.

The three big men who were sleeping were awakened by the sound of punching and kicking by Xiaomao and Qingqing, and they stared dumbfounded at the two figures on the bed by the window.

The series of shadows kept flickering, and sometimes they couldn't even see the shadows. The three big men were completely stunned.

Although they couldn't see it clearly, it was undoubtedly a rare experience for them to be able to actually see the two great gods duel, even if they had the capital to brag in front of people.

"Qingqing, you learn so fast." Xiao Mao praised.

"Of course." Qingqing tilted her head proudly, but when she saw Xiaomao with a silly smile, she continued, "You're not bad, you're on par with me."

The two little guys were discussing the martial arts just now, when a voice from downstairs came into their ears.


A loud slap sounded in the silent midnight.

The voice was still hundreds of meters away from Qingqing and Xiaomao, but both of them were masters at the early stage of the heavenly level, and they just stopped talking just now, so they happened to hear it.

The two little guys came to the bed, looked together, and happened to see a few figures, five men and three women.

"Qingqing, it's those three older sisters." Xiao Mao said quickly.

"What's going on?" Qingqing asked suspiciously.

"Those people look like bad guys, Qingqing, shall we save those three sisters?" Xiao Mao asked.

"Let's have a look first before we talk." Qingqing said after a while.


"This month will end tonight, it seems that the three of you haven't completed your task yet." The leading man said coldly.

"Brother Long, we have tried our best, please let us go." The three women quickly knelt down and begged the man.

"Let you go, hum~~ You didn't complete the task, and you still want us to let you go, do you three think it's possible?" said the man named Long Ge.

"Brother Long, you asked us to earn 100 million a month, but how can we make it with so much money." The woman in the lead cried.

"Impossible to complete, hum~~ Impossible to complete, then help me make money forever, and I have already said enough, this does not help us complete the task, hum~~ You three have to take good care of us brothers." Called Long Brother's man raised the pretty face of the leading woman.

"Tsk tsk~~ I have to say, the three of you are really pretty. If you weren't played by so many men, I really want to use you once a day." The young man named Long Ge licked his tongue.

"Brother Long, don't do this." Hearing what Brother Long said, the three women were taken aback. Brother Long's subordinates were not limited to these four youths, and there were ten or twenty other subordinates staying in other positions.

If they are insulted by so many people, it is difficult for them to keep hope of seeing the sun tomorrow.

"Don't do this, it's fine." The young man named Long Ge smiled wickedly.

"Thank you Brother Long for your kindness, thank you Brother Long for your kindness." The three women quickly kowtowed their heads in thanks.

"It's a pity, what I say doesn't count." Brother Long whistled, turned his head and looked at the people behind him and said, "What do you mean?"

"Brother Long, I've long wanted to fuck these three twists." One of the young men said wretchedly.

"Hehe~~Brother Long, I have been coveting these three girls for a long time. If it wasn't for your order, I would have brought them three closer to my concubine." Another young man licked his tongue, drooling It's about to flow out.

The other two youths also quickly agreed, saying that they must get these three women.

"I'm sorry, it seems that you belong to them." Brother Long said helplessly.

"Brother Long, don't!" The faces of the three women paled.

"What are you still doing, take it away." The young man named Long Ge said loudly.

"do not want!"

The three women turned around and were about to run away, but they were able to escape, but within a few seconds, they were grabbed by four gangsters and wiped the oil in their arms.

The three women were desperate. They knew that Brother Long's power was huge, and the entire G City was already owned by the Tiger Head Gang.

They fantasized that a hero could descend from the sky and rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering, but the chances of this happening were so small, even equal to zero.

However, just when they were desperate, two figures actually descended from the sky.

When they got close, two figures stopped in front of them, and their faces were vividly displayed in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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